Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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Grades and ScholarshipG R A D E S & S C H O L A R S H I PGRADES AND GRADE POINTSThere are two systems of grading at <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>:1. Letter Grades: Grades shall be averaged on the basisof the point equivalencies to determine a student’s gradepoint average. The highest grade shall receive four points,and the lowest grade shall receive 0 points, using the followingevaluative symbols:Symbol Definition Grade PointA Excellent 4B Good 3C Satisfactory 2D Passing, less than satisfactory 1F Failing 02. Pass/No Pass: Each division of the <strong>College</strong> may designate<strong>course</strong>s in which a student is evaluated on a“Pass/No Pass’’ basis only. Courses with this gradeoption will be identified in the Announcement of Coursessection of this catalog and will use the following evaluativesymbols:Symbol Definition Grade PointP Pass (satisfactory –C or better) 0NPNo Pass (less thansatisfactory or failing) 0Note: Transcripts with <strong>course</strong>s prior to 2008-2009 willreflect symbols of Credit (CR) and No Credit (NC).3. Pass/No Pass Options: Students may elect to receivea letter grade or be graded on a ‘’Pass/No Pass’’ basis.Grade option <strong>course</strong>s allow students to explore variousfields of study and to broaden their knowledge,particularly outside their major field, without jeopardizingtheir grade point average. Courses in which suchoption exists will be designated by the Division Dean inconsultation with appropriate members of thedivision faculty.Students electing a “Pass/No Pass’’ option must selectthis grade option via WebSMART registration withinthe first 30% of the term. Changes will not be acceptedafter this time.The use of <strong>course</strong>s graded on a “Pass/No Pass’’ basisto satisfy major or certificate requirements must beapproved by the Division Dean in consultation withappropriate members of the division faculty. A maximumof 12 units toward an Associate degree or 6 unitstoward a certificate may be applied from <strong>course</strong>s inwhich the student has elected a “Pass/No Pass’’option.Four year colleges and universities vary widely in thenumber of units of “Pass/No Pass’’ <strong>course</strong>s theyaccept. Students should consult the catalog of the collegeto which they may transfer for its regulationsbefore selecting this option.4. Other Symbols on Transcript: A “#” symbol indicatesa non-degree applicable <strong>course</strong>. An “E” next to a gradeindicates grade points are excluded from the GPA calculation.Nonevaluative Symbols1. I – Incomplete: Used in case of incomplete academicwork for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons.Conditions for the removal of the “In com plete’’shall be set forth by the professor in a written recordwhich also indicates the grade to be assigned in lieu ofcompletion. The student will receive a copy of thisrecord and a copy will be filed with the Dean ofEnrollment Services. A final grade will be assigned bythe professor when the stipulated work has been completedand evaluated. If the work is not completedwithin the prescribed time period, the grade previouslydetermined by the professor will be entered in the permanentrecord by Admissions and Records.An “Incomplete’’ must be made up no later than oneyear following the end of the term in which it wasassigned. A time extension may be requested in casesinvolving unusual circumstances. Students who havereceived an “Incomplete’’ cannot register in the same<strong>course</strong> during the year in which the “Incomplete’’ is ineffect or until a grade is issued.The “I’’ shall not be used in the computation of gradepoint average.2. IP – In Progress: Used in the student’s permanentrecord to confirm enrollment. It indicates that work is“in progress’’ and that the assignment of unit creditand grade will be given when the <strong>course</strong> is completed.The IP’’ shall not be used in the computation of gradepoint average.3. RD – Report Delayed: Used only by Admissions andRecords for the purpose of indicating that there hasbeen a delay in reporting the grade due to circumstancesbeyond the student’s control. It is to bereplaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible.The “RD’’ shall not be used in the computation ofgrade point average.4. W – Withdrawal: (See “Withdrawal from Class(es)’’)36 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C A T A L O G

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