GRIMMER NEWSLETTER - Grimmer Middle School - Lake Central ...

GRIMMER NEWSLETTER - Grimmer Middle School - Lake Central ...

GRIMMER NEWSLETTER - Grimmer Middle School - Lake Central ...


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MISSION: POSSIBLEPAGE 3NEWS FROM <strong>GRIMMER</strong> PTOIf you ordered Classic Cookies, please note that they will be here on Thursday,December 9th. Orders of 3 or less boxes/tubs will be sent home with your child.All other orders will need to be picked up after school on Thursday, December9th by 5PM. If you cannot make this pick-up time, please make other arrangements.Westlake InformationWest <strong>Lake</strong> Special Education is happy to announce that we are makingfurther strides in going “green”! Please check out our new websiteat http://westlake.lcsc.us. There is information on workshops,special events, and beginning this Fall, our newsletter.We make a difference everyday!THANK YOU, PLEDGE HELPERS!~Pledge Helpers~A big “Thank You” to the following students for joining the principal in reciting thePledge of Allegiance: Trinity Rhyne, Ashley Pavell, Ashley Chess, Niko Pozzi, JoshuaWilliams, Holly Smith, Jonathon Labelle, Austin Martinez, Nicole Vusak, Zack Addington,Logan Adams, Michael Madsen, Nicholas Augustino, Ashley Pavell, Emma Barnett,Reem Alsakaji, Riley Fieldhouse, Matthew Anderson, Ashley Castillo, Audrey Capps,Samantha Dittrich, Brianna Clyde, Kaitlyn Hahney, Brianna Gutekunst, Ashley Knerler,Bailey Kearschner, Eric McAgy, Bryce Morris, Everett Peyton, Joseph O’Hara, JimmyPickle, Brandon Price, Alexis Miestowski, Alexis Smith, Mitchell Ridder, Terry Stewart,Emma Barnett, McKenna Strayer, Reem Alskaji, Logan Adams, Robert Smith, MattAnderson, Zack Addington, Emily Barnes, Blair Haugh, Alivia Angotti, Amanda Aponte,Ryan Tancos, Alexa Donsbach, Jack Drosset, Kaitlyn Dross, Taylor Dvorscak, NathanEagle, Hannah Fionda, Chase Hinchman, Theresa Mamrila, Bryan Kelly, Jocelyn Martinez,Noah McClellan, Tatiana Newell, Sarah Noles, Maddy Radowski, Tommy Pritchett,Nicole Reitz, Teely Rhyne, Noah Salazar, Jacob Sako, Colin Yugo, Matthew Vargo, AshleyTodd, Hayley West, Alex Vrbanoff, Samuel VanDenBurgh, Alyssa Smyers, HannahSako, Tara Rosenwinkel, Nathan Previs, Kyley Rockwell, Kyle Orciuch, Rachel Miotke,Jacqueline Miller, Isabella Kowalczyk, Ayanna Manyweather, Emily Mannino, Ciara Jeneske,Lindsey Graham, Britney Fijut, Morgan Dines, Emily Barnes, Brice Doescher,Timothy Bakas, Madeline Andrews, Nathan Augustino, Christina Abbassi, Abbey Meseberg,Bobby Seymour, Sara Sowinski, Isabella Alioto, and Codi Hamilton. Thanks for your help!

