Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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F E E S / R E F U N D SStudent Activities Office by the deadline listed in the ClassSchedule printed each semester. The fee is not coveredby the California Community <strong>College</strong>s Board of GovernorFee Waiver (BOGFW) and is not refundable unless anaction of the college prevents the student from attending.STUDENT UNION FEE*Students will be assessed a Student Union Fee of $1per unit up to a maximum of $5 per semester (Fall andSpring only). Funds collected will be used to support theoperation, maintenance and refurbishment of the StudentUnion. The assessment of this fee was authorized by avote of the <strong>Skyline</strong> Student Body in February 2001. Thefee is not covered by the California Community <strong>College</strong>sBoard of Governor Fee Waiver (BOGFW) and is notrefundable unless an action of the college prevents thestudent from attending.PARKING PERMIT FEE<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> is committed to keeping the campusas accessible as possible to the community. The PublicSafety Office applies strict and fair application of all parkingregulations.All persons driving an automobile, truck or van who utilizecampus parking facilities during scheduled classhours and final examination periods are required to pay aparking permit fee. Motorcycles are excluded from thisrequirement if parked in designated motorcycle parking.Students enrolled exclusively in weekend or off-campusclasses are exempt.Parking options are as follows:• $40 for each semester (Fall or Spring)• $70 for a Two-Term Permit (Fall and Spring)• $20 for the Summer Session• $2 for one day parking permits available at daily permitdispensers in Parking Lots A, C, F, G, L, N (adjacentto the perimeter road) and P. Refer to the campusmap for dispenser locations.• Visitor pay-by-space parking is available in lots Dand M at $0.25 cents for every 15 minutes. Permitssold in the pay-by-space lots are only valid in thenumbered space for which they are purchased andvoid in all other parking lots on campus.Policy:• Parking fees are nonrefundable unless an action ofthe <strong>College</strong> (e.g., cancellation of all of the student’sclasses) prevents the student from attending.• There are NO refunds for lost, stolen or damagedpermits. Replacement of any lost or stolen permit isat full cost to the student.• Parking permits may be transferred from one vehicleto another.Students may purchase a parking permit online viaWebSMART at any time during the semester. A conveniencefee will be applied to all online payments. Studentsmay also use the Student Services One Stop Center computerstation designated for OVER THE COUNTER PARK-ING PERMIT PURCHASE and then proceed to theCashier’s Office (Bldg. 2, Room 2225) to pick up and payfor their student parking permit.See “Parking” in the <strong>Program</strong>s and Services section ofthis <strong>Catalog</strong> for more information on parking policies andprocedures.Disabled Student ParkingPhysically disabled students who drive vehicles tocampus must have a state-issued DMV placard. Thisplacard allows parking in designated disabled parkingspaces on campus. Students must also purchase astudent parking permit issued through <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Disabled parking is available in student or staff lots.Transportation from student lots to campus may bearranged through the Disabled Students <strong>Program</strong> andServices Office at (650) 738-4280.AUDIT FEEA fee of $15 per unit is charged for designated <strong>course</strong>sonly. This fee is subject to change. See “Auditing ofCourses” section in this <strong>Catalog</strong> for further information.TRANSCRIPT FEEAn official transcript summarizing a student’s completeacademic record of <strong>course</strong> work taken at Cañada <strong>College</strong>,<strong>College</strong> of San Mateo, and <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> will be sentdirectly to colleges, employers, and other agencies uponrequest by the student. Transcripts may be requestedthrough WebSMART (https://websmart.smccd.edu).Tran scripts from high schools and other colleges will notbe forwarded. The first two transcripts requested are free.There is a $5 fee for each transcript requested after thefirst two. Rush Service, usually within twenty-four hours,is available at an additional $10 per transcript. For additionalinformation, contact the Transcript Department inthe Office of Admissions and Records at (650) 738-4254.RETURNED CHECK FEEA fee of $20 is charged for each returned check.Please note that fees are subject to change at anytime by action of the State Legislature, Board ofGovernors of the California Community <strong>College</strong>s, orthe District Board of Trustees.34 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C A T A L O G

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