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Books Publishing in2012Business Ethics inPracticeSimon Robinson and Paul DowsonSEE PAGE7Business Ethics in Practice is the first of its kind witha truly integrated approach, designed to make thesubject more relevant and accessible. It is ideal forundergraduate and postgraduate studentsstudying Business Ethics for the first time.SEE PAGE5SEE PAGE4Employment Law: AnIntroduction for HR andBusiness Students3rd editionKathy DanielsThe most accessible and concise lawtextbook available for undergraduateand postgraduate students studyingemployment law for the first time.Human ResourceManagement at Work5th editionMick Marchington andAdrian WilkinsonHuman Resource Management at Work isthe <strong>CIPD</strong>’s flagship text. It is ideal foranyone seeking a critical look at HRMtheory and practice.Coming 2012<strong>CIPD</strong> intermediate qualifications textbooksStudying HumanResource ManagementDeveloping Peopleand OrganisationsManaging Peopleand OrganisationsOrder your inspection copy at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts

If you will be teaching <strong>CIPD</strong> qualifications,please see the chart on pages 22-23SEE PAGE4Occupational andOrganisationalPsychology: Integratingtheory and practiceRachel Lewis and Lara Zibarras (eds)Occupational and OrganisationalPsychology is a concise textbook foranyone studying work psychology for thefirst time. The textbook has acontemporary approach and includes achapter on Future Perspectives ofoccupational psychology.People and OrganisationalDevelopment: A newagenda for OrganisationalEffectivenessHelen Francis, Linda Holbeche andMartin Reddington (eds)People and Organisational Development isan ideal text for <strong>CIPD</strong> students andpractitioners alike.Researching and WritingDissertations: A completeguide for business andmanagement students2nd editionRoy HornSEE PAGE8A practical, concise and interactive guide to researchingand writing a dissertation or business report, fromfinding a topic to self-reviewing work.SEE PAGE6Books Publishing in2012Order your inspection copy call 0844 800 33663

Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366COMINGSOONOccupational andOrganisationalPsychology:Integrating theory andpracticeEdited by Rachel Lewis andLara ZibarrasContentsPART 1: INTRODUCTION TO OCCUPATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY1. What is Occupational Psychology?2. What are Occupational Psychologists?3. What you’ll Study in Occupational PsychologyPART 2: KEY TOPICS IN OCCUPATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY4. Employee Relationships and Motivation5. Counselling and Personal Development6. Career Development and Appraisal7. Design of Environments and Work; Health, Safety andWell-being8. Organisational Development and Change9. Selection and Assessment10. Training11. Automation and Human Machine InteractionPART 3: FUTURE OF OCCUPATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY12. Future Directions in Occupational Psychology13. Future Directions for Occupational PsychologistsA concise textbook following the British Psychological Society(BPS) syllabus for anyone studying work psychology for the firsttime, at postgraduate or masters level.• Focuses on skills and employability by exploring what it is liketo study occupational psychology and work in the field• Assumes no prior knowledge of the subject• Follows the BPS syllabus ensuring that all core areas ofoccupational psychology are covered• Contains balanced coverage of theory and practice withacademic and practitioner case studies in each chapter• Written and contributed to by leading names in occupationalpsychology• Looks at occupational psychology from international and crossculturalperspectives with a number of international case studies• Encourages wider reading by providing concise coverage ofeach chapter with comprehensive annotated further reading• A contemporary approach, including a chapter on FuturePerspectives of occupational psychology.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide• Case study handouts• Exercises for use in class• Key skills video clips for use in classFor students• Regular updates to new research or legislation• Multiple choice questions• Guidance on the questions and activities in the book• Vignette podcasts of the ‘day in the life’ of a PractitionerRachel Lewis PhD C.Psychol is a registered occupationalpsychologist and a course director the Business and OccupationalPsychology MSc programmes at Kingston Business School.Lara Zibarras PhD C.Psychol is a registered occupationalpsychologist and lecturer in organisational psychology at CityUniversity, London.COMINGSOONHuman ResourceManagement atWork5th editionMick Marchington andAdrian WilkinsonCan be considered forIntermediate qualificationContentsPART 1: HRM, STRATEGY AND THE GLOBAL CONTEXT1. HRM, Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility2. Forces Shaping HRM at Work3. High Commitment HRM: Policy and Practice4. Designing HRM to Align with Organisational Goalsand Market Context5. International and Comparative HRMPART 2: RESPONSIBILITIES FOR DELIVERING HRM6. The Role of the HR Function in Changing Times7. Line Managers, Leadership and HRMPART 3: HRM PRACTICES AND PROCESSES8. Resourcing and Talent Management9. Performance Management10. Vocational Education, Training and Skills11. Learning & Development and KnowledgeManagement12. Managing Employment Relations13. Employee Involvement and Participation: CreatingEngagement and Voice at the Workplace14. Reward ManagementHRM AND PEFORMANCE FROM A BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE15. Examining the Links between HR Practices andProcesses and Organisational Performance16. Research and Project ManagementHuman Resource Management at Work is the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s flagship text. It isideal for anyone seeking a critical look at HRM theory and practice.• Covers many of the <strong>CIPD</strong> learning outcomes and investigatesPerformance, Reward, L&D, High Commitment HRM (best practice),HR Function and Engagement• Encourages a critical awareness of HRM, students are required toconsistently question their own and other people’s ideas• Case studies, real-world examples and activities help students to linktheory with practice.New to this edition• Extended coverage of strategic HRM and international HRM• New case studies with an international perspective• More on the role of the line manager• More on talent management and knowledge management• More on employee engagement• New chapter on HRM and performance• Introduction is focused more around critiquing HRM• Updated material, literature, case studies and survey data.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer's GuideFor students• Student's GuideMick Marchington is Professor of Human Resource Managementat Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.Adrian Wilkinson is Professor of Industrial Relations at GriffithUniversity, Australia.4ISBN: 978 1 84398 301 9 Pub Date: June 2012Pages: 424 PaperbackPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59ISBN: 978 1 84398 267 8 Pub Date: March 2012Pages: 640 PaperbackPrice: £42.99 Student Price: £34.39

COMINGSOONEmployment Law:An Introduction for HRand Business Students3rd EditionAdvancedqualificationNEWEmployment Law:The Essentials11th editionAdvancedqualificationKathy DanielsContents1. The Formation of Employment Law2. The Employment Tribunals and Employment AppealTribunal3. Contract of Employment4. Atypical Contracts and the Variation of Contracts5. Individual Protection Rights6. Discrimination (1)7. Discrimination (2)8. Termination of Employment (1)9. Termination of Employment (2)10. Trade Union Legislation11. Privacy and Confidential Information12. Health and Safety Legislation13. Study Skills in Employment LawThe most accessible and concise law textbook available forundergraduate students and postgraduate students studying lawfor the first time.• Written in a clear, engaging style specifically for non-lawyers• Packed with interactive learning features that will consolidateyour learning and get you exploring the subject in more depth• Relates theory and law with real life practice, making thesubject relevant• Designed to impart you with the skills you need to study lawsuccessfully.New to this edition• Completely updated with the latest developments inemployment law and in line with the latest <strong>CIPD</strong> requirementsat UG and PG levels• Questions throughout the text and end of chapter furtherreading• Excellent tutor and student support sites• Practical guidance on how to prepare for an employment tribunal.Online resourcesFor tutors• Lecturer's Guide• HR-inform monthly newsletter• Seminar activities• Lecture slidesFor students• Annotated web-links• HR-inform monthly newsletterKathy Daniels teaches at Aston Business School. She is also atutor on the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Certificatein Employment Law for the Chartered Institute of Personnel andDevelopment.ISBN: 978 1 84398 304 0 Pub Date: February 2012Pages: 304 PaperbackPrice: £32.99 Student Price: £26.39ORDER YOUR INSPECTION COPY NOWCall 0844 800 3366, go to cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts,or fill in the form on the back of this brochure.David Lewis andMalcolm Sargeantwith Ben SchwabContents1. The Sources and Institutions of Employment Law2. Formation of the Contract of Employment (1):The Sources of Contractual Terms3. Formation of the Contract of Employment (2):Implied Terms of Law4. Recruitment and Selection5. Pay Issues6. Discrimination (1)7. Discrimination (2)8. Parental Rights9. Health and Safety at Work10. The Regulation of Working Time11. Variation, Breach and Termination of the Contract ofEmployment at Common Law12. Unfair Dismissal (1):Exclusions and the Meaning of Dismissal13. Unfair Dismissal (2):Potentially Fair Reasons and the Concept of Reasonableness14. Redundancy15. Unfair Dismissal and Redundancy Claims16. Continuity of Employment and Transfers of Undertakings17. Information and Consultation18. Trade Unions and Collective BargainingFully maps onto the new advanced <strong>CIPD</strong> Employment Law moduleand is ideal for employment law modules on HRM or Businessdegrees.• Completely up-to-date with the latest legislation• Student-friendly with a good range of learning featuresNew to this edition• All chapters revised in line with changes to employment law• More case discussion and more featured cases• Learning Objectives to focus students’ learning• In-chapter Discussion Points to stimulate debate• Indexed list of cases cited• End-of-book glossary, defining key terms.Online resourcesFor tutors• Lecturer’s Guide• Additional case studies• HR-inform monthly newsletter• Lecture slidesFor students• Questions and activities• Annotated web links• HR-inform monthly newsletterDavid Lewis is Professor of Employment Law and programmeleader for the LLM in Employment Law at Middlesex UniversityBusiness School.Malcolm Sargeant is a Professor of Labour Law at MiddlesexUniversity Business School.Ben Schwab is a Lecturer in Law at Middlesex University BusinessSchool.ISBN: 978 1 84398 262 3 Pub Date: Mar 2011 Pages: 424 PbkPrice: £35.99 Student Price: £28.79Suitable for the Employment Law moduleOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 33665

