Tenements and Titles - LexisNexis

Tenements and Titles - LexisNexis

Tenements and Titles - LexisNexis


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[132,210] ENERGY AND RESOURCES LAWore, unless expressly authorised) <strong>and</strong> dispose of them, take <strong>and</strong> divert water subject to therights in Water <strong>and</strong> Irrigation Act 1914 (WA), <strong>and</strong> do all things necessary to effectivelycarry out mining operations in, on or under the l<strong>and</strong>. Note, that further approvals aregenerally required before production of minerals may start, including approvals in respectof environmental impact.Special purpose leaseA SPL is for purposes directly connected with mining operations such as operatingmachinery, depositing or treating tailings or for prescribed purposes.General purpose lease (GPL)A GPL entitles its holder, <strong>and</strong> their agents <strong>and</strong> employees, to the exclusive occupationof the l<strong>and</strong> for one or more permitted purposes. These include erecting, placing <strong>and</strong>operating machinery in connection with mining operations, depositing or treating ofminerals or tailings <strong>and</strong> use of l<strong>and</strong> for any other specified purpose directly connectedwith mining operations.St<strong>and</strong>ard conditions include the requirement to pay rent, to use the l<strong>and</strong> only for thespecified purpose, to lodge periodical reports <strong>and</strong> to report any significant discovery ofminerals.An application for a GPL is determined in the same manner as for a mininglicence(ML).Miscellaneous licenceA miscellaneous licence is for purposes such as a road, pipeline, water, as prescribed inthe regulations.[132,410] Queensl<strong>and</strong>Common rights <strong>and</strong> obligationsEach tenement requires its holders to:• carry out improvement restoration to the tenement area (<strong>and</strong> if necessary, removeall equipment <strong>and</strong> plant on the l<strong>and</strong> the subject of a tenement;• (if required) pay royalty, rent, security;• use the l<strong>and</strong> for the purpose for which the tenement was granted in accordancewith the conditions of the tenement <strong>and</strong> the MRA;• lodge reports <strong>and</strong> give all information (as required).Prospecting Permit (PP)A PP entitles the holder to prospect for <strong>and</strong>/or h<strong>and</strong>-mine for minerals (excluding coal)<strong>and</strong>/or peg a mining lease or mining claim on the available l<strong>and</strong> specified.There are two types of prospecting permits:• a parcel prospecting permit can be granted for a particular parcel for a term of3 months;• a district prospecting permit:— can be granted for all available l<strong>and</strong> within a mining district for a term of1–12 months;— is subject to the holder obtaining the written consent of the l<strong>and</strong> owner foraccess to occupied l<strong>and</strong>.In addition to the common conditions described above:Service 0 130,110 <strong>LexisNexis</strong>Job: research/erl/allvols/serv_0/chapter_5_262680Page: 16 Date: 11/8/2011 Time: 15:30:3bwpageid:: 130110::bwservice::0::

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