Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY „ WELLNESSC O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N STCOM 665 SELECTED TOPICS INTELECOMMUNICATIONS(.5 or 1 or 1.5 or 2)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade)Minimum of 8, 16, 24 or 32 lecture hours/semester.Designed to develop specific skills that are utilized inthe telecommunications or the Network Informationindustry. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.Transfer credit: CSU.WELLNESS (WELL)WELL 665 SELECTED TOPICS IN WELLNESS(.5 or 1 or 1.5 or 2)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 8, 16, 24 or 32 lecture hours/semeseter.Short <strong>course</strong>s designed to increase or develop newskills and knowledge realted to self enhancement;information for students interested in exploring careeropportunities in the Massage/Spa/Wellness fields. Someclasses may go beyond the introductory level to assiststudents and working professionals in expanding currentknowledge and skills.WELL 701 MASSAGE THERAPY I (9)Minimum of 96 lecture hours and 160 lab hours/semester.Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836 or equivalent.Designed to develop skills and knowledge in massagetechniques. Topics include massage theory, practicalexperience, anatomy and physiology. Upon successfulcompletion of the 500-hour Massage Therapy program(WELL 701 and 702) students will be eligible for aCertificate of Achievement from <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> and willbe able to apply for certification in California and taketheir National Boards. May be repeated once for credit.WELL 702 MASSAGE THERAPY II (9)Minimum of 96 lecture hours and 160 lab hours/semester.Prerequisite: WELL 701 or equivalent.Develop skills and knowledge in massage therapytechniques and various spa/wellness modalities. Topicsinclude massage theory, practical experience, anatomy,physiology, business practices and ethics. Students willwork in the massage clinic to gain mastery of the skillslearned in the classroom. Upon successful completion ofthe 500-hour Massage Therapy program (WELL 701 and702) students are eligible for a Certificate of Achievementfrom <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> and can apply for California certificationand take their National Boards. May be repeatedonce for credit.WELL 760 INTRODUCTION TO“WHOLISTIC” HEALTH (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836 or equivalent.Introduction to a variety of “wholistic” health modalities,including massage therapy, yoga, breath work, herbology,aromatherapy, flower essences, gem elixirs,Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine. Structured to benefitstudents who wish to take the <strong>course</strong> for personal or professionalpurposes. Students will learn to evaluate personallifestyle habits and be introduced to various naturalhealing modalities they can incorporate into their dailylives. Transfer credit: CSU.236 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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