NEWAdvancedqualificationPeople and OrganisationalDevelopment:A new agenda for OrganisationalEffectivenessOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366Contents1. Organisational Effectiveness. A New Agendafor Organisational Development (OD) andHuman Resource Management (HRM)2. The Strategic Context for The New OE3. The Historical and Theoretical Background toOrganisation Development4. Developing an Organisational Strategy froman HR Perspective5. Organisational Culture and CulturalIntegration6. An ER Perspective on OrganisationalEffectiveness7. Transforming HR to Support Strategic Change8. Technology as an Agent of Transformation9. Critical HRD and Organisational Effectiveness10. The Role of Line Managers in HRM, Learningand Innovation11. Strategic Workforce Capability - Planning fora New Era12. Performance Management and Reward13. Inclusive Talent Management and Diversity14. Employer Branding and OrganisationalEffectiveness15. The OD Role of HRD in Ethics, CorporateSocial Responsibility and Sustainability16. Emotion at Work17. The New OE. Future Prospects andPossibilitiesORDER YOUR INSPECTIONCOPY NOWCall 0844 800 3366, go tocipd.co.uk/tutorproducts, or fillin the form on the back of thisbrochure.Edited by Helen Francis, Linda Holbeche andMartin ReddingtonPeople and Organisational Development is an ideal textfor <strong>CIPD</strong> students and practitioners alike. This new andinnovative textbook:• combines academic and practitioner expertise withcontributors from both university and workenvironments• includes European and international case studieslooking at unsuccessful and successful changeefforts• places HR at the heart of a modern approach to OD• emphasises the importance of change and businesspsychology• provides examples of emergent theories of OD andHRM and covers how these can be applied• comes with online access to additional case studiesand practical tools from the <strong>CIPD</strong> OD Toolkits.Helen Francis is Director of the Edinburgh Institute ofLeadership and People Management (EILPM) andReader within Edinburgh Napier Business School.Linda Holbeche is Visiting Professor at both theUniversity of Bedfordshire and Cass Business Schooland an Associate at Ashridge Business School.Martin Reddington was formerly Global ProgrammeDirector, HR Transformation, at Cable & Wireless. Sinceleaving Cable & Wireless, he blends academic researchwith consultancy.ISBN: 978 1 84398 269 2 Pub Date: January 2012Pages: 592 PaperbackPrice: £44.99 Student Price: £35.9920%off!Your students can save 20% on the fullprice of their books if they order fromus by calling 0844 800 3366 or whenordering online at cipd.co.uk/bookstore6

NEWBusiness Ethics in PracticeContents1. 'Are We Still the Good Guys?' - IntroducingEthics in Business2. Normative Ethical Theory3. Ethical Decision Making4. Whose Responsibility? The EthicalEnvironment5. Leadership and Governance6. Character, Culture, and Code: ManagingEthics7. The Workplace of the 21st Century8. Business, Management and Professions9. Consumers10. Supply Chain and Competition11. Social Responsibility12. Business and Government13. Global Ethics14. Environmental SustainabilityBusiness Ethics in Practice is ideal for undergraduate andpostgraduate students studying Business Ethics for thefirst time. This exciting new textbook is the first of itskind with a truly integrated approach, designed to makethe subject more relevant and accessible.• Accompanied by case studies, examples and activities– placing business ethics in a global context, in thewider business context and in the context of real-life,every-day practice.Online ResourcesThe Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) has anattractive and user-friendly design, including:• An upgraded version of <strong>CIPD</strong>’s tutor support site• Improved functionality and an easy registrationsystemAs well as the usual lecturers’ guides, lecture slidesand web links, the VLE will also allow us to post newresources, such as podcasts, videos and editable testbanks for many of our future titles.Please note that you are required to register inorder to access this information.Simon Robinson and Paul Dowson• Examples from SMEs as well as high profile MNCsincluding Barcelona FC, BP, Nestle, Tesco, Nike, JohnLewis, Body Shop and Google. A unique chapter willbe dedicated to making links between SMEs andMNCs.• Students gain a comprehensive overview and the skillsrequired for ethical thinking and decision making aswell as skills that will also be instrumental in theirpersonal and professional development.Online resources• PPT slides for each chapter including figures andtables from the book• Lecturer’s Guide including guidance on in-chapterquestions• Additional case studies• Annotated web links for each chapter• Essay questions and class assignments• Practical tips for reflective learning.Simon Robinson is Professor of Applied &Professional Ethics at Leeds Metropolitan UniversityPaul Dowson is a Senior Lecturer at the School ofApplied Global Ethics at Leeds Metropolitan University.ISBN: 978 1 84398 272 2 Pub Date: February 2012Pages: 400 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Visit our bookstorefor more informationat cipd.co.uk/olrOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 33667

Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 33668Researching andWriting Dissertations:A complete guide forbusiness andmanagement students2nd editionRoy HornContentsCOMINGSOONAdvancedqualification1. Preface and Introduction2. Strategies for Finding and Developing a DissertationTopic3. The Key Skills Tested in the Dissertation4. The Research Proposal5. How Can I Manage My Time and Complete onTime?6. Theory and Literature7. Methodology8. Data, and How to Analyse It9. Data Analysis and Representation10. The Craft of Writing and Introductions andConclusions11. Reviewing and Evaluating Your DissertationNew to this edition• Completely updated in line with developments in the latesttechnologies, including Twitter and Facebook as usefulsources of research• Improved online resources including quizzes and checklists• More examples, case studies and real life student andsupervisor comments• More on the theory and philosophy of research, whilemaintaining a practical focus• Now suitable for students taking the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s Investigating aBusiness Issue and Using Information in HR units.Online resourcesFor tutors• Lecturer’s Guide• PowerPoint slides• Additional activitiesFor students• Annotated web-links• Templates and checklists from the book• Screenshots from the book‘Roy Horn's text offers a systematic and logical approach toassist university students complete their research projects. Theauthor has provided a supportive guide which considers thepracticalities of conducting research. Students new toresearch will find this text most useful.’ Chris Doran, Universityof Salford.‘This book is a practical guide for anyone who is writing adissertation. Horn writes in a user-friendly style, offeringpositive and encouraging advice to the student on how toapproach the dissertation, with tips on dealing with typicaldifficulties, such as avoiding procrastination.’ Janet Fletcher,Staffordshire University Business SchoolRoy Horn is an academic and researcher at BuckinghamshireNew University.ISBN: 978 1 84398 302 6 Pub Date: February 2012Pages: 302 PaperbackPrice: £31.99 Student Price: £25.59NEWContemporaryIssues in HumanResourceManagementStephen TaylorContents1. Introduction2. Competition and Choice3. People and Skills4. Regulation and Public Policy5. Social Trends6. Flexibility and Change7. Competing for People8. Managing Expectations9. Engaging People10. Managing Knowledge and Learning11. Managing an International Workforce12. Managing Ethically13. Developing HR Strategies14. Managing the HR FunctionStephen Taylor’s innovative new textbook is ideal for Businessstudents taking an advanced HRM module at undergraduate orMaster’s level, as well as students taking other modules whichexplore people management in relation to the wider businesscontext. Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management isuniquely holistic in its approach to advanced HRM and takesstudents on a clear and logical journey through a comprehensiveset of issues.• Fully focussed on contemporary and future issues rather thanthe usual operational HRM topics making it ideal for advancedHRM modules• Single-authored and therefore coherently and cohesivelystructured and written• Comprehensive, in-depth and critical - truly advancedundergraduate and postgraduate level• Student-focussed - accessible, with excellent features includingcase studies, journal article summaries, critical reflectionquestions and further reading.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s guideFor students• Annotated weblinksStephen Taylor is Senior Lecturer at Manchester MetropolitanUniversity Business School and the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s examiner for theManaging in a Strategic Business Context paper.ISBN: 978 1 84398 058 2 Pub Date: September 2011Pages: 336 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99e-books!Electronic versions of our titles and e-booksare available to purchase on request.Visit cipd.co.uk/ebooks for details.

