Network Fingerprint Reader - Melaka Pages Malaysia

Network Fingerprint Reader - Melaka Pages Malaysia

Network Fingerprint Reader - Melaka Pages Malaysia


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<strong>Network</strong> <strong>Fingerprint</strong> <strong>Reader</strong>l,', linrc il cndrncc and sirnple access controlVGAAOVGI OOBiometric fingerprint clocking terminal with built n sing e doorcontroller. Optimized design alows VG8B0 to be affordable foreveryone. Vigilance offer a fLrlly rnlegrated hardware andsoftware hme attendance soluuon suitable for sma 1 off ces aswell as complicated faclory style workng shifts. No moretroublesome manua import or expoat in between hardwareand time attendance soflware of different brands,SnecificationTransaction lvlemoryFingerpr nlrecordCapacity Card UserCPUFAR (Fault accept rate)FRR (Fault rejeclrate)SensorI/alching modeF ngerprini access mode1000003000 flngerprint templaie max10 fingerpdnt per user10000 cards64 bil mrcroprocessor< 0 0001%Super oplrca sensorVer frcation (1:1)ldentrfrcalron (1:N)F ngerprini onlyCard and fingerprintCard only50 Time Zone, 5 Grouping,10 Comb naton, Holiday[,4anagement, support manyfingerpr nls access, supporlrlrsrAllAil 0 lt DTAGB[lNjBaud rateElhernetOperat ng temperalureHumidily operatingUSB9600 - 115 kbps proqrammab e10/100M0"c - 45"c20% - ao./"12V DC[,4ini USB 2.0 PodYES wdh VG100 reader{E.lA!.. ^-.VG88OEmbedded E[,1 Proximity Card <strong>Reader</strong>No template store in VG100 Exit readet

Time Attendancc softwaleVGMSVGlJ]S s standardcome bund ed w th the hardware. lt contains(or company wiih normalorice workins hour.Llsrr f' rlrtrGEnerdtP Standa EepoVTMSVTN1S s an advance i ne atte rda rce conLro soflware VT[4S ofierllncl on lo cater for riLr L overn llhl sh ft rn lacLory .a centre or b gmorc extens ve t me altendanceIartrrl st7/e rrr,lrpis lrrrlUGilS and UIMS Gomparison chanLlserL..ns.C..Io D.i!eF.ible Sh rl iLtelhe,x Lh non F€xbe sh ftoAllomalc Sh ( A o.arcr based oi c o.k irS L rcGraDh.a vearly d.,ty roasrerEri,oi Te{LF e F.rmaLtel rransa.Lon3rd Panes Payro i.gral.iNET Fra'newcrk Tec rno o!!C!sLomzalrle srnq.rnr.uLDcf nab € Groba Resl ody a.d Olr DayDefiabe idvdu. ResrDay and Off OayPo$ed!lAltendai.e ed Iiq]ve,ly ngGraph cs slaLst.. r€porl<strong>Reader</strong> and user Man:geheirSchedue D.w. oad lransa.[..ZKi:31:

sovAt"SoyalSTA\DAPD l-^d o \od\' Poodesigned for more demand ng sLte condrtoiEffective y conlrolwho ( card lser ) can enterwhere ( door sro'.rp ) aL whEl trme { L me zone )us fq whal method ( card and/or p n )aow more user fnen.ly menua FT F2 F3 and F.1 lor advance atlendancea Connecl to PC forAR727Ha.nrro er with b!i t ln readeraAarm f!ncton - force entry. dooropen tooong and lamper warnrngAuto RF earnrng for faster and easrer cardAR737UAux ldry Wieqand readeraaaTamper prolect on system and ft] I 10 d g tw egand format for h gher secur tyBu! I n watchdog to preveri system hangSty sh modern des gn to enchance anyFFhdF@C€@ ONE L HARWARE, ALL IN ONE SiOFTWARE

