Edge 540 Manual - Hangar 9

Edge 540 Manual - Hangar 9

Edge 540 Manual - Hangar 9


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Section 13: Assembling and Installingthe Fuel TankCONTINUEDStep 5. Locate the piece of silicone fuel tubing and metal clunk.This tubing will be attached to the clunk making up the fuelpickup inside the tank. Insert the metal clunk into one end of thefuel tubing.Step 8. Carefully insert the stopper into the fuel tank. Positionthe stopper so the vent tube is pointing to the top of the fuel tank.The vent tube must point to the top of the tank for the fuel systemto function properly. Also, move the tank around and up anddown to observe the movement of the clunk. It should movefreely, and not hit the back of the fuel tank. The fuel clunk mustbe free to move, regardless of what attitude the aircraft takes,thus ensuring it is in the fuel at all times. If the clunk does notmove freely, trim a portion of the fuel tubing to shorten thelength and try again.TopStep 6. Install the open end of the fuel tubing onto the fuelpickup tube.Step 7. Insert the 3 mm screw into the raised portion of thelarge plastic cap. Place the 3mm nut into the raised slots on thesmall plastic cap. Compress the caps/stopper together andscrew the 3 mm screw into the nut. Tighten just enough to holdthe assembly together.Step 9. When you are satisfied with the movement of the clunk,and the vent tube is properly positioned to point to the top of thetank, tighten the 3 mm screw so the caps move toward eachother and compress the rubber stopper in the tank stopperopening. This compression will help seal the stopper into thetank opening.Important: You should mark which tube is the vent and which isthe fuel pickup when you attach fuel tubing to the tubes in thestopper. Once the tank is installed inside the fuselage, it may bedifficult to determine which is which.Step 10. Wrap the fuel tank in foam. This is done to providesupport for the fuel tank, and help reduce vibration. Attach fueltubing the tank tubes and feed the tubing through the hole in thefirewall as you slide the fuel tank into the area behind the firewallin the fuselage. You will note two “C” shaped slots in theplywood floor behind the firewall. Rubber bands are slipped intothese “C” shaped slots around the fuel tank, thus holding itfirmly in place.Note: Remove the fuel tank when drilling the hole for thethrottle linkage to prevent accidental puncturing of thefuel tank.31

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