Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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Registration (Step 5)R E G I S T R AT I O NRegistration is conducted through WebSMART athttps://websmart.smccd.edu to enroll in classes, addand/or drop classes, access final grades, and pay collegefees.Students who have been continuously enrolled willreceive an appointment to register each semester byemail or mail. Registration can be done on or after the registrationappointment date.New students who intend to earn an Associate degree,transfer to a four-year college or university, earn acertificate from a vocational program, discover careerinterests/prepare for a new career, improve basic skills inEnglish, reading or math, and those students who areundecided about their goal are expected to:• take the Math and English placement tests• attend an orientation• attend a counseling session to begin development ofa Student Educational Plan (SEP).New students who wish to take <strong>course</strong>s for personalenrichment, improve present job skills, satisfy requirementsfor another educational institution, or who havealready earned an Associate or higher degree may use theservices listed above but are not required to do so.UNITS OF CREDITA “unit’’ of credit represents attendance for one classhour per week for a total of 16 hours throughout onesemester in lecture or recitation, with study/preparationoutside of class, or three hours in laboratory or other exercisesnot requiring homework for preparation per week fora total of 48 hours, or an equivalent combination.Students planning to complete their Associate degreein two years must enroll in and complete 15-16 units persemester. A schedule of 15 college units assumes that theaverage student will devote approximately 45 hours perweek to class attendance and preparation.Grade OptionsCourses will be designated as Letter graded and/orPass/No Pass. The default for registration when optionsare offered is a letter grade. Students must select thePass/No Pass option when registering or within the first30% of the <strong>course</strong>. No change can be made in the optionafter the deadline to change. Be aware of degree and/ortransfer requirements when selecting a P/NP option.REGISTRATION LIMITATIONS1. A student may take no more than 19 units in Fall andSpring semesters or 11 units in Summer Session withoutthe special approval of a counselor, the Dean ofCounseling, or the Dean of Enrollment Services. Thisunit limitation is inclusive of all <strong>course</strong>s in the day,evening, or weekend program, or at another college oruniversity.A program of 12 units or more is considered full-time inestablishing eligibility for athletics, financial aid, Inter -national Student visas, Veterans benefits, and mostother benefits which are dependent upon full-timeenrollment status for maximum benefits. Some financialassistance programs pro-rate benefits based on areduced unit load. Students should check with theirprogram coordinator for specific unit requirements.Enrollment status is defined as follows: Full-time = 12+units; three-quarter time = 9-11 units; half-time = 6-8units; and less than half-time = .5-5.5 units.2. A student may enroll in two sections of the same<strong>course</strong> during the same term if one section ends beforethe other begins.3. A student is not permitted to enroll in two or more dif -ferent <strong>course</strong>s when the meeting times for the <strong>course</strong>soverlap. A petition may be made for extenuating cir -cum stances. Forms are available in the Admis sionsOffice.4. A student will not be permitted to register in a <strong>course</strong>if four (4) withdrawals have been processed for thesame <strong>course</strong>. A petition may be presented to requestan additional registration. If a petition is approved, certainregistration restrictions will be applied.REGISTRATIONCHANGES/WITHDRAWALPrior to the beginning of the semester or summer sessionand throughout the Late Registration period, schedulechanges are completed using WebSMART.All schedule changes are the responsibility of thestudent. A student who is registered in a <strong>course</strong> andstops attending will not be automatically withdrawn andmay receive a penalty grade. It is the student’s respon -sibility to officially withdraw following prescribed proceduresand timelines as published in the Class Schedule,on the Class Schedule Summary on WebSMART, orby looking at <strong>course</strong> information on the Web Schedule.Refer to “Withdrawal from Classes” in this <strong>Catalog</strong> forcomplete details on withdrawal procedures. Refer to“Refund Policy” in this <strong>Catalog</strong> for information on refunds.30 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C A T A L O G

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