I AR727H cai effecr( os nsrared'nsd. as EXT rcaAR727H (sranrlid 25rhzAarm (lampe(rorce enlry1024124011 I 120YESYESM665,536NONENONENONENONEMA1424120011 I 120YESYESI II II Inetwork connectionA@ess pin nymberlomalDoor outpul (dry contacuaram oltput (open co reclor)(\..1YESNONENONEReso ution 128t64 4 texlI i.put pon (selecrable WG 26 or 34)1 negai ve tigger inpul1 negat ve tigger inpul01 600sen N O/N C mar24VlA0 l 600 s€c, actvelowoulpul125KHzor Milae 1356Mhzappox 10cm (4inch)RS435-9600 bps(N,3,1)10-24V ess lhan 3Wr26(h)x 91(w) x46(d)mm,210 a€m3pe.:tl ...J1 o(l25KHzorMture 13.56Mh2YEScardonly, cardorprn card and pn9 lovlesslahn 1.5 w113(h)x7l (w) x 36(d) mn.90 a€mICPIP nelwork connect onI tI II I I I I ISiondo one conneciionI IA aj.jIaffirliGmaxsoyAL.F€atu'es.spe(ifi(ar on5 and d'm"r{or. d" LbJc.rro l^dngcw loJrno-

SOYAL mu t door co.ro .r Acv:f..i a . o,e -ar:-a_. !.conlrol of who 1.a'c r s.rr ,f lrh d..r .j..r !'.. pwhen (irme zcicl !r rr ifaL i. r.r i..rd.r.ro ! nHigh capa.t! l5!l! !s-.r.t GLaltsA!.n: tr.!sb!.kacross a of .e er.lersO4 p o.ranrn.be .rrrL .nd tr !!eek! srr.n!eno!LnL1t.r:rl.nnLor l!nclor ai.rprcrl aJ.rp...erfora.d t.f. ! .p.rL& 3..rfr.Lo..rt .!. L.ri tr.'p().t se(rr' ra D()!a. if.tur eft.e.LCai..! eii:.ialo .c cnL!1 or.nLi !o rl i:.tc r. . .rrcrrJ.. .!1. Ln..k t. or fllA rr. noLt.nL.. ta SiJieLl! e art. re:eL .t rrL lassi..ka OJLpJt t.r ,.r( n,t i. or eJipL!aal.n .rs. cr n. rc.de t. n:r . ! ..i1. rLlE. (dr.rr .{!.ntf LsaSlpprrLd e er Lrdlss r..J(i n h l9i, , ;r rLl L,Le ,r1., l, jrLrifErer.e.c!. ...r.irer,1Lql s.'lR.ri)AR727t.tLAR71 6 E rO: oand.r le ar Bor dAR71 6Ei'YilIpr .$y?',]'i &FE C€

AR7I6E s a mull doorcontroler llcansupport!pto16AR737U AR737H AR661U AR716E offer more precrsedemanding req!trement/\?/ |ee.,ii cc iio^.ombinatidn dfAR721Flnat can caler lo largeAR727H, AR721U,DtecrPC 5oftware iuppo^15000]]O0063120255Globalantr pa$backamong l6 Ead€6On board DIP switchProgbmmable 4 input and 4 outpu!4 setofduress pin numberYESProgGm new userand operationpa6mete6 through sofMare.RS485 network conne clio nI I-_E{€ha W€gandpo for2 por for in and outFullEnge lor r5000 use6 brendl.gTCPIP nelwork connection/\i a(l25KHzorMifarc l3.56MhztDoor unlock tine interyalAlam relay outp!r {0uzer)N.O./ N.C./COMPre4ettime0l to 600 5e.12Vl2A N.O./N.C.(5et by jumpe,coM common 0-600 secF5485,9600,N,8, r10 24VoC. Less than 5W7l6E conneciionI Is )N.'i']-_SOYAL.'edure.p.( rorrorra.dd-pr'01 d'\ brer' o(l"alqeii5ou

soyAl."/,.1,1'1: gg1eSoyal Basic syslem is trrcienlly optmized ror lowbudget doot tLrrnst e. park ng and elevato. accesscontrol sysiem Eftective y control who (card user) canenter where (door qroup) at what lrme (lrme zone) us ngwhat method (card and/or p n)a Connect to PC for reportinq and time attendanceAlarm f!nction force entry,dooropen too ongandAltoRF- earning forfanerand eas ercardenro lments 6aot;. ..AR721HContro er w thAR721UAuxlaryWeqandaTamper prole.tion system and fu ll0digitwiegand format for higher 5ecur lyB!i t in wakhdog to prevent system hangaaoReal time clock for accurate time re.ordsProgrammab e auro door unlock s.hed!leCompact moderndes gn ooksgood in anyao;FOC€@trNE FOR ALL HARWARE, ALL IN ONE SOFTWARE

