Solution - Career Point

Solution - Career Point Solution - Career Point
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7. Experimental verification of Newton's law of coolingis valid for -(A) large temperature difference i.e.30°C to 85°C between hot liquid and surrounding(B) very large temperature difference i.e. 5°C to 95°Cbetween hot liquid and surrounding(C) small temperature difference i.e. 30°C to 35°Cbetween hot liquid and surrounding(D) any temperature difference8. While studying the dissipation of energy of a simplependulum by plotting a graph between square ofamplitude and time which of the following apparatusis not essential ?(A) Ticker timer (B) Meter scale(C) Vernier calliper (D) Stop watch9. An object is weighed on a balance whose pans arenot equal in masses when placed in the left pan, theobject appears to weigh 10.30g but when placed inthe right pan, it appears to weigh 12.62g. What is thecorrect mass of the object ?(A) 10.30 g (B) 12.62 g(C) 11.46 g (D) Can not find10. When jockey is put at two ends of the potentiometerwire, the galvanometer gives diflections in oppositedirections. It means that apparatus can -(A) not give a null point(B) give a null point(C) be faulty(D) be used after making some changes in the circuit11. A student performs an experiment to determine theYoung's modulus of a wire exactly 2cm long, by Searle'smethod. In a particular reading, the student measures theextension in the length of the wire to be 0.8 mm with anuncertainty of ± 0.05 mm at a load of exactly 1.0 kg.The student also measures the diameter of the wire tobe 0.4 mm with an uncertainty of ± 0.01 mm. Takeg = 9.8 m/s 2 (exact). The Young's modulus obtainedfrom the reading is -(A) (2.0 ± 0.3) × 10 11 N/m 2(B) (2.0 ± 0.2) × 10 11 N/m 2(C) (2.0 ± 0.1) × 10 11 N/m 2(D) (2.0 ± 0.05) × 10 11 N/m 212. A student measures the focal length of a convex lensby putting an object pin at a distance 'u' from the lensand measuring the distance 'v' of the image pin. Thegraph between 'u' and 'v' plotted by the student shouldlook like -(A)v(cm)Ou(cm)(B)u(cm)v(cm)O(C)v(cm)Ou(cm)(D)u(cm)v(cm)13. Two concave mirror each of focal length f. A pointsource is placed at a point midway between twomirror. The minimum value of d for which only oneimage of s is formed –(A) f(C) 3fsd(B) 2f(D) 4f14. In YDSE, if the intensity of central maxima is I O thenIthe y-coordinate of point where the intensity is O, 2d = 0.1 mm, D = 1m,λ = 5000A°(A) 1.5 mmd(C) 1.75 mmD(B) 2 mmPOy(D) 1.25 mm15. Two charges of –4µC and +4µC are placed at pointsA (1,0,4) and B (2, –1,5) located in an electric field→E = 0.20 î V/cm. The torque acting on the dipoleis-(A) 8 × 10 –5 N-m (B) 8/ 2 × 10 –5 N-m(C) 8 2 × 10 –5 N-m (D) 2 2 × 10 –5 N-m16. Three concentric spherical metallic shells A, B and Cof radii a, b and c (a < b < c) have surface chargedensities σ, – σ and σ respectively. If the shells Aand C are at same potential, then the correct relationbetween a, b and c is -(A) a + c = b (B) b + c = a(C) a – b = c (D) a + b = cOXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 70APRIL 2010