NEWInternationalHuman ResourceManagement3rd editionChris Brewster, Paul Sparrow,Guy Vernon and ElizabethHouldsworthIntroduction toOrganisationalBehaviourEdited by Michael Butlerand Ed RoseContents1. Introduction2. National Cultures3. Culture and Organisational Life4. Comparative HRM Theory5. Comparative HRM Departments6. Recruitment and Selection7. Rewards8. Performance Management9. Training and Development10. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance11. Communications and Employee Relations12. IHRM Theory13. Expatriation/Managing International Working14. Managing New Forms of Diversity in IHRM Working15. Contemporary Issues in IHRM16. Globalising IHRM ManagementA critically engaging yet student-friendly text forInternational HRM modules at all levels.An internationally renowned author team have written abalanced approach, covering cross-cultural, comparativeand strategic HRM issues. The book has superior coverageof culture, compared to other International HRM textbooks.New to this edition• New Contemporary Issues chapter including material onethics and international HRM in turbulent economictimes• More material on managing and supporting internationalassignments• A short case study and a longer case study withquestions in each chapter from a range of differentcountries• Improved range of learning features including keylearning points, annotated further reading including weblinks, reflective activities and ‘theory in practice’ boxes.Online resourcesFor tutors• Additional case studies with questions• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s GuideChris Brewster is a Professor of International HRM atHenley Business School.Paul Sparrow is Director of the Centre for Performance-Led HR and Professor of International HRM at LancasterUniversity Management School.Guy Vernon is a Lecturer in Human Resource Managementat Southampton University.Elizabeth Houldsworth is a Lecturer in Managing Peopleand International HRM at Henley Business School.Contents1. Introduction2. Approaches to Organisational BehaviourPART 1: INDIVIDUALS3. Personality4. Perception and Managing Emotions5. Motivation and Satisfaction6. Learning Theories and PracticesPART 2: GROUPS AND TEAMS7. Work Groups and Teams8. Conflict and Stress in Organisations9. CommunicationPART 3: MANAGING ORGANISATIONS10. Leading and Influencing in Organisations11. Decision-Making12. Equality and Diversity in Organisations13. Power in OrganisationsPART 4: ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE14. Organisational Design, Structure and Work Organisation15. Organisational Culture and Change Management16. Technology in Work Organisations17. Human Resource Management and Organisational BehaviourPART 5: EMERGING ISSUES18. Ethics: Issues and Developments19. ConclusionIntroduction to Organisational Behaviour is the first truly integratedprint and electronic learning package for introductory modules. Itprovides a rigorous critique of the essential organisational behaviourtopics in a creative, interactive and visual way.Key features include:• practitioner case studies presenting real organisational dilemmasaccompanied by video interviews online where the practitionerstalk about approaches and solutions• tailored tutor resources online, recognising that you have differentneeds - one area is designed for new OB lecturers and the othercontains materials for more experienced OB lecturers• a global perspective reflecting today’s market-place, integratedthrough global examples.Online resourcesFor tutors• Interviews with practitioners• Demonstrations of employability skills• Additional short and long case study per chapter with questions• Additional discussion and assignment questions• Tutorial activities• PowerPoint slides• Guidance notesFor students• Web links including YouTube links and links to seminal articlesMichael Butler is a Senior Lecturer in Management in the Work andOrganisational Psychology Group of Aston Business School, Aston University.Ed Rose is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations and OrganisationalBehaviour in the Faculty of Business and Law at Liverpool John MooresUniversity.Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366ISBN: 978 1 84398 266 1 Pub Date: September 2011Pages: 480 PaperbackPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59ISBN: 978 1 84398 247 0 Pub Date: January 2011Pages: 536 PaperbackPrice: £43.99 Student Price: £35.199

Human ResourceManagement forMBA Students2nd editionCritical Issues inHuman ResourceManagementOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 336610Iain HendersonContents1. People Management: Personnel Management andHuman Resource Management2. HRM and Strategy3. Designing Work4. Employee Resourcing5. Human Resource Development6. Employee Relations7. Performance Management8. HRM and Competency9. HRM in International Companies10. Review and Future TrendsFollowing the huge success of the first edition, Human ResourceManagement for MBA Students returns even more student-friendlyand better still for the managers of tomorrow.• Clearly understands the MBA student, their needs and interests• Engaging and accessible writing style• Packed with practical information and case studies but groundedin theory• Comprehensive but concise, fitting easily within a 12-weeksemester• An important early lesson on the changing world of the linemanager and HR professional in the opening chapters.New to this edition• CSR, organisational culture and organisational change• Expanded coverage of performance management and talentmanagement• Discussion of the criticisms of HRM levelled by the criticalmanagement school• New feature in each chapter exploring different HRM challenges• Annotated further reading for each chapter, including websites• Broader range of case studies including more public andvoluntary sector examples• More case studies with an international perspective.Online resourcesFor tutors• Lecturer’s Guide including additional activities• PowerPoint slides• Five shorter case studies and five longer case studies to use inclassFor students• Annotated web linksIain Henderson is a Senior Teaching Fellow at Edinburgh BusinessSchool, Heriot-Watt University.ISBN: 978 1 84398 265 4 Pub Date: March 2011Pages: 280 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99ORDER YOUR INSPECTIONCOPY NOWCall 0844 800 3366, go to cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts,or fill in the form on the back of this brochure.Edited by Ian Roper,Rea Prouska andUracha Chatrakul Na AyudhyaContents1. IntroductionPART 1: THE INFLUENCES ON AND SHAPERS OF HR STRATEGY2. Corporate Governance and HRM3. Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility and HRM4. Managing HR in Differing National Contexts5. Technology and Work: Is the Future Certain?6. Employment Relations, Finance and the Corporation7. Politics, the Regulatory Environment and HRM8. HRM and Socio-Demographics9. Critical Issues in Managing the Business EnvironmentPART 2: HR PROCESSES AND PRACTICES10. Critical Issues in People Resourcing(1): Reconceptualising Employee Performance11. (2): The Dilemmas with Outsourcing and Offshoring12. Critical Issues in Employee Relations(1): From Employee Consent to Employee Engagement13. (2): Global Unions14. Critical Issues in L&D: Beyond ‘the Learning Organisation’15. Critical Issues in Reward Management16. Critical Issues in Equality and Diversity(1): Gender Equity and the Myths of theWork - Life BalanceNarrative17. (2): Defining and Challenging Institutional Racism18. (3): Disability Discrimination and the Modern WorkplacePART 3: CONTEXTUALISING HRM - SECTORAL VIEWS OF HRPRACTICE19. HRM in Manufacturing20. HRM in Private Services21. HRM in Public Services22. HRM in the Not-for-Profit SectorPART 4: CONCLUSIONS23. Global Challenges for Development of Human ResourcesThis textbook is a substantial and authoritative multi-authortextbook for HRM modules that take a critical approach. Itproblematises core HRM topics, encouraging sophisticated thinkingabout HR interventions.Online resourcesFor tutors• Lecturer’s Guide including guidance on the cases and questionsin the book, theoretical outlines, additional seminar activitiesand discussion topics• PowerPoint slides• Additional case studiesFor students• Annotated web linksIan Roper is Principal Lecturer in Employment Relations and Directorof Programmes for HRM at Middlesex University Business School.Rea Prouska is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Managementand programme leader for the BA Human Resource Managementdegree at Middlesex University Business School.Uracha Chatrakul Na Ayudhya is a Lecturer in Human ResourceManagement at Middlesex University Business School.ISBN: 978 1 84398 242 5 Pub Date: November 2010Pages: 464 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99

