Edge 540 Manual - Hangar 9

Edge 540 Manual - Hangar 9

Edge 540 Manual - Hangar 9


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Section 8: Hinging the Rudder and Installingthe Tail WheelCONTINUEDStep 8. With the rudder aligned (up and down), apply thin CAglue to the rudder hinges on both sides of the rudder, using thesame technique used in Section 1. Wipe away any excess CAwith CA remover/debonder. After the hinges are dry, check thatthey are securely in place by trying to pull the rudder from thevertical stabilizer and fuselage. There should be a minimal gap( 1 /64”) between the rudder and the vertical stabilizer.Step 9. Work the rudder right and left. Check for free movementand ensure that the tail wheel tracks accordingly.Step 10. Slide the tail wheel onto the wire. Next, slide the wheelcollar onto the wire and tighten the screw in the wheel collarusing the hex wrench provided. Use Locktitej® Z-42 to securethe wheel collar screw in place.Note: The wheel must rotate freely with only a small amountof side play. It may be necessary to drill out the tailwheel slightly so the wheel will spin freely on the axle.Section 9: Installing the Control HornsFuselage Parts Needed• Standard/reverse control horns (2 each, 4 total)• Plastic plates (3)• Screws (12)• Fuselage with rudder and elevators installedTools and Adhesives Needed• Standard screwdriver• Thin CA glue• CA debonder/remover• Paper towel• Drill• Drill bits, 1/16”, 3/32”• Ruler• Felt-tipped pen or pencil• Masking tapeStep 1. Locate a standard and reverse control horn and theassociated hardware. Note that on the bottom of the controlhorn, the one with no markings is the standard horn and the onewith the “R” is the reverse control horn. The right (as relates tothe pilot sitting in the cockpit) elevator uses the standard horn,the left elevator uses the reverse horn.Step 2. It will be helpful to turn the aircraft upside down. Forillustration purposes we will describe installing the control hornon the right elevator first (as relates to the pilot sitting in thecockpit). Measure 1/2'' out from the fuselage and mark.23

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