AR721N s a smq e doo.conLrolerwLh bu 11- n RF reader AR721H dn tri< slandElone (1024 users)orconnecl loaR716 muli-doorcontroler(15K userc) DunnqARTl6 far ure, AR721H will duto switch to slandalone mode andconhnu€ to run as secondarv svsrem ceneralv,aRT2lH s instalbd i.6id6 * ExlT @aderwhileART21u insialedours'de as ENTRY /eaderlrere are 2versons avalabe AR721tr (sbndanl l25Khz) andRS485 network co n ne ctio nART2lil sr-recif ir, cLtiorrBut n operalion mode M4Card user 1024EventMehory 1240Tmezone/hoday 11/120Ant passbackYESArarh(tampe(for@€ntry YESir665,535NONENONENONENONEM31024YESYESElevalor@.tolDrcctPc solhrareMulUreadernetwo ng1024us€rs,32 floorYESYEsNONEYESICPIP neiwork connectlonJAcess pin nunber fomalPublicpn UserP'.ooor outpur (dry @ntac0Aram ourpul (open corlecto4r inplt pon (selectable WG 26 or 34)1 negat ve figger input1 negat ve Igger inpul01 600secN OIN C, mat24VlA0 1-600 sec, acl ve low oulpul125KHz or Milae 13.56Mh2apD@x 1odm (a nch)RS435-S600bps(N,3,1)9-16vless lhan 3W111(h) x 77(w) r 26(d) mm,210 a6mA,R72lu wiego(\d specf icr- toiSio ndo one con n ectio n9- l6Yless(haf 0.7 W31(h)x43 (w) x 13(d)mm,a5aramD.0l\Lce'rOrie')aGmaxSOYAL.-ed ure\,pe.'l.aronsaroomerro.s. erLbje.tto(l'".9"*itroJtrotce

-,;ij.o..ialadvanced and more precrse coflroloiwho (cardililr9€4 can enter where (door group)at what ime (r med ( a'd".d o p,n15000 cardsmelhod fo owng up to 63 n(etuart ab tyto ser eipry date for usersO Advance altendance Auto change sh fduly or'manua!ypress lunclon key (F'].F2 F3 F4)a User kend y brq LCD show ng welcome screen employeea ias name.l me. date d splay to avord any employee clock.ga Programabe sched! ed oupu( lo exLenaimlsc box lorshfla HW parameler lme atlendance I reponnq sel from Pca Aah function. for.e enlry. doo. open loo ong and tamperO Fu ll0 drq twegand lormal for h!her sec!rtya Aulo RF earn ng forlasler a.d eas€r card erro menl.O Compa.Lmodern desqn su labe n anv decoralona Blit I walchdoq Lo prevenl svsLem hanqAR829EControl er withAR721UtirnF@C€@acce99

AR829E E a h sh pedormance s nsle door conlro erw lh bur Iio PC AR829E can elfectNey protecl your premses fromaltendance clockhg lermina W th a i n one software. thrs rsR F reader. rMultple AR829E can be @nnectsd logetherunwanled vEitor and al lhe same lime fLrctkn as timerhe best valus solutioGGeneralry. AR329E s rnsralled nsrde as Exlr reader wh leAR?21U installed outsiii; as ENTRY rsoderversbns avarlabe AR829E (standard 125Khz)and AR829E-1356 {Milare 13.56Mh2)f ffit;)t P ij27 E': ?.,,Alarm (Tamper, force e.iiy &Acce$ pin numbertormarEditing using LCD lnt€rfa.eDoor outpot (dry contad)Alam Outpur (open collector)i i..,_t i t,., rrnI50001r00063 / 120255YES,Led anti passbackonlyYE51s000 use6 164 noorYE5.NOGrdonlr.a.d or pin,.ard and pinPin onlyor use.num + pin5tanand End'ng elp ryda@ for5m0 ue6n€solution 128X64 4te[ lineswith16.hara.te6 ea.h ife.YESI inpltport (re edableWG 26 or34)I negahve tl 99er rnputI negariv€ tl gger inputo.t - 600 sec,N.o/ N.c,max 24V tA0.1 600 sec,active owoltput125(Hzor Mlfare 13.56 MFzAppDx locm (4rn.h)R5435 9600bps(N,3,1)10 24Vle53iha.lW1 2S(H)x 96(W) x3s(O),230 qramv a.) ..)( . a??.iiic.tii.r:. RS485 neiwork connectionIataTC P lP network co n ne c iio nI II tI IIaSiondo one connecilonI It t9 -r 6V less than o 7W8r(h) x43(w)N r3(d) fr m,4s sEmItIoSOYAL.r e"rLrc. .pp', dlor. - d d'^ "n'01' dp' rb,", r ro 5"1s" w Lrod

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