AdvancedqualificationAdvancedqualificationEmploymentRelationsA Critical andInternational ApproachRewardManagement2nd editionPauline Dibben,Geoffrey Wood andGilton KlerckContents1. IntroductionPART 1: CONCEPTUAL DEBATES AND CONTECTUAL FACTORS2. The Main Players in Employment Relations: Tradeunions, employers, and the state3. Theories of Employment Relations4. Employment Relations and Human ResourceManagement5. Local, National and Global Effects on the Practice ofEmployment Relations6. Power and AuthorityPART 2: MANAGEMENT INTERVENTIONS IN EMPLOYMENTRELATIONS7. Voice8. Employee Engagement9. Pay and Reward10. Discrimination, Difference and Diversity11. Discipline and Grievance12. Conflict and Dispute Resolution13. Downsizing and Redundancy14. Conclusion: The Relevance of Employment Relationsand Comparative Employment RelationsA critical Employment Relations text with an internationalperspective, designed to map onto the <strong>CIPD</strong> module but just asvaluable for non-<strong>CIPD</strong> students.• Completely maps onto the <strong>CIPD</strong> module, Managing EmploymentRelations• Truly integrated international approach, not just through casestudies and examples• Critical approach, for those wanting to engage with critical debates• Academic approach, drawing on the latest research• Excellent links between theory and practice• Full range of interactive learning features including case studies (atleast half are international), exercises and a glossary of key terms• Broad coverage including key developments and current practices• Structure split into conceptual debates and functional areas foreasy navigation.Online resourcesFor tutors• Lecturer’s Guide• PowerPoint slides• Additional case studiesFor students• Annotated web links that will be updated regularly• Self-test questions• Updates on further reading including new researchPauline Dibben is Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations at theUniversity of Sheffield.Geoffrey Wood is Professor in Human Resource Management atthe University of Sheffield.Gilton Klerck is Professor of Sociology at Rhodes University,Grahamstown, South Africa.ISBN: 978 1 84398 268 5 Pub Date: Feb 2011Pages: 400 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Suitable for the Managing Employment Relations moduleStephen J. Perkins andGeoff WhiteContents1. Introducing Employee Reward SystemsPART 12. Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks3. The Legal, Employment Relations and Market ContextPART 24. Pay Structures and Relationships5. Pay Setting, Composition and Progression6. Variable Pay SchemesPART 37. Benefits8. Pensions9. Non-financial RewardPART 410. Rewarding Directors and Executives11. International Reward Management12. Employee Reward within HRMThis textbook maps onto the <strong>CIPD</strong> Reward Management module, andis also ideal for students on Reward modules on wider HR or Businessdegree programmes.• Comprehensive coverage of reward• Balances in-depth analysis with practical activities• Contains a range of interactive learning features.New to this edition• Completely revised to map onto the <strong>CIPD</strong> module• International case studies and examples• Links to practical tools via end-of-chapter web links.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Tutor lecture notes• Additional, extended case studiesFor students• Podcasts• Regular updates• Annotated web linksStephen J. Perkins is Professor of Strategy and HRM in theBusiness School, University of Bedfordshire, and Honorary VisitingProfessor, Cass Business School, City University.Geoff White is Professor of Human Resource Management at theUniversity of Greenwich Business School.ISBN: 978 1 84398 263 0 Pub Date: May 2011Pages: 496 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Suitable for the Reward Management moduleGet a FREE research publicationwith every adoption!If you are recommending a <strong>CIPD</strong> text as the sole essential purchasefor your students, you can claim a FREE <strong>CIPD</strong> research publication.To download the relevant form to claim your research publication,go to the Tutors section at: cipd.co.uk/tutorproductsOffer ends 30 June 2012.Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 336611

AdvancedqualificationAdvancedqualificationHuman ResourceManagement inContextStrategy, Insights andSolutions3rd editionDavid FarnhamHuman ResourceManagement in aBusiness ContextJohn Kew and John StredwickOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366ContentsPART 1: INTRODUCING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT,ORGANISATIONS AND MANAGEMENT1. Human Resource Management and its ExternalContexts2. Contemporary Organisations and their Internal Contexts3. The Managerial and Business Contexts of OrganisationsPART 2: STRATEGY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION4. Developing Corporate Strategies5. Developing Human Resource StrategiesPART 3: THE EXTERNAL CONTEXTS OF HUMAN RESOURCEMANAGEMENT6. Markets and the Competitive Context7. Globalisation and International Factors8. Demographic and Social Trends9. The Technological Context10. Government Policy and Legal RegulationThis textbook maps directly onto the new <strong>CIPD</strong> postgraduatemodule Human Resource Management in Context.• Written by David Farnham, one of the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s Chief Examinersand the author of the new Human Resource Management inContext module• Written in a student-centred way, balancing factual materialwith practical analysis.New to this edition• New chapter on contemporary organisations and their internalcontexts• New chapter on managerial and business contexts• Two chapters instead of one on strategies: one ondeveloping corporate strategies and one on developing HRstrategies• HR strategy and solutions added to each chapter.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide• Answers/guidance for the chapter activities• Additional case studies‘The book is very closely mapped to the Human ResourceManagement in Context module and fits well with my plans forteaching this module.’ Samantha Lynch, Kent Business SchoolA note from the author‘You will find this textbook particularly useful because it drawson the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s HR Profession Map and illustrates how the HRfunction has changed in recent years, and why. A main objectiveis to put current HR practices in their managerial, organisationaland external contexts, showing how they shape the present HRagenda.’ David FarnhamDavid Farnham is Emeritus Professor of Employment Relations atthe Portsmouth Business School.Contents1. Human Resource Management in Context2. The Managerial Context of Human Resources3. The Competitive Environment4. Government Policy5. Regulation6. The World Economy7. Demographic and Social Trends8. Technology9. Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability10. Strategic Management11. Integrative Case StudiesThis textbook has been written for the new <strong>CIPD</strong> postgraduatemodule Human Resource Management in Context.• Written by John Kew and John Stredwick, the well-respectedauthors of Business Environment• Written for students with little or no prior knowledge of thesubject area• Includes 95 case studies covering issues such as the FranceTelecom crisis and the MPs’ expenses scandal• Includes 78 activities to enable students to draw on theirown experiences and apply different theories• The final chapter applies the book’s themes to offer a seriesof activities based on the National Health Service• Covers business ethics and corporate social responsibility indetail.New to this edition• New chapter on the managerial context of human resources• Greater emphasis in each chapter on the impact of HRMstrategy and practices on the business• International examples in each chapter and 28 internationalcase studies.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide• Additional case studies‘Excellent variety of types of case study both in context and inlength which support tutors who wish to use some for briefexercises and discussions and others for more extensiveactivities.’ Susan Greener, University of Brighton Business School‘The case studies’ variety, depth and relevance are one of thereal strengths of the work…The cases here are very differentand deal with issues that are often not covered in a book ofthis nature.’ Adrian Murton, London Metropolitan Business SchoolJohn Kew is an educational consultant and has written on thesubject of flexible learning material for the <strong>CIPD</strong>.John Stredwick has recently retired from his academic career atBedfordshire University. He remains a major writing contributorto the <strong>CIPD</strong> Flexible Learning project with a specialism in RewardManagement.12ISBN: 978 1 84398 259 3 Pub Date: August 2010Pages: 400 PaperbackPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59Suitable for the Human Resource Management in Context moduleISBN: 978 1 84398 252 4 Pub Date: July 2010Pages: 624 PaperbackPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59Suitable for the Human Resource Management in Context module

