Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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STUDENT FOLLOW-UPThe academic progress of each student is evaluatedeach semester. Special services are provided to studentson academic and/or progress probation, students in basicskills <strong>course</strong>s, and students who are undecided abouttheir educational goal.<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> strongly encourages students to followthe recommendations of their counselor/advisor in making<strong>course</strong> selections. Recommendations will be basedon all information available to the counselor/advisor,which includes assessment results and other measures.Each matriculated student is expected to:1. Express at least a broad educational intent upon enteringcollege and be willing to declare a specific educationalgoal following the completion of 15 semesterunits of degree applicable credit <strong>course</strong>-work.2. Attend classes regularly and complete assigned<strong>course</strong>work.3. Collaborate with a counselor in the development of astudent educational plan.4. Obtain a Petition to Challenge a Prerequisite form forany prerequisite or corequisite <strong>course</strong> for a particularterm. Petitions are available from the Student ServicesInformation Counter, Building 2; the Division Dean; theDean of Counseling, Building 2, Student ServicesCenter; or on the website, www.<strong>Skyline</strong><strong>College</strong>.edu.5. Request a waiver of any matriculation requirement onthe basis of extraordinary circumstances by filing apetition in the office of the Dean of Counseling,Building 2, Student Services Center.6. Review the matriculation regulations of the CaliforniaCommunity <strong>College</strong>s and exemption criteria establishedby this District and file a complaint when he/shebelieves the <strong>College</strong> has engaged in any practiceprohibited by these regulations. The regulations areavailable and complaints may be filed in the office ofthe Dean of Counseling, Building 2, Student ServicesCenter.Each matriculated student is entitled to:1. Participate in the process of developing his/herstudent educational plan. A student who believes the<strong>College</strong> has not afforded him/her the opportunity todevelop or implement this plan may file a complaint inthe office of the Dean of Counseling, Building 2,Student Services Center.2. Be given equal opportunity to engage in the educationalprocess regardless of gender, marital status, physicalhandicap, race, color, sexual orientation, religion ornational origin. A student who alleges he/she has beensubject to unlawful discrimination may file a grievancewith the Vice President of Student Services.3. Challenge any prerequisite, corequisite, or other limitationon enrollment by filing a petition with the appropriateDivision Dean on one or more of the followinggrounds:a. the student has the knowledge or ability to succeedin the <strong>course</strong> despite not meeting the prerequisite;b. the prerequisite or corequisite is discriminatory or isbeing applied in a discriminatory manner;c. the prerequisite or corequisite has not been establishedin accordance with the district’s process forestablishing prerequisites or corequisites;d. the student will be subject to undue delay in attainingthe goal of his/her educational plan because theprerequisite or corequisite has not been made reasonablyavailable.A D M I S S I O N2 011 – 2 012 C A T A L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u29

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