Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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International Baccalaureate Exams (IB) Credit PolicyThe following table shows how International Baccalaureate Exam (IB) results areapplied for the purpose of educational planning.Column 1 – IB Exam SubjectColumn 2 – Passing score and application of IB Exam results to <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> GeneralEducation requirementsColumn 3 – Passing score, application of IB Exam results to California State University (CSU)General Education certification, and minimum semester credits earnedColumn 4 – Application of IB Exam results to Intersegmental General Education TransferCurriculum (IGETC) certificationNote: Students are responsible for sending official IB Exam results to the <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> Admissionsand Records Office.1234International BaccalaureateExamApplication to <strong>Skyline</strong><strong>College</strong> General EducationRequirementsApplication to CSU GECertification and minimumsemester credits earnedApplication to IGETCCertificationBiology HLChemistry HLPassing score of 53 units GE Area F1 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 53 units GE Area F1 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 53 units Area B2 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 53 units Area B1 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 5Area 5B (without lab)Passing score of 5Area 5A (without lab)A D M I S S I O NEconomics HLPassing score of 53 units GE Area F3 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 53 units Area D3 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 5Area 4Geography HLPassing score of 53 units GE Area F3 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 53 units Area D3 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 5Area 4History (any region) HLPassing score of 53 units GE Area F2 or F3 and3 units elective creditPassing score of 53 units Area C2 or Area Dand 3 units elective creditPassing score of 5Area 3B or Area 4Language A1(any language) HLPassing score of 43 units GE Area F2 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 43 units Area C2 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 5Area 3B, and, if the IB exam isfor a language other than English,in addition to Area 3B, credit forArea 6 is grantedLanguage A2(any language) HLPassing score of 43 units GE Area F2 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 43 units Area C2 and 3 unitselective creditPassing score of 5Area 3B, and, if the IB exam isfor a language other than English,in addition to Area 3B, credit forArea 6 is grantedContinued ➜2 011 – 2 012 C A T A L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u25

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