AdvancedqualificationCross-CulturalManagement inWork Organisations2nd editionLeading, Managingand DevelopingPeople3rd editionRay FrenchContentsPART 1: SETTING THE SCENE1. IntroductionPART 2: CULTURE: USES AND LIMITATIONS2. The Meaning(s) of Culture3. Models of Culture: Traditional Approaches4. Models of Culture: Developments and DebatesPART 3: CROSS-CULTURAL SOCIAL RELATIONS IN THEWORKPLACE5. Culture and Organisation Structure6. Intercultural Communication and Negotiation7. Leadership and Multicultural Teams8. Motivation and Exchange9. Intercultural Competencies, Training and Ethics10. Culture and Human Resource Management11. ConclusionsCross-Cultural Management is the essential introduction tocross-cultural social relations in the work setting.• Provides an evaluation of existing frameworks forunderstanding cross-cultural differences• Examines the intercultural competencies needed bymanagers, such as cultural awareness• Evaluates how both cultural and non-cultural factors influencesocial processes at work.New to this edition• More on emerging issues and frameworks, such as the role oflanguage, diversity management and the concept of identity• Greater emphasis on cross-cultural negotiation andintercultural team-building• New case studies and examples taken from different regionsof the world• ‘Applying theory to practice’ boxes.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Seminar activities• Case studiesFor students• Web links• Self-assessment exercisesISBN: 978 1 84398 243 2 Pub Date: March 2010Pages: 320 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99ORDER YOUR INSPECTIONCOPY NOWCall 0844 800 3366, go to cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts,or fill in the form on the back of this brochure.Edited by Gary Rees andRay FrenchContentsPART 1: LEADING AND MANAGING PEOPLE: ANOVERVIEW1. IntroductionPART 2: THE AIMS, OBJECTIVES AND CONTRIBUTION OFHRM2. The Scope and Nature of Human ResourceManagement and Human Resource Development3. HRM Contributions in Different Settings4. Professionalism and Ethics in Managing PeoplePART 3: LEADING, MANAGING AND DEVELOPING PEOPLE:MAJOR CONTEMPORARY THEMES5. Leadership6. Managing Change7. Flexibility and the Psychological ContractPART 4: MANAGING PEOPLE: EFFECTIVE PRACTICE8. Organisational and Job Design9. Recruitment and Selection10. Developing Employees11. Managing the Employment Relationship12. Performance Management, Motivation and RewardPART 5: CONCLUSION13. Summary Themes and Future TrendsBuilding on the success of Rayner and Adam-Smith: Managingand Leading People, this edition has been written for the new<strong>CIPD</strong> postgraduate module Leading, Managing and DevelopingPeople.• Provides strong academic underpinning and application topractice, particularly to HR settings• Written by a team of experts at Portsmouth Business School.New to this edition• New chapters include: The Nature and Scope of HRM andHRD, The Contribution of HRM and HRD to DifferingOrganisation Settings, Professionalism and Ethics in ManagingPeople, Managing Change, Organisational and Job Design,and Managing Employment and Employee Relations.Online resourcesFor tutors• Lecturer’s Guide• Lecture handouts• Teamwork activitiesFor students• Accounts of best practice• Questionnaires for motivational skills and leadershipattributesGary Rees is Principal Lecturer in HRM and Director ofPostgraduate HRM Programmes at Portsmouth Business School.Ray French is Principal Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour atPortsmouth Business School.ISBN: 978 1 84398 257 9 Pub Date: September 2010Pages: 338 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Suitable for the Leading, Managing and Developing People moduleOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 336613

Learning and TalentDevelopmentAdvancedqualificationResourcing andTalent Management5th editionAdvancedqualificationJim Stewart andClare RiggStephen TaylorOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366Contents1. IntroductionPART 1: THE NATURE, PURPOSE AND CONTEXT OF LEARNINGAND TALENT DEVELOPMENT2. Organising and Managing Learning and TalentDevelopment3. International and National Contexts4. Various and Varying Organisational Contexts5. The Politics of Learning and Talent DevelopmentPART 2: THE PROCESS OF LEARNING AND TALENTDEVELOPMENT6. Individual and Organisational Learning in TalentDevelopment7. Establishing Needs and Solutions to Talent Development8. Designing and Evaluating Talent DevelopmentPART 3: THE MANAGEMENT OF LEARNING AND TALENTDEVELOPMENT9. Learning and Talent Development Strategies10. Accessing and Managing Resources11. Ethics and Professionalism in Learning and TalentDevelopment12. Research Methods in Learning and Talent Development13. Summary, Conclusion and ThemesThis textbook has been written for the new <strong>CIPD</strong> postgraduatemodule Learning and Talent Development. It is also ideal forundergraduate and postgraduate HRM students who are taking amodule in Human Resource Development or Learning andDevelopment.• Written by Jim Stewart, Chief Examiner and author of theLearning and Talent Development module• Combines a clear and concise structure and writing style with anacademic and critical approach.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide including lecture handouts• Additional case studies: one longer one and one shorter oneper chapterFor students• Web links for each chapter including links to articles‘Would I consider using this book as the core text for the Learningand Talent Development module? A categorical Yes. This is arefreshing change from the other books available. The up-to-dateand leading literature gives this text a great deal of academickudos.’ Gary Rees, Portsmouth Business SchoolJim Stewart is Running Stream Professor of HRD at Leeds BusinessSchool.Clare Rigg lectures at the Institute of Technology, Tralee, CountyKerry, the Republic of Ireland.Contents1. Introducing Resourcing and Talent Management2. Employment Markets and Regulation3. Flexibility4. Fairness and Diversity5. Human Resource Planning6. Job Analysis and Job Design7. Recruitment Advertising8. Alternative Recruitment Methods9. Employer Branding10. Selection: The Classic Trio11. Advanced Methods of Employee Selection12. The New Employee13. Succession Planning14. Measuring and Analysing Employee Turnover15. Improving Employee Retention16. Retirements17. Dismissals18. Redundancy19. Resourcing Strategy20. The Future of WorkThis textbook has been written for the new <strong>CIPD</strong> postgraduatemodule Resourcing and Talent Management. It is also ideal forstudents studying People Resourcing modules on non-<strong>CIPD</strong>programmes.• Through practical guidance and theoretical underpinning,Resourcing and Talent Management provides a comprehensiveoverview of fundamental management issues• Written by Stephen Taylor, one of the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s Chief Examinersand the author behind the new Resourcing and TalentManagement module.New to this edition• Focuses exclusively on the relationships between organisationsand their labour markets• Three new chapters on fairness and diversity, employer brandingand succession planning/talent management• Separate chapters on measuring and analysing employeeturnover and improving employee retention• Separate chapters on retirement and managing redundancy.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide including sample assessment and handouts• Feedback on book case studies and one extra case study perchapterFor students• Web links for each chapter• Annual updates on resourcing and talent managementStephen Taylor is Senior Lecturer at Manchester MetropolitanUniversity Business School and the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s Examiner for theManaging in a Strategic Business Context paper.14ISBN: 978 1 84398 250 0 Pub Date: January 2011Pages: 424 PaperbackPrice: £42.99 Student Price: £34.39Suitable for the Learning and Talent Development moduleISBN: 978 1 84398 251 7 Pub Date: September 2010Pages: 608 PaperbackPrice: £44.99 Student Price: £35.99Suitable for the Resourcing and Talent Management module

