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staff person they come to Ms. Briggs to reflect on thesituation and Ms. Briggs helps them see a different paththat they could have taken. Ms. Briggs enjoys her work,especially seeing a student who is succeeding in thecommunity who she might have helped in the past.Mr. Vokes: Great Math Teacher and Always Has aSmile on His Face1/11/2007 8:15 AMMr. Vokes is a great math teacher. He is theMath Team coach and he does an awesomejob with helping math students to do well inmath. He is always friendly and has a smileon his face! Mr. Voeks also works at all thebasketball games and dances.Mr. Pelini, Greatly Admired by Teaching Peers--GreatRole Model for Students12/20/2006 5:55 PMMatt Flinn '10 nominated Mr. Pelini because,“He’s a great teacher who does not leave anyof his students behind. If a student everneeds help, he helps them as best as he can.He is a great role model for a lot of studentsat PHHS. Mr.Pelini is smart, cool, and funny. Anyone can go to him forhelp in English. He comes up with some really cool writingassignments. He is already helping 9th graders get readyfor the state writing test which is in April.Ms. Raab, Science Teacher: Fun, funny, caring.12/13/2006 11:15 AMAlonjdrah Reese '09 has nominated MaryRaab for staff of the week. Reese says Ms.Raab brings a sense of humor to theclassroom, but also makes sure thateverything is covered. Also she gives roomfor growth and independence. In addition, she’s fun andcaring, a good listener, and very organizedMr. Hoogheem, Science Teacher Relates to All, All theTime12/13/2006 11:15 AMChristian Hooghem has been nominated asstaff of the week by Esther Zayzay '07. Shestates that he is sarcastic and makes learningfun. Not only does he stay after and do PMschool, but he stays to help his studentswhenever needed. He’s one of those teachers I will alwaysremember, and I don’t see him as a teacher but as myfriendMr. Madson's Class is a Great Way to Start the Day11/30/2006 8:50 AMNtsees Xiong '09 and Kia Xiong '09 both haveMr. Madson for first hour Social Studies andboth students said that his class is a greatway to start the day because he really workswith students to get them off on the right startand goes the extra mile...especially for students who areready to learn. They both wished him well with his surgeryand look for his return on Monday, December 4th.Ms. Lockhart: Amazing and Down to Earth11/15/2006 5:50 PMCarrie Moua '08 nominated Ms. Lockhart forthis honor because Ms Lockhart is amazingand yet down to earth. Ms. Lockhart is agreat teacher who also puts in countlesshours with the Literary Magazine.Ms. Price, Science Teacher Consistent and Demanding11/9/2006 5:35 PMThis week’s staff of the week is Sharon Priceas nominated by Madee-jana Robinson '09.She chose Mrs. Price because “she stays toher word and makes sure students are givingtheir 100% work.”Ms. Voss Never Gives Up and Works Long Hours11/1/2006 5:05 PMPerkina Halbert ’08 nominated Heather Vossbecause she enjoys workingwith us even though we can get on her nervessometimes. She stays inthere and does the best she can. She helpsout all the time during tutorials, PM school; even duringclass. Everyone who has ever had her says they lovedher class and she’s a great teacher if you’re having troublewith math.Ms. Aram Knows Math, Humor, and BuildsRelationships11/1/2006 5:00 PMShoua Vue '08 nominated Ms. Aram becauseshe has never forgotten how Ms. Aramwelcomed her into her class when shetransferred from another school. Shebelieves Ms. Aram knows her subject mattervery well, has a great manner and attitude with herstudents, knows right from wrong, and also can be funny.New Awards and HonorsMs. Johnson is Named Master Teacher in the ProjectLead the Way Program2/13/2007 6:05 PMCongratulations to Ms. Johnson who wasselected on February 7th to be a MasterTeacher in the Project Lead the WayProgram. Master Teachers are exemplaryclassroom instructors appointed by ProjectLead the Way to conduct core training for other teachers atthe Summer Training Institute at Penn State Universityduring the July 22nd - August 3rd session.Stefani Zappa '07: Wins Athena Award as Top FemaleAthlete at Patrick Henry2/13/2007 5:55 PMIn an incredible Senior class of femaleathletes Stefani Zappa was selected as our7

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