PAGE 4<strong>GRIMMER</strong> <strong>NEWSLETTER</strong>~<strong>Grimmer</strong> Band and Choir Information~Below are upcoming dates for <strong>Grimmer</strong> Band and Choir concerts. Please direct any questions toMr. Gore at dgore@lcscmail.com or Mrs. Marsh at kmarsh@lcscmail.com.Friday, Dec. 10 –7th & 8th Grade Band Holiday Concert –7:00 PMMonday, Dec. 13 –Choir/Bells Holiday Concert– 7:00 PM~5th Grade Spell Bowl~Congratulations to the 5th grade Spell Bowl team for “taking the gold” at the annualSpell Bowl competition at Kahler. The <strong>Grimmer</strong> team defeated Kaler,Clark, and Munster. Thanks to: Uche Nnate, Corinne Blastick, Ben Basem,Timothy Bakas, Sebastian Luna, Gavin Cantu, Sarah Tellas, MackenzieGoncher, Christian Cavanaugh, and Shyanne Cockerel. The team was coachedby Coach Basem, and Mrs. Spivak.~<strong>Grimmer</strong> Garden Club~The <strong>Grimmer</strong> Garden Club would like to thank Tom Hadt for his efforts, energy,and determination in cleaning up our gardens. We also want to thank RALLandscaping and Joe Ladd for the donation of mulch. Tom and Joe are both<strong>Grimmer</strong> alumni.~WASHINGTON, D.C. TRIP ~ OCTOBER 27-29, 2011~Give you child the chance of a lifetime to discover first-hand the sites and history of Washington, D.C. We are already planning for the 2011 trip!Travel brochures were passed out during SRT. The deadline for the EARLY BIRD special is Monday, January 31, 2011.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Cheryl Geras at 219-865-6985, extension 267 or cgeras@lcscmail.com. For trip informationvisit www.worldstrides.org and sign up for our trip online using Trip ID #63566 or call Customer Service at 1-800-468-5899.The Gift of Education is an easy fundraising strategy in which students send letters requesting small donations to friends and family members tohelp fund their trip. Students can find customizable letter templates at http://www.worldstraides.org/gift/.Building Washington, D.C.Ever wonder how the District of Columbia came about, why there are alternate names, or what exactly it’s comprised of?The Rationale:The United States has James Madison to thank for the self-regulating region known as the District of Columbia. Of the founding fathers, it wasMadison who suggested the nation needed a capital that would be distinct from the other states. The newly established nation needed to ensuresafety and organized maintenance, which prompted them to consolidate the federal offices to a single, defendable position. In the midst of socialinstability, leaders of the time were well aware of the importance of this cautionary measure.The Name:On September 9, 1791, the new region was officially named after the man who would be our first president, George Washington. While this titlewas chosen for the city, a second was chosen for the federal district. Creatively, the men decided on District of Columbia because Columbiawas a poetic name for the United States at this time.The Location:Among the clever minds of Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson, an agreement on the exact location was reached. The ResidenceAct of 1790 confirmed that the city would be established along the Potomac River. The honor of deciding precisely where the site wouldbe was granted to George Washington. With both Maryland and Virginia relinquishing land for the plan, the original area was composed of 100square miles in the shape of a diamond. In order to visually indicate the perimeter of the region, stones were placed at every mile around theborders. This project was performed from 1791 to 1792. The City of Washington would eventually annex communities already located there,including Georgetown.

L AKE CENTRAL S CH OOL CORP.G RIMMER MIDDLE S CH OOL225 W. 77TH AVENUES CH ERERVI LLE, INDIANA 46375CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITEHTTP://<strong>GRIMMER</strong>.LCSC.USMS. IRWIN WOULD LIKE TO REMIND STUDENTS AND PAR-ENTS THAT THE YA(YOUNG ADULT) STICKER FOUND ONSOME OF OUR BOOKS MEANS THE CONTENT &/OR THEMEIS OF A MORE MATURE NATURE OR MORE DIFFICULT TOUNDERSTAND. MANY OF OUR NON-FICTION BOOKS AREMARKED THIS WAY SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE MORE DIF-FICULT TO UNDERSTAND.ALSO, WHEN YOU HAVE A QUESTION REGARDING THEACCELERATED READING PROGRAM, PLEASE CONTACTYOUR CHILD’S TEACHER. WE DO NOT HAVE THE INFOR-MATION IN THE RESOURCE CENTER.<strong>GRIMMER</strong> MIDDLE SCHOOL CALENDAR3rd6th10th13th20thDECEMBER 20106th Grade BandConcert 7:00 PM<strong>School</strong> Board Mtg.7:30PM Freshman CenterLGI Room7/8 Band Concert7:00 PMChoir/Bells Concert7:00 PM<strong>School</strong> Board Mtg.7:30PM FreshmanCenter LGI Room20-31 Winter Break3rd12th13th14th17th19thJANUARY 2011<strong>School</strong> Board Mtg.7:30 PM Freshman CenterLGI Room6th, 7th, 8th Grade WinterDance 3:45-5:00 PMEnd 1st SemesterNo <strong>School</strong>-StudentsNo <strong>School</strong><strong>School</strong> Board Mtg.7:30 PM Freshman CenterLGI RoomFreshman Center Visit6-9 PM7thFEBRUARY 2011<strong>School</strong> Board Mtg.7:30 PM Freshman CenterLGI Room11-14th No <strong>School</strong>-Winter Break15th28th5th Grade only-Valentine’sDanceISTEP Begins

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