17. Five identical plates of equal area A are placedparallel to and at equal distance d from each other asshown in figure. The effective capacity of the systembetween the terminals A and B is -(A) 53(C) 35∈ o∈ oAdAd(B) 45(D) 54∈ o∈ oBAAdA18. Read the following statements carefully :Y : The resistivity of semiconductor decreases withincrease of temperature.Z : In a conducting solid, the rate of collisionbetween free electrons and ions increases withincrease of temperature.(A) Both Y and Z are true and Z is correctexplaination of Y(B) Both Y and Z are true but Z is not correctexplaination of Y(C) Y is true but Z is false(D) Y is false but Z is true19. A 1m long metallic wire is broken into two unequalparts A and B. The part A is uniformly extended intoanother wire C. The length of C is twice the length ofA and resistance of C is equal to that of B. The ratioof resistances of parts A and C is -(A) 4 (B) 41(C) 2 (D) 2120. A 600 cm long potentiometer wire is connected to acircuit as shown in figure. The resistance ofpotentiometer wire is 15r. The distance from pointA at which the jockey should touch the wire to getzero deflection in the galvanometer is –AE/2(A) 320 cm(C) 160 cmrEGJrdB(B) 230 cm(D) 460 cm21. A rectangular loop of metallic wire is of length a andbreadth b and carries a current i. The magnetic fieldat the centre of the loop is -(A)µ 0 i4π8µ 0 i 2(C)4π2a +2b(B)ab2a +2b(D)abµ 0 i 44πµ 0 i4π2a +2bab2a +2bab22. A short magnet produces a deflection of 30° when placedat certain distance in tanA position of magnetometer. Ifanother short magnet of double the length and thrice thepole strength is placed at the same distance in tanBposition of the magnetometer, the deflection producedwill be -(A) 60° (B) 30°(C) 45°(D) None of these23. A solenoid has 2000 turns wound over a length of 0.30 m.Its area of cross-section is 1.2 × 10 –3 m 2 . Around itscentral section a coil of 300 turns is wound. If aninitial current of 2A in the solenoid is reversed in0.25 sec, the emf induced in the coil is equal to -(A) 6 × 10 –4 Volt (B) 4.8 × 10 –2 Volt(C) 6 × 10 –2 Volt (D) 48 kV24. A 100 volt AC source of frequency 500 Hz isconnected to a L–C-R circuit with L = 8.1 mH,C = 12.5 µF and R = 10 Ω, all connected in series.The potential difference across the resistance is -(A) 100 V(B) 200 V(C) 300 V(D) 400 V25. Which one is correct ?(A) Resultant of two vectors of unequal magnitudecan be zero(B) Resultant of three non-coplanar vectors of equalmagnitude can be zero(C) Resultant of three coplanar vectors is always zero(D) Minimum number of non-coplanar vectors whoseresultant can be zero is four.26. A stone thrown with the velocity V 0 = 14 m/s at anangle 45° to the horizontal, dropped to the ground ata distance 'S' from the point where it was thrown.From what height should the stone be thrown inhorizontal direction with the same initial velocity sothat it fall at the same spot -(A) 14.2 m(B) 16.9 m(C) 10.0 m(D) 9.6 m27. A small body of mass 'm' is attached to one end of alight inelastic string of length l. The other end of thestring is fixed. The string is held initially taut andhorizontal and then body is released. The centripetalacceleration of the body and the tension in the stringwhen the string reaches vertical position will be -(A) g, mg(B) 2g, 3 mg(C) 3g, 2mg (D) 3g, 3 mgXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 71APRIL 2010

7. Experimental verification of Newton's law of coolingis valid for -(A) large temperature difference i.e.30°C to 85°C between hot liquid and surrounding(B) very large temperature difference i.e. 5°C to 95°Cbetween hot liquid and surrounding(C) small temperature difference i.e. 30°C to 35°Cbetween hot liquid and surrounding(D) any temperature difference8. While studying the dissipation of energy of a simplependulum by plotting a graph between square ofamplitude and time which of the following apparatusis not essential ?(A) Ticker timer (B) Meter scale(C) Vernier calliper (D) Stop watch9. An object is weighed on a balance whose pans arenot equal in masses when placed in the left pan, theobject appears to weigh 10.30g but when placed inthe right pan, it appears to weigh 12.62g. What is thecorrect mass of the object ?(A) 10.30 g (B) 12.62 g(C) 11.46 g (D) Can not find10. When jockey is put at two ends of the potentiometerwire, the galvanometer gives diflections in oppositedirections. It means that apparatus can -(A) not give a null point(B) give a null point(C) be faulty(D) be used after making some changes in the circuit11. A student performs an experiment to determine theYoung's modulus of a wire exactly 2cm long, by Searle'smethod. In a particular reading, the student measures theextension in the length of the wire to be 0.8 mm with anuncertainty of ± 0.05 mm at a load of exactly 1.0 kg.The student also measures the diameter of the wire tobe 0.4 mm with an uncertainty of ± 0.01 mm. Takeg = 9.8 m/s 2 (exact). The Young's modulus obtainedfrom the reading is -(A) (2.0 ± 0.3) × 10 11 N/m 2(B) (2.0 ± 0.2) × 10 11 N/m 2(C) (2.0 ± 0.1) × 10 11 N/m 2(D) (2.0 ± 0.05) × 10 11 N/m 212. A student measures the focal length of a convex lensby putting an object pin at a distance 'u' from the lensand measuring the distance 'v' of the image pin. Thegraph between 'u' and 'v' plotted by the student shouldlook like -(A)v(cm)Ou(cm)(B)u(cm)v(cm)O(C)v(cm)Ou(cm)(D)u(cm)v(cm)13. Two concave mirror each of focal length f. A pointsource is placed at a point midway between twomirror. The minimum value of d for which only oneimage of s is formed –(A) f(C) 3fsd(B) 2f(D) 4f14. In YDSE, if the intensity of central maxima is I O thenIthe y-coordinate of point where the intensity is O, 2d = 0.1 mm, D = 1m,λ = 5000A°(A) 1.5 mmd(C) 1.75 mmD(B) 2 mmPOy(D) 1.25 mm15. Two charges of –4µC and +4µC are placed at pointsA (1,0,4) and B (2, –1,5) located in an electric field→E = 0.20 î V/cm. The torque acting on the dipoleis-(A) 8 × 10 –5 N-m (B) 8/ 2 × 10 –5 N-m(C) 8 2 × 10 –5 N-m (D) 2 2 × 10 –5 N-m16. Three concentric spherical metallic shells A, B and Cof radii a, b and c (a < b < c) have surface chargedensities σ, – σ and σ respectively. If the shells Aand C are at same potential, then the correct relationbetween a, b and c is -(A) a + c = b (B) b + c = a(C) a – b = c (D) a + b = cOXtraEdge for IIT-JEE 70APRIL 2010

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