Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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Matriculation/Enrollment Process (Steps 2, 3 and 4)ADMISSION APPLICATION1Basic application information iscollected on each applicant. TheApplyinformation establishes a studentrecord that will be used for all futuretransactions. To complete an application,go online to www.skylinecollege.edu – Apply.Upon completion of admission requirements, a User IDand a Personal Identification Number (PIN) are issuedwhich allow access to WebSMART.PLACEMENT2TakePlacement TestsComputerized placement testsfor English, English for Speakers ofOther Languages (ESOL) and mathare available in the Assessment Cen -ter, Building 2, Room 2232. See thewebsite for hours of operation, as they are subject tochange during the semester.You must allow enough time to complete the appropriateassessment(s):• English or ESOL and Math test together: 2.5 hrs• English or ESOL only: allow for 2 hrs• Math only: allow for 1.5 hrsTo Schedule An Assessment:1. Go to https://WebSMART.smccd.edu and use yourG# and PIN# to access2. Click on “Schedule Appointments”3. Click on “Placement Test Appointment”4. Click on “Make appointments”5. Select “Make appointment”6. Select the appropriate placement test you want totake.7. Click “Continue”8. Select day/time that is best for you and then click“Find Appointments”9. Select the appointment10. Confirm your appointment by entering your phonenumber and email address, then click “Continue”11. You will see your scheduled Placement Test information.If you have any questions or would like to check if thereare any “drop-in” times available, stop by the AssessmentCenter or call (650) 738-4150.Retest Policy1. Math Placement results are valid for two years from thedate the test was taken.2. If a student does not accept the recommended placement,he/she may retake the same placement test oneadditional time within a two-year period. In order toretake the same test, the student must wait a minimumof 14 calendar days from the initial test date.3. A student who has completed a <strong>course</strong> in the English,ESOL or math sequence may take the placement testto determine his/her current competency level inEnglish, ESOL and math <strong>course</strong>s, provided that twoyears have elapsed since the <strong>course</strong> was completed.4. For any other special circumstance, or with an instructoror counselor recommendation, a student may petitionto retest through the Dean of Counseling.ExemptionIf one of the following applies to you, you may beexempt from placement testing:1. You have taken the Math Placement Test at <strong>Skyline</strong><strong>College</strong>, CSM or Cañada <strong>College</strong> within the last twoyears.2. You have taken a placement test at another CaliforniaCommunity <strong>College</strong> and a <strong>Skyline</strong> counselor hasreviewed your results for equivalency.3. You are a former student or transfer student and havecompleted <strong>course</strong> work in mathematics and/orEnglish with a grade of “C” or better from anotheraccredited college in the United States. (Provide un -official transcripts or other evidence of grades to yourcounselor.)4. Submit test scores from a <strong>College</strong> Board AdvancedPlacement Test (AP) in English Language or in EnglishLiterature with a score of 3, 4 or 5.5. Submit <strong>College</strong> Board Advanced Placement Test (AP)in mathematics with a score of 3, 4 or 5.Retrieving Placement Test ResultsYou will be provided with a copy of your placementresults once you complete the assessment. If you havemisplaced your results or need a copy go to http://websmart.smccd.edu.A D M I S S I O N2 011 – 2 012 C A T A L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u27

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