Non-lethal deterrance at Bonneville&Ballard.pdf - Mediate.com

Non-lethal deterrance at Bonneville&Ballard.pdf - Mediate.com

Non-lethal deterrance at Bonneville&Ballard.pdf - Mediate.com

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<strong>Non</strong>-<strong>lethal</strong> Deterrence ofCalifornia sea lions <strong>at</strong>Bonneville Dam<strong>Ballard</strong> LocksSteven Jeffries, Washington Department of Fish and WildlifeRobin Brown, Oregon Department of Fish and WildlifeBrent Norberg, NOAA-FisheriesRobert Stansell, U.S. Army Corps of EngineersPinniped-fishery interaction task force4 September 2007

MMPA Section 109(h)[TAKING OF MARINE MAMMALS AS PART OF OFFICIAL DUTIES.](1) Nothing in this title or title IV shall prevent a Federal, St<strong>at</strong>e, or local government officialor employee or a person design<strong>at</strong>ed under section 112(c) from taking, in the course of his orher duties as an official, employee, or designee, a marine mammal in a humane manner(including euthanasia) if such taking is for—(A) the protection or welfare of the mammal,(B) the protection of the public health and welfare, or(C) the non<strong>lethal</strong> removal of nuisance animals.(2) Nothing in this title shall prevent the Secretary or a person design<strong>at</strong>ed under section 112(c)from importing a marine mammal into the United St<strong>at</strong>es if such import<strong>at</strong>ion is necessary torender medical tre<strong>at</strong>ment th<strong>at</strong> is not otherwise available.(3) In any case in which it is feasible to return to its n<strong>at</strong>ural habit<strong>at</strong> a marine mammal taken orimported under circumstances described in this subsection, steps to achieve th<strong>at</strong> result shall betaken.

Options for non-<strong>lethal</strong> deterrence of sea lions• physical barriers• acoustic barriers• land and/or vessel harassment• seal bombs• crackershells/shellcrackers• rubber bullets

Physical barriers 1 = net

Physical barriers 2 = SLEDsSLEDs• Sea lion exclusion devices (SLEDs) installed <strong>at</strong>fishway entrances• 12 entrances, 2 sections each, 15 3/8” gaps• Designed to allow salmon passage© 2006 by Transco Industries, Inc.

Acoustic barriers = Acoustic Deterrent DevicesAcoustic Deterrent Devices (ADD)• 205 decibel, 15 kHz frequency acoustic projectors installed <strong>at</strong>fishway entrances• March – May 2006• ADDs turned on <strong>at</strong> 0500 hrs on hazing days, turned off <strong>at</strong> 2000hrs <strong>at</strong> the end of each 2-day tre<strong>at</strong>ment• No significant effects on salmon passage

Other barriers ie Smith Root electric shock gridDoes it impact fish passage?Will it work on CA sea lions ?Where can it be deployed?

<strong>Non</strong>-<strong>lethal</strong> harassment from land

<strong>Non</strong>-<strong>lethal</strong> harassment from bo<strong>at</strong>s

CA Sea Lion Deterrent Activities <strong>at</strong> Bonneville Dam•2005: Initial tests – From land and bo<strong>at</strong>s, 2 daysin April; 2 days in May•2006: Full evalu<strong>at</strong>ion tests ACOE/St<strong>at</strong>es/CRITFC)for effects on fish passage; 2 days on-off, 4days on-off, April-May•2007: Total hazing program 7 days/week–ACOE/WS from dam/shore Feb-May;St<strong>at</strong>es/CRITFC from bo<strong>at</strong>s March-May

86420Steller sea lionsCalifornia sea lionsFeb Mar Apr May2007Number of takes per approxim<strong>at</strong>e hour effort

Other OptionsCapture and haulCapture, hold and haulRemove permanently

Capture and haul

Capture and haul continued

Capture, hold and haul

Capture, hold and haul further

Capture, hold and haul further con’t

Lethal Removal via MMPA Section 120 Process

WDFW’s <strong>Ballard</strong> Locks Sec. 120 Authoriz<strong>at</strong>ionFedExed to Sea World Orlando

Remove <strong>lethal</strong>lySt<strong>at</strong>e’s Columbia River Section 120 Applic<strong>at</strong>ion

Marker 85Trap & Corner Collecter (RM 145)MCmi0 0.5 1Dodson (RM 140)BRCWRHRTCRABLPH1SPBRZPH2(a.)(b.)

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