And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter

And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter

And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter


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The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | November 22, 2008 17CommunityGuroian speaks on being American in the <strong>Armenian</strong> churchby Ovsanna MooradianWATERVLIET, N.Y. – Manyestablished <strong>Armenian</strong> churches inAmerica <strong>are</strong> losing strength eventhough new churches <strong>are</strong> beingbuilt, observed University of VirginiaOrthodox theologian VigenGuroian in a Nov. 9 lecture co-hostedby St. Peter <strong>Armenian</strong> Church ofWatervliet and Holy Cross <strong>Armenian</strong>Church of Troy.Although one can preserveheritage, preservation cannot beguaranteed, said Prof. Guroian, a<strong>for</strong>mer director of St. Nersess <strong>Armenian</strong>Seminary. Eventually, he added,all the ethnic churches will integrate.In his lecture, “Being Americanin the <strong>Armenian</strong> Church: Mission& Renewal,” Prof. Guroian notedthat Will Herberg, who wrote“Protestant – Catholic – Jew,” andArchbishop Tiran Nersoyan, tracedthe changes that took place in thechurch among immigrants andtheir descendants. The immigrantchurch cannot continue just fromthe arrival of new immigrants, hesaid. Intermarriage is taking place,and local leaders must be raised up.To <strong>Armenian</strong>s who live in an <strong>are</strong>athat lacks an <strong>Armenian</strong> church,Prof. Guroian recommended attendingsister churches, such as theCoptic church. He also suggestedthat <strong>Armenian</strong>s become involvedin the religious life of America andmeet with other Christian clergy.A discussion and booksigningfollo<strong>we</strong>d the lecture in the St. PeterChurch Gdanian Auditorium. Prof.Guroian is the author of Ethicsafter Christendom, Life’s Living TowardDying, Inheriting Paradise, andFaith, Church, Mission, among otherworks. Luncheon was providedby the St. Peter Women’s Guild andthe Holy Cross Ladies Guild. Prof. Vigen Guroian.agbu Toronto exhibit of art by Alexander Saroukhan, HagopHagopian, and <strong>Armenian</strong>-Canadian artistsTORONTO – From October 31to November 2, 2008, agbu Torontoorganized an art exhibitionat the agbu Alex Manoogian CulturalCentre in honor of Egyptian-<strong>Armenian</strong>artist AlexanderSaroukhan, who is widely consideredthe leading caricaturist of20th-century <strong>Armenian</strong> life. Alsoincluded in the exhibition <strong>we</strong>reart works by Hagop Hagopian ofArmenia and local <strong>Armenian</strong> Canadianartists.On <strong>this</strong> occasion, Edmond Azadianwas invited from Southfield,Michigan to speak about the lifeand work of Saroukhan. He alsospoke about the work of Hagopianas one of the leading contemporary<strong>Armenian</strong> painters. Azadianintroduced both artists to thecrowd and sh<strong>are</strong>d his personal experienceswith them while he wasthe editor of “Arev” (Sun) dailynewspaper in Cairo, Egypt. BothSaroukhan and Hagopian originallyhail from Egypt, while Hagopianrepatriated to Armenia during theSoviet period.Other participating artists <strong>we</strong>reNatalie Avanessian, Oleg Danilyants,Shushanik Danilyants, SilvaDjarahyan, Nina Dmitrieva, SeyranGasbarian, Marine Hakopyan, TamaraHarutyunyan, Hari Ketenjian,Jack Koca, Harout Mardirossian,Tatiyana Menjolian Newyniak andAlina Sahakian.Spiritual music festival took place in ProvidenceEdmond Azadianspeaks about thelife and workof AlexanderSaroukhanduring a specialevent thathonored theartist at agbuToronto.PROVIDENCE, R.I. – The recentlyrenovated sanctuary ofSts. Sahag and Mesrob <strong>Armenian</strong>Church was filled to capacity aschoirs and faithful of Rhode Island’sOriental and Eastern OrthodoxChurches congregated <strong>for</strong>an exceptionally uplifting spiritualmusical experience on the eveningof Sunday, October 26.The concert was co-sponsored bythe Rhode Island Orthodox ClergyFellowship and the Cultural Committeeof Sts. Sahag and Mesrob<strong>Armenian</strong> Church. The parish’sWomen’s Guild provided a generoustable of hospitality <strong>for</strong> themany guests gathered in the EgavianCultural Hall after the program.Each of the church choirs wasinvited to present selections fromtheir unique liturgical music traditions.Besides <strong>Armenian</strong>, thosepresent had the opportunity tohear hymns sung in Greek, English,Coptic as <strong>we</strong>ll as Aramaic, theancient tongue spoken by the LordJesus.Choirs from eight parishes participated:Annunciation Greek Orthodox(Cranston), St. EphraimSyrian Orthodox (Central Falls),Assumption of the Virgin MaryGreek Orthodox (Pawtucket), HolyDormition Orthodox (Cumberland),St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox(Pawtucket), Sts. Vartanantz<strong>Armenian</strong> Apostolic (Providence),Sts. Mary and Mena Coptic (Cranston),and Sts. Sahag and Mesrob<strong>Armenian</strong> Apostolic - Jr. and Sr.choirs - (Providence).The vice-president of the RI OrthodoxClergy Fellowship, Fr. Dr.George Economou warmly <strong>we</strong>lcomedthe choirs and guests tothe concert. Each choir and itsrepertoire <strong>we</strong>re introduced eitherby their priest or choir director.The wide spectrum of genres includedchants of Holy Week, theDivine Liturgy, Exaltation of theHoly Cross, Feast of St. Demetrios,Holy Mother of God, Annunciation,Communion Hymn and music ofTheophany. The faithful audiencewas treated to an impressive varietyof sacred music styles rangingfrom recitative Slavonic to melismaticSyriac melodies.Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church’spastor, Father Simeon Odabashian,offered a few closing remarks andthe benediction. Just prior to thebenediction, the choirs of Sts. Sahagand Mesrob Church and Sts.Vartanantz Church joined togetherin a most inspiring rendering of M.University of Michigan unveils archive of Hunchakian leaderEkmalian’s “Hayr Mer,” a setting ofthe Lord’s Prayer, directed by ArchdeaconSouren Mouradjian.The evening’s event was mostably coordinated by Maestro KonstantinPetrossian, parish culturaland music director, and earnedthe unanimous admiration of theapproximately 300 in attendance.Two years ago Sts. Sahag and Mesrob<strong>Armenian</strong> Church had theprivilege of hosting a similar event.Based on the positive spirit evidentat <strong>this</strong> last concert, the parish eagerlylooks <strong>for</strong>ward to again <strong>we</strong>lcomebrothers and sisters of theEastern Christian churches.. ANN ARBOR, Mich. – At aspecial event October 31, the <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies Program and SpecialCollections of the Universityof Michigan unveiled the archiveof Hamparzoum Arzoumanian, aleader of the Hnchakian Party from1891 to 1909.The Arzoumanian Archive, consistingof some 1200 pages of partyrelated and personal correspondence,Hnchakian Center circularsand related materials, mostly in<strong>Armenian</strong>, had been donated tothe University of Michigan by thegranddaughter of the Hnchakianleader, Mrs. Marguerite Harms,and the Arzoumanian family,some time ago. The archive wasorganized and documents classifiedrecently.Hamparzoum Arzoumanianwas born in historic Gantzak; hestarted his political activities inTabriz, Iran, as a field worker <strong>for</strong>the party and continued as organizer,propagandist and ideologuein Russia, Europe, and the UnitedStates until his death in New Yorkin 1909, where his life ended at age43 as a factory worker. His archivespreads light on a variety of issues,including the battles withinthe Hnchakian Party, the organizationof chapters in places like Baku,Novorossisk and cities in the U.S.Throughout his life he remaineda staunch believer in socialismand its relevance to the <strong>Armenian</strong>struggle <strong>for</strong> liberation. Throughou<strong>this</strong> c<strong>are</strong>er Arzoumanian had thefull support of his wife Sona.More than 60 faculty members,students, administrators andmembers of the family participatedin the presentation of the archives.Fifteen grandchildren and their offspringhad traveled to Ann Arborfrom Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Pennsylvania andother states to attend the eventand learn about the Arzoumanians.Ms. Marg<strong>are</strong>t McKinley, Directorof Development of the UniversityLibraries opened the eveningwith remarks on the value of specialcollections and archives. Ms.Peggy Daub, Director of SpecialCollections discussed the placeof the Arzoumanian Archive inthe Special Collections. HistorianDr. Nora Nercessian, specialconsultant <strong>for</strong> the project andorganizer of the ArzoumanianArchive, presented the life of theArzoumanians and the contentsof the archive, while Prof. GerardLibaridian, Director of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies Program, assessedthe value of the archive <strong>for</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong>and regional history.The Arzoumanian Archive is currentlybeing digitized and placed onthe <strong>we</strong>bsite of the University SpecialCollections gradually. In<strong>for</strong>mationregarding the Arzoumanian papersand the documents themselvescan be accessed on the <strong>we</strong>b (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/f/findaid/Let us know what’s on your mind.Write to us atletters@reporter.amfindaid-idx?c=sclead&idno=umichscl-arzoumanian)or through theUniversity Special Collections (History)and <strong>Armenian</strong> Studies Program<strong>we</strong>bsites; the archive is alsoopen to researchers who wish to accessthem at the Special Collections.“One reason <strong>we</strong> wanted to organize<strong>this</strong> event and present theArzoumanian Archive is to encourageothers to preserve familypapers and prod organizations toopen their archives to researchers,”stated Prof. Libaridian. “The <strong>Armenian</strong>Studies Program and theSpecial Collections at the Universityof Michigan <strong>are</strong> ready to assistin achieving these goals, includingreceiving papers, organizingthem and making them availableto researchers in a safe and professionalenvironment.” connect:(734) 763-0622gcaudill@umich.eduLooking <strong>for</strong> the best and the brightest?Help Wanted with the <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong>classifieds@reporter.am 818-955-8407Need cash be<strong>for</strong>e the holidays?Sell your stuff with the <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong>classifieds@reporter.am818-955-8407

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