Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S / R I G H T SA student under suspension at any District <strong>College</strong>may not enroll in any other District <strong>College</strong> during theperiod of suspension.The President of the <strong>College</strong> shall report all suspensionsof students to the Chancellor. If the suspended studentis a minor, the parent or guardian shall be notified inwriting by the President of the <strong>College</strong> or his/herdesignee.EXPULSION – Expulsion of a student is a permanent terminationof student status and all attending rights andprivileges. Expulsion of a student is accomplished byaction of the Board on recommendation of the <strong>College</strong>Pres i dent and the Chancellor-Superintendent. Anexpelled student shall not be allowed to register in anysubsequent semester without the approval of thePresident of the <strong>College</strong>.1. The President of the <strong>College</strong> shall forward to theChancellor-Superintendent a letter of recommendationfor expulsion, which includes a brief statement ofcharges and a confidential statement of backgroundand evidence relating to the charge(s).2. The Chancellor-Superintendent shall review therecom mendation for expulsion with the Office ofCounty Counsel.3. The Chancellor-Superintendent, as Secretary for theBoard, shall forward a letter to the student by certifiedmail advising him/her of the charges and of the intentionof the Board to hold an executive session to considerhis/her expulsion. Unless the student requests apublic hearing in writing within at least 48 hours priorto the scheduled hearing, the hearing shall be conductedin closed session.4. The student is entitled to be present during presentationof the case and may be accompanied by a representative.The student has the right to examine anymaterials upon which charges against him/her arebased, and shall be given the opportunity to presenthis/her evidence refuting the charges to the Board. Thestudents or his/her representative may cross examineand witness. The District bears the burden of proof.5. The report of final action taken by the Board in publicsession shall be made a part of the public record andforwarded to the student. Other documents and materialsshall be regarded as confidential and will be madepublic only if the student requests a public hearing.STUDENT GRIEVANCEAND APPEALS<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> is committed to the ideal that all studentsshould have re<strong>course</strong> from unfair and improperaction on the part of any member of the college community.If a student feels that he or she has been subject tounjust actions or denied his or her rights, redress can besought through the filing of a grievance or an appeal of thedecision/action taken in response to a grievance withinthe framework of policy and procedures.<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> complies with Federal regulations (TitleIX of the Education Act of 1972, Section 504 of theRehabilitation Act of 1973, and the American DisabilitiesAct of 1992) designed to provide equitable treatmentof all students regardless of race, national origin, sex, age,sexual orientation, or disability. Complaints of sexualharassment, or discrimination should be directed to theHuman Resources Department of the San Mateo CountyCommunity <strong>College</strong> District. For more information aboutprocedures for filing these complaints, please visit theSan Mateo County Community <strong>College</strong> District website athttp://www.smccd.edu/accounts/smccd/departments/humanresources/policies.shtml.Students filing grade grievances must be able todemonstrate mistake, fraud, bad faith or incompetence inthe academic evaluation of their performance. In theabsence of mistake, fraud, bad faith or incompetence, thegrade determined by the instructor shall be final (Ed.Code Section 76224). Grade dispute grievances must befiled within one year of issuance of the grade in dispute.<strong>College</strong> ProcedureThe following procedures summarize the appropriatecollege channels to be utilized by students.Informal Level:Before initiating a formal grievance procedure, the stu -dent should attempt to resolve the dispute informally withthe professor, administrator or staff member concerned. Ifthe dispute is not resolved, the student may initiate a formalgrievance in accordance with the procedure set forthbelow.Formal Level:Level 1: The initial grievance must be filed with the admin -istrator responsible for the area in which the dis putearose. In presenting a grievance, the student must submita formal grievance form. Forms are available in the officeof the Vice President of Student Services and in the officeof the Dean of Enrollment Services. The written descriptionof the grievance should include the following information:46 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C A T A L O G

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