Single Use OATS® - (Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System)

Single Use OATS® - (Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System)

Single Use OATS® - (Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System)

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<strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS ®(<strong>Osteochondral</strong> <strong>Autograft</strong> <strong>Transfer</strong> <strong>System</strong>)Surgical Technique<strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS

The <strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS (<strong>Osteochondral</strong> <strong>Autograft</strong> <strong>Transfer</strong><strong>System</strong>) facilitates harvesting of 6, 8, or 10 mm osteochondral/hyalinecartilage cylinders from a donor site superiorand lateral to the notch or above the sulcus terminalis. Arecipient socket, sized to the appropriate depth, is createdin the chondral defect to accept the donor graft. The bonecylinder can be visualized through the clear graft deliverytube while it is inserted with the collared pin deliverysystem for press-fit fixation.The completely disposable, size-specific system includesa recipient harvester, donor harvester, alignment rod, tamp,graft delivery tube, core extruder for controlled push-in coreinsertion, and optional graft driver.All of the system components are provided sterile and arepackaged in a rigid thermo-formed tray, nestled in individualcompartments.1The appropriate <strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS Set is selected basedon the size of the articular cartilage defect as measuredwith an appropriate size Sizer/Tamp from the OATSSizer/Tamp Instrumentation Set.23Each OATS harvester may be used multiple times duringthe procedure if necessary.Using the screw-in core extruder knob, the collared pinof the blue donor harvester is advanced 1-2 mm outsideof the leading edge of the harvester.The donor harvester is positioned perpendicular to thedonor surface and the screw-in core extruder knob isremoved from the back of the donor harvester allowingthe sharp edge of the harvester to seat flush against bone.

45Using a mallet, the donor harvester is impacted to adesired depth of approximately 15 mm.The coined edges of the harvester assist in disengagingthe graft from subchondral bone when applying pressureagainst the harvester’s T-handle and rotating the handle 90˚clockwise twice. The harvester can then be withdrawn fromthe bone.67The depth of the core is referenced through theharvester’s windows once the harvester is removedand used to determine the depth of recipient socketpreparation.The recipient harvester, core extruder knob and collared pinare assembled to assure atraumatic insertion into the knee.Using the screw-in core extruder knob, the collared pinof the donor harvester is advanced 1-2 mm out the tip ofthe harvester. The harvester is then positioned perpendicularto the osteochondral defect and the core extruder knobremoved.

89The recipient harvester is then impacted to a depth of13 mm or 2 mm less than the length of the donor graftmeasured.The harvester is removed creating the bone socket insimilar twisting fashion as previously shown.A graduated alignment rod is used to measure therecipient socket depth and insertion angle of the graft.Slight modifications to the socket depth may also beperformed at this time. The Alignment Rod is advancedinto the socket until the depth, similar to the length ofthe core, is achieved.Do not advance the harvester into the socket pastthe blue line at the tip of the Delivery Tube.1011After placing the clear graft delivery tube over the end ofthe donor harvester, the core extruder is inserted into theback of the harvester and advanced until the recipientgraft is flush with the edge of the delivery tube. The bevelededge of the delivery tube is inserted perpendicularlyinto the recipient socket and the graft advanced into therecipient socket using the Core Extruder.Alternatively, the graft may be inserted by inserting thegraft driver into the back of the recipient harvesterand tapping the graft into position. Final seating of thegraft is performed using the tamp.

ORDERING INFORMATION<strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS Sets (sterile and single use):<strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS Set, 6 mm<strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS Set, 8 mm<strong>Single</strong> <strong>Use</strong> OATS Set, 10 mmOATS Sizer/Tamp Instrumentation Set (AR-1985S):Sizer/Tamp, 6 mm, redSizer/Tamp, 8 mm, purpleSizer/Tamp, 10 mm, blackOATS Sizer/Tamps Instrument CaseAR-1981-06SAR-1981-08SAR-1981-10SAR-1985-06AR-1985-08AR-1985-10AR-1985COATS Sizer/Tamp Instrumentation Set

This description of technique is provided as an educational tool and clinical aid to assist properly licensed medical professionalsin the usage of specific Arthrex products. As part of this professional usage, the medical professional must usetheir professional judgment in making any final determinations in product usage and technique.In doing so, the medical professional should rely on their own training and experience and should conducta thorough review of pertinent medical literature and the product’s Directions For <strong>Use</strong>.©Copyright Arthrex Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. 1-800-934-4404U.S. PATENT NOS. 5,785,714; 5,919,196; 6,592,588 and PATENTS PENDING. LT0160E

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