Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYC O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N STCOM 440 TRANSPORT NETWORKS ANDTHE FUNDAMENTALS OF DIGITALCOMMUNICATIONS (6)Minimum of 80 lecture hours and 48 lab hours plus 16 labhours by arrangement/semester. Prerequisite: Satisfac torycompletion (grade of C or better) of or concurrent enrollmentin TCOM 420, or equivalent training or experience.Instruction covers the primary transport networks andbasic digital communications fundamentals that make itpossible for end users to access and utilize the world’stelecommunication from both wire line and wirelessaccess points. Focused hands-on lab activities in theinstallation and testing of digital signal processing at theDS1 (T-Carrier) level. Transfer credit: CSU.TCOM 445 WIRELESS AND MOBILECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS ANDAPPLICATIONS (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:Satisfac tory completion (grade of C or better) of TCOM440, or equivalent training or experience.An in-depth study of wireless and mobile communicationssystems and applications. The <strong>course</strong> will examinethe technical aspects of wireless and mobile communicationssystems including cell sites, mobile switching centers,signaling systems, wireless network interworking,wireless intelligent network capabilities, and wirelessapplications and protocols. Transfer credit: CSU.TCOM 451 PC CONFIGURATION AND REPAIR (6)Minimum of 80 lecture hours and 48 lab hours plus 16 labhours by arrangement/semester. Prerequisites: Satisfac -tory completion (grade of C or better ) of CAOT 105 orequivalent, and satisfactory completion (grade of C or better)of or concurrent enrollment in ELEC 110 or TCOM 405,or equivalent training or experience.This <strong>course</strong> provides preparation for A+ certification. Ahands-on technical <strong>course</strong> designed to provide in-depthunderstanding of PC hardware and software from aninstallation and repair outlook. Materials covered willinclude beginning and advanced software, hardwarecomponents and configuration, operating systems andhow they control the PC. Includes direct hands-on experiencewith the tools and skills required for entry-levelemployment. Also listed as COMP 451. Transfer credit:CSU.TCOM 452 A+ CERTIFICATION EXAMPREPARATION (1)(Pass/No Pass.)Minimum of 16 lecture hours plus 48 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of or concurrent enrollment in TCOM451, or equivalent training or experience.Designed to assist students in preparing to take the A+certification examination for Computer Repair. May berepeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfercredit: CSU.TCOM 460 FIBER OPTICS TECHNOLOGY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.An introductory <strong>course</strong> in fiber optics technology thatwill include the theory of fiber optic communications, fibersystem design, network construction, and fiber optic testequipment. Instructor-directed hands-on splicing andworking with test equipment is a major component of this<strong>course</strong>. Transfer credit: CSU.TCOM 462 SWITCHING TECHNOLOGY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of TCOM 100 and TCOM 410, orequivalent training or experience.Introduction to the fundamentals of switching technologiesas they apply to voice and data telecommunicationscircuits and systems. Explores the basic componentsof switching systems access methods, trunking andsignaling. Both PBX and central office applications ofswitching will be discussed. Transfer credit: CSU.TCOM 465 WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORKS (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of TCOM/CAOT 480, or equivalenttraining or experience.An in-depth technical <strong>course</strong> in the design and implementationof wireless local area networks. Students willbe introduced to the technology, infrastructure, applicationand installation of wireless networks. Students willinstall and administer a wireless network using Ciscoproduct lines. Transfer credit: CSU.TCOM 480 NETWORK FUNDAMENTALS (LAN) (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Cisco Academy Course – CCNA 1An introductory <strong>course</strong> in networking specific to localarea networks (LAN). Topics will include LAN hardware,software, topology, transmission medium, wide area networkconnectivity, diagnostic tools, system administration,and vendor specific LAN products. Class is complementedwith hands-on experience in constructing a localarea network. Course is patterned after Cisco trainingguidelines. Also listed as CAOT 480. Transfer credit: CSU.234 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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