Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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18. Gambling.19. Violation of other applicable federal and state statuesand District and <strong>College</strong> Rules and Regulations.20. Sexual harassment or unlawful discrimination.21. Smoking in classrooms or other unauthorized campusareas.22. Violation of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> Pet Policy.23. Use of skateboards, scooters and/or inline skates oncampus.Types of Disciplinary ActionDecisions regarding the following types of disciplinaryaction are the responsibility of the Dean of EnrollmentServices. Unless the immediate application of disciplinaryaction is essential, such action will not be taken until theestablished appeal procedures found in Rules andRegulations, Section 7.73, have been completed.WARNING – A faculty or staff member may give notice toa student that continuation or repetition of specified conductmay be cause for further disciplinary action.TEMPORARY EXCLUSION – A faculty or staff membermay remove a student who is in violation of the guidelinesfor student conduct for the duration of the class period oractivity during which the violation took place and, ifdeemed necessary, for the day following. The professorshall immediately report such removal to the <strong>College</strong>President or his/her designee for appropriate action.CENSURE – The Vice President of Student Services ordesignee may verbally reprimand a student or may placeon record a written statement that details how a student’sconduct violates a District or <strong>College</strong> regulation. The studentreceiving such a verbal or written statement shall benotified that such continued conduct or further violation ofDistrict/<strong>College</strong> rules may result in further disciplinaryaction.CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION – The Vice Presi -dent of Student Services or a designee may cancel a student’sregistration if education records, financial recordsor other related documents are falsified, or for failure tomeet financial obligations to the District.DISCIPLINARY PROBATION – The Vice President ofStudent Services or designee may place a student on disciplinaryprobation for a period not to exceed one semester.Repetition of the same action or other violations ofDistrict/<strong>College</strong> rules and regulations during the probationaryperiod may be cause for suspension or expulsion.Disciplinary probation may include one or both of thefollowing:1. Removal from any or all <strong>College</strong> organizations oroffices;2. Denial of privileges of participating in any or all <strong>College</strong>or student sponsored activities.RESTITUTION – The Vice President of Student Servicesor designee may require a student to reimburse theDistrict for damage to or misappropriation of property.Restitution may take the form of appropriate service torepair or otherwise compensate for damages. Disciplinaryaction shall not of itself jeopardize a student’s grades norwill the record of such action be maintained in the student’sacademic file. A student subject to disciplinaryaction has a right to appeal the decision in accordancewith Rules and Regulations, Section 7.73.Suspension and Expulsion of StudentsSUSPENSION – The termination of student status for adefinite period of time. A suspended student may not bepresent on campus and is denied <strong>College</strong> privilegesincluding class attendance and all other student or<strong>College</strong> granted privileges.SUMMARY SUSPENSION – Limited to that period oftime necessary to insure that the school is protected fromthe immediate possibility of violence, disorder or threat tothe safety of persons or property. Summary suspension isnot necessarily considered a disciplinary action againstthe student.DISCIPLINARY SUSPENSION – A temporary terminationof student status and includes exclusion from classes,privileges or activities for a specified period of time asstipulated in the written notice of suspension.The President of the <strong>College</strong> or his/her designee may suspenda student, as deemed appropriate, for any of the followingtime periods:1. From one or more classes for a period of up to ten days.2. From one or more classes for the remainder of theschool semester or session.3. From all classes and activities of the <strong>College</strong>, for oneor more semesters or sessions.In cases involving disciplinary suspension:The student shall be informed of the nature of the violationsand/or actions, which constitute the basis for thesuspension.1. The student shall have the opportunity to examine anymaterials upon which the charges are based.2. The student shall be allowed to present his/her evidencerefuting the charges to the President or his/herdesignee.3. A letter explaining the terms and conditions of the suspensionshall be sent to the student’s address ofrecord. The student’s instructors and counselor shallbe informed in writing of the suspension.At the end of the period of suspension, the student mustmeet with the Vice President of Student Services beforereturning to classes.R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S / R I G H T S2 011 – 2 012 C A T A L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u45

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