And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter

And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter

And for this we are thankful.... - Armenian Reporter


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The <strong>Armenian</strong> <strong>Reporter</strong> | November 22, 2008 11CommunityIn Kolkata, 300th anniversary of an <strong>Armenian</strong> church is celebrated Continued from page 1Ordination serviceAt an altar under a mural-size paintingof the Last Supper, the prayersbeing said and the theatrical stagingof the service <strong>we</strong>re themselvesworthy of being captured in a workof art.Having crawled up to the altaron his knees, Deacon Harutyunknelt in front of the altar, arms up,palms facing congregants, and eyesshut. This was how he renouncedhis secular life.Behind him stood K<strong>are</strong>kin II,Supreme Patriarch and Catholicosof All <strong>Armenian</strong>s, surrounded byarchbishops, bishops, priests, anddeacons.With prayers and hymns, thepontiff ordained Deacon Harutyunby anointing him with HolyMuron on his <strong>for</strong>ehead, on hisright hand, and on his left hand.The Catholicos called Deacon Harutyunby his new name, Der Avedis,three times.From the altar, the Catholicos latertold congregants he had chosenthe name Avedis after taking intoconsideration the many factors thatconverged and made the ordinationof a new priest in India possible.He cited “the reinvigoration ofthe <strong>Armenian</strong> College of Kolkata,the influx of new students comingfrom Armenia, and from Iran andfrom Iraq.”K<strong>are</strong>kin added, “The fact there’s<strong>Armenian</strong> independence and newstatehood <strong>for</strong> the Republic of Armeniahas enabled Armenia andEtchmiadzin now to become agreater <strong>for</strong>ce in the work of reachingout to the diaspora.”The Catholicos said a stronger diasporameant a stronger homeland.The strength of both, he said, naturallytranslates to a stronger MotherSee of Holy Etchmiadzin, whichthen is empo<strong>we</strong>red to strengthenthe sons and daughters of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Church.“The fact that a large number ofpilgrims have come from aroundthe world, including <strong>for</strong>mer studentsof the <strong>Armenian</strong> College, isvery heartening and causes muchjoy,” said the Catholicos, and hethanked God <strong>for</strong> protecting thesons and daughters of the <strong>Armenian</strong>Church from the illuminatedaltar of St. Naz<strong>are</strong>th.The Catholicos said the <strong>Armenian</strong>community in India was experiencinga rebirth. He prayed that Godprovide guidance to Father Avedis,to his yeretzgin, or wife, and to hisfamily.The pontiff also expressed hisappreciation and commendationsto Fr. Avedis and his wife <strong>for</strong> havingcome here two years ago andserving <strong>this</strong> community. He alsoexpressed his appreciation to Very.Rev. Fr. Oshagan Gulgulian, managerof the school and pastor of the<strong>Armenian</strong>s of India, and the <strong>Armenian</strong>Community Council Kolkata.K<strong>are</strong>kin II also vo<strong>we</strong>d to the local<strong>Armenian</strong> community that the <strong>Armenian</strong>Church would never closeits doors or abandon the historicchapels and cemeteries its peoplehad built here since the 1600s.<strong>Armenian</strong> Holy Church of Naz<strong>are</strong>th in Kolkata. Photo: Sebouh Baghdoyan.Students of the <strong>Armenian</strong> College and Philanthropic Academy line the red carpetas they wait <strong>for</strong> Catholicos K<strong>are</strong>kin II to officiate at the celebration of the 300thanniversary of the church. Photo: Sebouh Baghdoyan.<strong>Armenian</strong> graves at the <strong>Armenian</strong> Holy Church of Naz<strong>are</strong>th in Kolkata. Photo:Tamar Kevonian.Liz Chater about Sir Paul ChaterThe altar of the <strong>Armenian</strong> Holy Church of Naz<strong>are</strong>th in Kolkata.“These churches <strong>are</strong> indeed living,breathing houses of worship,” saidK<strong>are</strong>kin II at the Taj Bengal Hotel,where the <strong>we</strong>eklong celebrationsand pilgrimage came to a close Saturdaynight.“They <strong>are</strong> not just simply stones,”he said. “They <strong>are</strong> prayers, livingprayers, because they <strong>are</strong> our history,and they <strong>are</strong> part of our identity.To allow them to disappear isto become reconciled with the endof our national identity and being.A nation is made up of the sum ofits part. To c<strong>are</strong> <strong>for</strong> these separateparts is to make them meaningfulwithin our lives.”connect:http://armenianchurch.in/ Continued from page 10and flipped and flipped, and thereI found my grandfather. <strong>And</strong> onthat card, it was just a typewrittenindex card of his baptism details;also it gave me his p<strong>are</strong>nts’ names,which <strong>we</strong>re Abraham and Annie.So then I was able to go throughall the Chater index cards and look<strong>for</strong> any child that had p<strong>are</strong>nts that<strong>we</strong>re Abraham and Annie, and suddenlyI had a family. I was euphoric.I was floating on cloud nine thatday. This was in 2000. I took it oneplace further and found out certainmembers had married, andthat my grandfather had brothersand sisters. So I started buildingup my own family tree.PC: What other sources of in<strong>for</strong>mationdid you have in your research?LC: I learned about Mesrob Seth’sbook <strong>Armenian</strong>s in India, and got ahard copy of the book, which was outof print. Then I realized that therewas deep heritage and history here,and I wanted to investigate it. Thepresent way of communicating is theInternet and <strong>we</strong>bsites, and I thoughtthat if I could put a little bit of my researchon the Internet, other peoplemight pick up and it would take off.Little did I realize eight years agothat my minor interest, mild fascination,had turned into such a tremendousthing <strong>for</strong> me. Right now, Iget lots and lots of family inquiriesfrom around the world, on a dailybasis. In one day, last Friday, I had250 e-mails. That’s common <strong>for</strong> myinbox. Some of it is spam, but most<strong>are</strong> family history inquiries. They say,“I’ve just found your <strong>we</strong>b site, and canyou help me? Can you tell me aboutthe <strong>Armenian</strong>s in India?” connect:www.chater-genealogy.com

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