LATE ITEM NO. 8.6 8.6 Chirnside Park Country Club Golf Course ...

LATE ITEM NO. 8.6 8.6 Chirnside Park Country Club Golf Course ...

LATE ITEM NO. 8.6 8.6 Chirnside Park Country Club Golf Course ...


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<strong>LATE</strong> <strong>ITEM</strong> <strong>NO</strong>. <strong>8.6</strong>Public Open SpaceThe configuration of public open space has also been reduced and the layout altered. Keychanges include the following:A significant reduction in the size of public open space (POS) areas at the northernends of the development, where the proposed wetlands are to be located and wherethe land is predominantly flat and functional for public use and recreation.The removal of two POS areas within the development that were identified to protectsignificant vegetation and to improve the overall subdivision design.A decrease in the extent of useable POS as much of the proposed POS is eithersteep and/or narrow in width.Traffic and accessGiven the time constraints in preparing this report a detailed analysis of the trafficimplications associated with the revised Development Plan has not been undertaken. Theproponent‟s traffic consultant report indicates that the existing road network canaccommodate the vehicle traffic associated with the proposed development. However,with the estimated increase of 2000 vehicle movements per day resulting from theadditional number of dwellings, it is reasonable to assume that this is likely to put a strainon the local road network, particularly during peak periods. The proposed accesstreatments will need to be reviewed, as well the adequacy of footpaths and mitigationmeasures proposed.In response to the DPO provisions which require consideration of alternative accessarrangements, the proponent‟s Development Plan identifies future pedestrian connectionpoints at Peden Street and Rolling Hills Road. However it then identifies that these accesspoints are subject to Council acquisition and in the case of Peden Street, the DevelopmentPlan does not even provide POS abutting the proposed access point. It therefore can onlybe concluded that these notations were put on the Development Plan by the proponent tosatisfy the DPO provisions rather than actually create these pedestrian access points.These additional access points would provide greater permeability through the site,particularly to Rolling Hills Road but they should be undertaken by the developer and notby Council.CONCLUSIONThe latest request from the Minister for Planning to modify the Development Plan Overlayand to become the Responsible Authority for approval of the Development Plan, is anindication of how the Minister‟s previous intervention has failed to deliver an appropriateplanning framework for this site. It is also an indication that the proponent is not preparedto work with Council or the community, to deliver a proposal that responds appropriately tothe unique characteristics of the site and its physical constraints.YARRA RANGES SHIRE COUNCIL AGENDA - 09/11/10 8

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