AdvancedqualificationAdvancedqualificationDeveloping Skillsfor BusinessLeadershipThe Business SkillsHandbookEdited by Gillian Watson andStefanie C. ReissnerRoy HornContentsPART 1: INTRODUCTIONPART 2: POSTGRADUATE STUDY SKILLSPART 3: EFFECTIVE SELF-MANAGEMENT IN THEWORKPLACEPART 4: EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF INTERPERSONALRELATIONSHIPS AT WORKPART 5: ESSENTIAL PEOPLE MANAGEMENT SKILLSPART 6: FINANCIAL SKILLSPART 7: PROFICIENCY IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYPART 8: EFFECTIVE DECISION-MAKING AND PROBLEM-SOLVINGPART 9: EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIPPART 10: THE USE OF SKILL ACQUISITIONFor the full contents list please visit our websiteThis textbook has been written for the new <strong>CIPD</strong> postgraduatemodule Developing Skills for Business Leadership. It is also idealfor postgraduate Business students who are taking a module inProfessional Development, Career Development orManagement Skills.• Edited by Gillian Watson (author of the <strong>CIPD</strong> text Managingfor Results) and Stefanie C. Reissner and written by a team oftwelve experts on different skills, ensuring that students haveaccess to the most authoritative content• The first postgraduate textbook to cover three key areas:managing yourself and others in the workplace; transferablemanagerial skills such as problem-solving; and postgraduatestudy skills such as critical thinking.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide• Longer activities that could be used in a workshopcontextFor students• Examples of reflective practice and logbook developmentGillian Watson is a Senior Lecturer in Human ResourceManagement and currently Programme Leader for the MA inInternational Management at the University of Sunderland.Stefanie C. Reissner is a Senior Lecturer in HRM at NewcastleUniversity Business School.ISBN: 978 1 84398 260 9 Pub Date: September 2010Pages: 624 PaperbackPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59Suitable for the Developing Skills for Business Leadership moduleContents1. Organising Life and Work2. How to Study3. Learning and Skills4. What are the Key Skills of University Life and theWorkplace?5. Working in Teams6. Effective Reading Skills7. Developing Good Writing Skills8. Presentation Communication9. Business Calculations10. Critical Reading and Writing Skills11. Analysis and Evaluation Skills12. Examinations and Assignments13. Thinking and Memory Skills14. Word Processor Skills15. Being Effective with Spreadsheets16. Project Management Skills17. Social Skills18. Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring Skills19. Careers and ‘Futuring’ SkillsThe first textbook to cover all the business skills that students needat university and at work.• Covers all the practical, cognitive, technical and developmentalskills that students need to succeed at university and in theirprofessional career• Packed with learning features with a focus on experientiallearning to get students effectively assessing and developingtheir skills.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s GuideFor students• Templates• Study guide including additional questions and activities,ideas for learning diary entries and web links‘An excellent text covering a very broad range of transferable skills.The chapters are the right length for students to dip into and findwhat they need. I am looking forward to recommending it to mystudents.’Hilary M. Jones, Skills Development Co-ordinator, University of YorkRoy Horn is an academic and researcher in the School of Businessand Management at Buckinghamshire New University.ISBN: 978 1 84398 218 0 Pub Date: November 2009Pages: 536 PaperbackPrice: £36.99 Student Price: £29.59Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 336620% off!Your students can save 20% on the full price of theirbooks if they order from us by calling 0844 800 3366or when ordering online at cipd.co.uk/bookstore15

AdvancedqualificationAdvancedqualificationManagingEmploymentRelations5th editionLeadership andManagementDevelopment5th editionJohn Gennard andGraham JudgeJeff Gold, Richard Thorpeand Alan MumfordOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366Contents1. IntroductionPART 2: OVERVIEW2. Employment Relations: What is it? And TheoreticalConsiderationsPART 3: CONTEXT3. The Economic and Corporate Environment4. The Legislative Framework5. The Importance of the European Union6. Employee Relations InstitutionsPART 4: PROCESSES AND POLICIES7. Employment Relations Strategies and Policies8. Employee Involvement9. Employee Engagement10. Other Employee Relations ProcessesPART 5: PRACTICE AND SKILLS11. Negotiation (Including Bargaining)12. Employee Performance and Behaviour13. Managing Employee Grievances14. Managing RedundanciesA highly practical text written specifically for the new <strong>CIPD</strong>module Managing Employment Relations. It is also suitable forgeneral Employment Relations modules.• Takes a hands-on, practical approach to employmentrelations, enabling students to apply their learning in theworkplace.New to this edition• An improved balance between theory and practice - atheoretical framework is set out in the 2nd chapter andmore academic references are included• New chapter on employee engagement• More on managing conflict• Takes a more international perspective and includes theglobal strategies of multinationals• 1-2 case studies per chapter.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide• Additional case studiesFor students• Annotated web linksJohn Gennard The late John Gennard was Professor ofHuman Resource Management at the University of Strathclyde.Graham Judge is Group Human Resources Director forYattendon Investment Trust plc.Contents1. Leaders and Managers, Leadership and ManagementDevelopment2. Strategic Leadership and Management Development3. Measuring Leaders and Managers4. Assessing Development Needs5. Leaders, Managers and Learning6. Activities For the Development of Leaders andManagers7. Combining Work and Learning8. Evaluating Leadership and Management Development9. Leadership and Management Development and SocialCapital10. The Future Supply of Leaders and Managers11. Diversity and Ecology12. Leadership and Management Development in Small andMedium-Sized Organisations13. Futures Learning for Leaders and ManagersThis authoritative text is designed for students studyingleadership and management development as part of the <strong>CIPD</strong>qualification or as part of a general Business or HR degree.New to this edition• Re-titled and revised to focus on leadership as well asmanagement• Academic and critical content is supported by real-life casestudies and examples from industry• Increased coverage of diversity, ecology, ethics and SMEs• Takes a more international perspective.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s GuideFor students• Templates• Study guide including additional questions and activities,ideas for learning diary entries and web links‘This book could be described as a compendium tomanagement development...A systematic approach to readingthe book will reward the reader with an engaging study intocontemporary management development theory and practice.’Martyn Kerswell,Industrial and Commercial Training, Learning and DevelopmentAdviser, The Veterans AgencyJeff Gold is Principal Lecturer in Organisation Learning at LeedsBusiness School, Leeds Metropolitan University.Richard Thorpe is Professor of Management Development andDeputy Director of the Keyworth Institute at Leeds UniversityBusiness School, University of Leeds.Alan Mumford has published numerous articles and books and isa leading figure in the management development field.16ISBN: 978 1 84398 256 2 Pub Date: September 2010Pages: 640 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Suitable for the Managing Employment Relations moduleISBN: 978 1 84398 244 9 Pub Date: April 2010Pages: 384 PaperbackPrice: £38.99 Student Price: £31.19Suitable for the Leadership and Management Development module

Can be considered forIntermediate qualificationManagingChangeA Critical Perspective2nd editionMark HughesHuman ResourceManagementA case study approachEdited byMichael Muller-Camen,Richard Croucherand Susan LeighContentsPART ONE: INTRODUCTION1. The Managing Change Conundrums2. Organisational Change Classifications3. History and Organisational Change4. The Role of Paradigms and PerspectivesPART TWO: EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CHANGE CONTEXT5. Why Organisations Change6. Organisational Design and Change7. Strategic-Level Change8. Group- and Team-Level Change9. Individual-Level ChangePART THREE: MANAGING CHANGE10. The Leadership of Change11. Change Communications12. Resistance to Change13. Cultural Change14. Organisational LearningPART FOUR: DEVELOPMENTS IN MANAGING CHANGE15. Power, Politics and Organisational Change16. Ethics and Managing Change17. Change Agents and Agency18. HRM and Managing Change19. Technological ChangePART FIVE: CONCLUSIONS20. Evaluating Managing ChangeBuilding on the success of the first edition, this text is designed tocater for change modules on HR and Business degree programmesat both undergraduate and postgraduate level.• Explores how and why change occurs, and how this process canbe managed effectively• Offers a critical perspective, challenging the main assumptions inthis area and ensuring that the complexity of the subject isunderstood.New to this edition• New chapters on perspectives, power and politics, ethics, agentsand agency, HRM and evaluation• Revised, more logical structure• Critical perspective balanced with improved learning features• Revised final chapter focused on evaluating the practice andtheory of change management.Online resourcesFor tutorsPowerPoint slidesLecturer’s Guide including commentary on questions and casesin the bookAdditional case studiesFor studentsAnnotated web links‘An extremely challenging, critical and student-friendly text. It is veryclear and above all concise, covering all the main themes needed bystudents.’ Carolyn Ward, Senior Lecturer, Teesside University Business SchoolMark Hughes is a Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour inBrighton Business School.Contents1. Introduction2. The Context of HRM3. People and Human Resources Strategies4. HRM and Technological Innovation5. Labour Law6. Equality and Diversity7. HR Planning8. Recruitment9. Selection10. Flexibility and Work–Life Balance11. The Psychological Contract, Absence and Turnover12. Performance Management and Appraisal13. Reward Systems14. Training and Development15. Understanding Coaching16. People-related Measures and High-performance HRM17. Employment Relations18. Health and Safety at Work19. Employee Communication20. Changing Roles in HRM21. The Organisation of Work22. International HRM23. Instead of HRM: A Cross-cultural Perspective24. Creating Corporate Capability: A New Agenda25. Corporate and Social responsibility and Sustainable HRM26. Potential Future Developments in HRMKey features of this wide-ranging and in-depth textbook include:• Learning outcomes and key learning points in each chapter tosummarise and highlight the issues raised• At least two case studies per chapter to link theory and practiceand illustrate how different HR practices are appropriate indifferent contexts• Further exploration references directing students to relevant articlesand websites, encouraging critical thinking.Online resourcesFor tutors•PowerPoint slides• Lecture notesFor students• Case studies• Multiple-choice questions‘Clearly written and accessible, this text seeks to present the issuesfacing the practitioner. It is wide in scope and makes excellent useof cases and exercises.’ Paul Smith, Principal Lecturer in HRM and Headof Subject Group, School of Business, University of HertfordshireMichael Muller-Camen is Professor of International HRM atMiddlesex University Business School.Richard Croucher is Professor of Comparative Employment Relationsand Director of Research at Middlesex University Business School.Susan Leigh is Programme Leader for the BA in HRM at MiddlesexUniversity Business School.Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366ISBN: 978 1 84398 241 8 Pub Date: August 2010Pages: 480 PaperbackPrice: £43.99 Student Price: £35.19ISBN: 978 1 84398 165 7 Pub Date: January 2008Pages: 544 PaperbackPrice: £42.99 Student Price: £34.3917

