And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter

And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter

And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter


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12 The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | November 22, 2008CommunityA deacon becomes a priest in an historicHoly <strong>Armenian</strong>treasure in Saidabadwas once abandonedby Paul ChaderjianSAIDABAD, India – The Service ofCalling ceremony <strong>for</strong> Deacon HarutyunHambardzumyan, who wasordained by Catholicos K<strong>are</strong>kin IIas Father Avedis on Saturday, November15, took place a day be<strong>for</strong>eat the Holy Virgin Mary Church inSaidabad.The Saidabad church sits on 12acres of land in a remote suburbof the city of Hyderabad, where no<strong>Armenian</strong> lives. It was once abandonedand a <strong>for</strong>mer chairperson ofthe <strong>Armenian</strong> Community Councilof India wanted to give it away untilthe community and the <strong>Armenian</strong>Church intervened.“The Saidabad church is hoursand hours away from Kolkata,” saidpastor of the <strong>Armenian</strong> Church inIndia, Very Rev. Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian.“But after you come here,you receive a spiritual fulfillment.”Fr. Gulgulian then quoted poetVahan Tekeyan’s, “the <strong>Armenian</strong>Church is the birthplace of my soul,”to explain the spiritual renewal pilgrimsexperience when they reachthe Holy Virgin Mary Church, itspristine grounds, chapel, and twolakes.K<strong>are</strong>kin II, who officiated at theservice, bishops and archbishopswith a 26-member choir in tow,and more pilgrims from aroundthe world journeyed to Saidabadon Friday, November 14, to participatein the Service of Callingceremony.“When you see an <strong>Armenian</strong>church, <strong>Armenian</strong> graves, you feela sense of spirituality, a sense ofbelonging as an <strong>Armenian</strong>. You feelso proud,” said Fr. Gulgulian.The pastor also said that wherever<strong>Armenian</strong>s go, they build a churchand a school, and even though there<strong>are</strong> no <strong>Armenian</strong>s in Saidabad, the<strong>Armenian</strong> church still stands.“When you look at the dates,1780, 1760, you realize that our ancestorscame all the way to Indiaand settled in Mushidabad,” said Fr.Gulgulian. “They built a church thatstill stands. This tells you who <strong>we</strong><strong>are</strong> as a nation, as a people.”Saidabad is some 150 milesnorth of Kolkata. Reaching itentails a seven-hour bus ridethrough a two-lane street. Thecongested, narrow roads <strong>are</strong> fullof potholes and patches of dirtbreaking up the asphalt. Randomtrucks <strong>are</strong> parked at randompoints in the middle of route.Cows and bullock carts sh<strong>are</strong> theroad with stray dogs, bicycle rickshaws,and pedestrians.“As the pastor of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Church in India, I try to do my bestto come here once or twice a year tocelebrate the Divine Liturgy and tohave a service, requiem, and mass,”said Fr. Gulgulian. “I love cominghere. Deacon Harutyun and I come,and <strong>we</strong> spend time here, and sometimeshear our <strong>for</strong>efathers talkingto us. We hear their voices, becausethey <strong>are</strong> also happy that <strong>we</strong> haven’tabandoned them, and that <strong>we</strong> <strong>are</strong>praying <strong>for</strong> them, and <strong>are</strong> proud ofthem.”The Mogul emperor gave <strong>Armenian</strong>sa parcel of land here in 1665,and a successful <strong>Armenian</strong> merchantbuilt the Holy Virgin MaryChurch when <strong>Armenian</strong>s lived inthe <strong>are</strong>a when it was near the capitalof Bengal (see <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong>,November 15).Holy Virgin Mary Church in Saidabad.The Aivazian family, Lucy, <strong>And</strong>re, Michael (back) and Michael, Dante, Helena Cray,Lucy and Peter Aivazian in Saidabad. Photos: Tamar Kevonian.Service of Calling“Vehapar chose Saidabad <strong>for</strong> <strong>this</strong>service in commemoration of the300th anniversary of the establishmentof the Holy Naz<strong>are</strong>thChurch of Kolkata,” said Rev. Fr.Ktrij Devejian, official interpreter<strong>for</strong> the Catholicos and<strong>for</strong>eign press secretary at Etchmiadzin.“It was also chosen inrecognition of the fact that DeaconHarutyun served here so selflesslyand with such great energyand vigor.”Fr. Devejian said an ordination ofan <strong>Armenian</strong> priest may not havetaken place in India <strong>for</strong> more thana century, and the ordination servicesin Saidabad <strong>are</strong> now part ofthe continuation of the making ofhistory <strong>for</strong> the Indian-<strong>Armenian</strong>community.“His Holiness wanted to make ita special event in the life of the Indian-<strong>Armenian</strong>community as <strong>we</strong>llas a special event in the life of DeaconHarutyun and his family,” saidFr. Devejian. “So, the decision wasMichael Aivazian of Southern Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, great grandson of the c<strong>are</strong>taker of theHoly Virgin Mary Church in Saidabad, places earth from his great grandfather’sgrave in Tangra on the grave of his great grandmother, Mary Carapetian at thechurch.made to select an <strong>Armenian</strong> churchthat was created on the land of Indiacenturies ago to show that thecontinuity remained, that there isstill life <strong>for</strong> <strong>Armenian</strong>s in India andan ordination in <strong>this</strong> church.”As the Service of Calling ceremonytook place inside the Holy VirginMary Church, the pontiff asked thebishops around him who was sponsoringDeacon Harutyun into thepriesthood.The Catholicos then askedwhether the Deacon was joiningthe priesthood under duress or underobligation, and whether anyonehad <strong>for</strong>ced him to come.Having determined that DeaconHarutyun was at the service out ofhis own free will, K<strong>are</strong>kin II askedthe bishops and archbishops presentwhether the deacon had truefaith.The Catholicos asked Deacon Harutyun’ssponsors whether the deaconhad acquired the knowledgeneeded by a priest, knew the testaments,the writings of the ChurchFathers, patristics – the study ofearly Christian writers – and theology.“When the ans<strong>we</strong>rs <strong>are</strong> in the affirmative,”said Fr. Devejian, “thenthe question is asked, ‘Does he havethe moral standing, does he havethe moral character to be a priest?’”Knowledge is important, Fr. Devejiantold the <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong>,“but he also has to have the moral<strong>for</strong>titude to withstand the rigorsof service. The ans<strong>we</strong>r was againgiven in the affirmative.”Since Deacon Harutyun is married,the Catholicos asked his wifewhether she was willing that he becomea priest.After hearing the affirmative ans<strong>we</strong>r,and after all in the church hadattested to the deacon’s abilities, hisknowledge, and his moral standing,the Catholicos asked the deacon directlywhether he had faith.Once all the ans<strong>we</strong>rs <strong>we</strong>re givenin the affirmative, Deacon Harutyunrecited the Nicene Creed,the summarized doctrine of thechurch.“He had to attest to the fact thathe is the follo<strong>we</strong>r of our Church Fathers,”said Fr. Devejian, who <strong>we</strong>ntContinued on page 13

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