AdvancedqualificationBusiness ResearchMethodsA Practical ApproachResearch Methodsin Human ResourceManagement2nd editionOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 336618Sheila Cameron andDeborah PriceContentsPART 1: FROM FIRST IDEAS TO POSSIBLE TOPICS1. Practical Business Research: An Overview2. The Complexities of Business Research3. The Investigative Process4. Stakeholders, Power and Ethics5. Considering Possible TopicsPART 2: TOWARDS A RESEARCH PROPOSAL6. Exploring the Literature7. Writing a Literature Review8. Research Questions and Purposes9. Data, Evidence and Sampling10. Choosing a Research Method11. Crafting a Research ProposalPART 3: DATA COLLECTION12. Producing a Research Project from Secondary Data13. Case Study Research14. Action-Oriented Research and Action Research15. Questionnaires16. Interviews17. Focus Groups and WorkshopsPART 4: DATA ANALYSIS18. Grounded Theory19. Content Analysis20. Representing Quantitative Data21. Inferential Statistical Analysis22. Drawing Valid ConclusionsPART 5: ESSENTIAL RESEARCH SKILLS23. Managing the Project24. Managing Client Relationships25. Learning and Reflection26. Writing about ResearchBusiness Research Methods demystifies the research process andshows students how to make their research meaningful, effectiveand relevant to the business world.• Places research firmly in the real world, exploring why research isdone and how to ensure that projects are meaningful fororganisations.• Provides real-world examples and case studies (including examplesof other students’ projects) to give students with little or no workexperience a meaningful context in which to relate their ownprojects.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide withadditional activities andsupporting handouts• Figures and tables from thetextFor students• Web links• Templates• Quizzes and activities• Examples of practice• Sample questionnaireresultsSheila Cameron is Senior Lecturer at the Open University BusinessSchool (OUBS).Deborah Price is Lecturer in Management at the Open UniversityBusiness School (OUBS).ISBN: 978 1 84398 228 9 Pub Date: Nov 2009Pages: 640 PaperbackPrice: £42.99 Student Price: £34.39Valerie AndersonContents1. Introduction2. First Stages in the HR Project3. Ethics and HR Research4. Reviewing and Evaluating Existing Knowledge5. Approaches to Gathering Data in HR Research6. Finding and Using Organisational Evidence7. Collecting and Recording Qualitative Data8. Analysing Qualitative Data9. Collecting and Recording Quantitative Data10. Analysing Quantitative Data and FormulatingConclusions11. Communicating your Research12. Final ReflectionsResearch Methods in Human Resource Management addressesthe needs of HRM and <strong>CIPD</strong> students writing a managementreport or dissertation, providing both theoretical frameworksand practical guidance.Providing an accessible guide to the planning and execution ofHRM research projects, this book seeks to develop the knowledgeand skills of first-time researchers for effective research into HRMissues in organisations.New to this edition• Covers ethics and HR research• More on methodology, philosophy, ontology and epistemology• More on quantitative methods and analysis.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecture notesFor students• Web links‘This new edition is clear and well expressed. I strongly recommendand encourage students to buy it.’ Jennifer Johnson, MSc HRM/DCourse Leader, University of LincolnValerie Anderson is Lecturer in Human Resource Managementat the University of Portsmouth Business School.ISBN: 978 1 84398 227 2 Pub Date: July 2009Pages: 400 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Suitable for the Investigating a Business Issue from an HRPerspective modulee-books!Electronic versions of our titles and e-booksare available to purchase on request.Visit cipd.co.uk/ebooks for details.

Can be considered forIntermediate qualificationFoundationqualificationLearning andDevelopment5th editionRosemary HarrisonIntroduction toHuman ResourceManagementA Guide to HR inPractice 2nd editionCharles Leatherbarrow,Janet Fletcher and Donald CurrieContentsPART 1: UNDERSTANDING THE FIELD1. Learning and Development in Organisations Today2. National Skills Strategy3. Reforming Vocational Education and TrainingPART 2: GETTING TO GRIPS WITH THE PRACTICE4. Understanding Learning and the Learners5. Promoting Workplace Learning and Knowledge6. Enhancing Performance Management7. A Six-stage Training Cycle for Co-creating Value8. The Six-stage Cycle in Action: A Case Study9. Achieving Ethical PracticePART 3: MAKING A BUSINESS CONTRIBUTION10. The L&D Agenda in Different Sectoral Settings11. Shaping and Managing the L&D Function12. Producing and Implementing L&D Strategy13. Developing L&D Partnerships14. Adding ValuePART 4: BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE15. Tackling Challenges of Change16. Promoting Talent and Career Development17. Developing Leaders and Managers18. Pulling the Threads Together: Claims and ChallengesThis textbook presents a comprehensive, balanced and detailedexploration of L&D, at the same time making it accessible to allthrough a clear writing style and a range of learning features suchas case studies, examples, questions and exercises.Rosemary Harrison was formerly the <strong>CIPD</strong>’s Chief Examiner forEmployee Development/Learning and Development and wasDirector of the HRD Research Centre at the University of Durham.ISBN: 978 1 84398 216 6 Pub Date: March 2009Pages: 400 PaperbackPrice: £42.99 Student Price: £34.39Suitable for PDS20%off!Your students can save 20% on the fullprice of their books if they order fromus by calling 0844 800 3366 or whenordering online at cipd.co.uk/bookstoreContents1. Organisations2. Aspects of Organisational Culture3. Human Resource Management4. The Role of the HR Practitioner5. Human Resource Planning6. Recruitment7. Selection8. Induction and Retention9. Learning10. Human Resource Development11. Performance Management12. Employee Reward13. The Employment Relationship and Work-Life Balance14. Health, Safety and Well-being15. Diversity and Equality16. Understanding Employment Law17. Ending the Employment Relationship18. Change Management19. Handling and Managing InformationOffering a practical approach to HR, this title is ideal for the<strong>CIPD</strong>’s new Certificate in HR Practice as well as for foundationstudents or undergraduates studying an introductory module inHRM.• Maps onto the new <strong>CIPD</strong> Certificate• Suitable for wider Introduction to HR courses• Follows the logical sequence of the employment cycle• Practical focus balanced with the right amount of theory.New to this edition• All chapters revised and updated in line with the newCertificate• New chapters on employment law, organisational changeand ending the employment relationship• Increased coverage of customer service skills• More on multicultural workforces.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s GuideFor students• Annotated web links‘Students will find this textbook useful because it is accessiblywritten and has a logical structure. The activities are very good andI like the thought starters.’ Sue Blower, Telford College of Art andTechnologyCharles Leatherbarrow is a Senior Lecturer in HRM atStaffordshire University.Janet Fletcher is a Senior Lecturer at Staffordshire University.Donald Currie - The late Donald Currie worked as a personnelofficer for over 15 years before joining Southampton SolentUniversity as a lecturer in personnel management.ISBN: 978 1 84398 258 6 Pub Date: September 2010Pages: 456 PaperbackPrice: £42.99 Student Price: £34.39Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 3366Suitable for the Certificate in HR Practice19

FoundationqualificationFoundationqualificationHuman ResourcePractice5th editionLearning andDevelopmentPracticeMalcolm Martin,Fiona Whiting andTricia JacksonKathy Beevers andAndrew ReaOrder your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 336620Contents1. Introduction and Overview2. The Organisational Context3. The Legal Background4. Job Analysis5. Recruitment and Selection6. Performance Management7. Reward8. Employee Relations9. Learning and Development10. Information and Communication Technology in HR11. Change in Organisations12. Personal EffectivenessThis is the only text designed specifically for the new <strong>CIPD</strong>Certificate in HR Practice.New to this edition• Three new chapters on job analysis and design, rewardsystems and change management• More on customer service skills• More on employment law• More examples of real-life practice.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide• Short and longer additional case studies to accompany eachchapterFor students• Web links‘This new edition has all the attributes of previous editions butwith some welcome additions. It has been written with the new<strong>CIPD</strong> foundation-level structure in mind, which will make it aninvaluable resource for tutors and students alike.’ Tony Hewling,Lecturer, City College PlymouthMalcolm Martin has been involved in the design and delivery ofthe Certificate in Personnel Practice since 1993.Fiona Whiting has many years of experience as a generalistpractitioner in the public sectors and as a freelance practitionerworking across the public, voluntary and private sectors.Tricia Jackson has many years of experience as a generalistpractitioner in both the public and private sectors.ISBN: 978 1 84398 253 1 Pub Date: May 2010Pages: 356 PaperbackPrice: £42.99 Student Price: £34.39Suitable for the Certificate in HR PracticeGet a FREE research publication withevery adoption!If you are recommending a <strong>CIPD</strong> text as the sole essential purchasefor your students, you can claim a FREE <strong>CIPD</strong> research publication.To download the relevant form to claim your research publication,go to the Tutors section at: cipd.co.uk/tutorproductsOffer ends 30 June 2012.Contents1. Developing Yourself as an Effective Learning &Development Practitioner2. Understanding Organisations and the Role of Learning& Development3. Recording, Analysing and Using Learning &Development Information4. Undertaking a Learning Needs Analysis5. Designing Learning & Development Activities6. Delivering Learning & Development Activities7. Evaluating Learning & Development Activities8. Developing Coaching Skills for the Workplace9. Developing Mentoring Skills for the WorkplaceEssential Learning Pages:1. Training Cycle2. Experiential Learning Cycle3. Learning Styles4. 4Mat Model5. Multiple Intelligences6. Left Brain, Right Brain7. Principles of Adult Learning8. NLP - VAK9. NLP- Anchoring Learning10. GROW Model11. Levels of Evaluation12. Return on InvestmentThe only text for the Learning and Development PracticeCertificate, giving students all the information they need tosucceed in their studies and in their L&D careers.• Written by experienced practitioners in a clear, accessible way.• Divided into two parts - Part 1 contains the practical steps andunits, and Part 2 covers the underpinning theories and models- making it easy to navigate and suitable for a range of levelsand learning/teaching styles.• Contains a wealth of interactive learning features to engagestudents: objectives, advisory notes, case studies, activities,summaries, review questions and further reading.Online resourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s GuideFor students• Additional questions and activities• Annotated web links‘An excellent book, one which the students will find readable andpractical. I am struck by how clear the authors have managed tomake the text.’Alison Escritt, Lecturer, Merton Adult EducationKathy Beevers runs a training consultancy business calledLightbulb Learning Ltd.Andrew Rea is a trained trainer, coach and facilitator with abackground in management.ISBN: 978 1 84398 261 6 Pub Date: September 2010Pages: 256 PaperbackPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Suitable for the Certificate in L&D Practice

Reward Management inContextAngela WrightThis text is one of only a few titles on themarket to specifically focus on reward. It seeksto avoid a prescriptive view of reward andinstead offers a questioning approach to thesubject area.Personal Development andManagement SkillsChris Routledge and Jan CarmichaelThis book is ideal for anyone studying personalor professional development or managementskills as part of a Business and Managementdegree or an MBA.ISBN: 978 0 85292 993 3 Pub Date: Mar 2004 Pages: 240 PbkPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59Managing Information andStatistics 2nd editionRoland and Frances BeeThe book offers a clear, accessible andcomprehensive view of the subject area. Itincludes a range of pedagogical features including case studies,examples, chapter objectives, exercises, chapter conclusions andfurther reading suggestions to aid student learning. Theselearning features and the student-friendly writing style aredesigned to make this traditionally complex area moreaccessible.ISBN: 978 0 85292 995 7 Pub Date: Sep 2005 Pages: 320 PbkPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59Employee Relations in anOrganisational ContextKathy DanielsSpecifically catering for Employee Relationsmodules on HR and Business degree programmesat undergraduate level, this text looks at employeerelations from an organisational viewpoint.Online ResourcesFor tutors• PowerPoint slides• Lecturer’s Guide.ISBN: 978 1 84398 138 1 Pub Date: Mar 2006 Pages: 352 PbkPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59<strong>CIPD</strong> Case Studies ExtraCase Studies Extra has all the learning resources you need inone convenient place, helping you get the most out of yourstudents and making the learning experience more interactive!You’ll also be able to search by qualification for the best casestudy to accompany your course. Benefits also include:• tailored to <strong>CIPD</strong> qualifications and courses• new video content featuring interviews with leadingpractitioners• includes all the case studies from the original Case StudiesClub.Price only £565 + VAT for an annual subscription per centreISBN: 978 1 84398 148 0 Pub Date: Nov 2007 Pages: 218 PbkPrice: £39.99 Student Price: £31.99Continuing ProfessionalDevelopment2nd editionDavid Megginson and Vivien WhitakerContinuing Professional Development provides practical guidanceand a theoretical overview of continuing professionaldevelopment, including examples and case studies.ISBN: 978 1 84398 166 4 Pub Date: Jan 2007 Pages: 176 PbkPrice: £29.99 Student Price: £23.99Human Resource Managementin OrganisationsIzabela RobinsonHuman Resource Management in Organisationsprovides students with a sound understanding ofthe theoretical approaches to the management ofpeople together with an appreciation of theirapplication within different organisational contexts.ISBN: 978 1 84398 066 7 Pub Date: May 2006 Pages: 352 PbkPrice: £41.99 Student Price: £33.59Visit cipd.co.uk/cse or callus now on 0208 612 6572Order your inspection copy online at cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts Call 0844 800 336621

<strong>CIPD</strong> textbooks for the advanced postgraduate,intermediate and foundation-level qualificationsIf you are teaching the <strong>CIPD</strong> qualifications, you will find the grid below useful. Itmaps our new books to the new modules to help you find the books you need.Please visit cipd.co.uk/tutorproducts to request your complimentary inspectioncopies, or to view further information on these books including sample chapters,detailed contents lists, reviews and notes from the authors.UNITTITLEHRM in ContextHuman Resource Management in a Business ContextHuman Resource Management in ContextCOREDeveloping Skills forBusiness LeadershipInvestigating a BusinessIssue from an HR PerspectiveDeveloping Skills for Business LeadershipThe Business Skills HandbookResearch Methods in HRMResearching and Writing DissertationsLeading, Managing andDeveloping PeopleLeading, Managing and Developing PeopleReward ManagementReward ManagementADVANCEDOPTIONALLearning and TalentDevelopmentEmployment LawManaging EmploymentRelationsResourcing and TalentManagementLearning and Talent DevelopmentEmployment Law: The EssentialsEmployment LawManaging Employment RelationsEmployment RelationsResourcing and Talent ManagementLeadership andManagement DevelopmentLeadership and Management DevelopmentOrganisation Design andOrganisation DevelopmentPeople and Organisational Development:A new agenda for Organisational Effectiveness22FOUNDATIONCORECertificate in L&D PracticeCertificate in HR PracticeLearning and Development PracticeHuman Resource PracticeIntroduction to Human Resource Management

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