Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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RECREATION EDUCATION (REC.)REC. 100 INTRODUCTION TO RECREATION ANDLEISURE STUDIES (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester.The study of recreation and leisure as a profession.Career opportunities in travel and tourism, commercial,public, outdoor, private, and therapeutic recreation will beexplored. History of recreation, as well as current trends,will be presented. Note: This <strong>course</strong> is not activity-basedand is not applicable to the specific area requirement inPhysical Education for the Associate Degree. Transfercredit: CSU.RESPIRATORY THERAPY (RPTH)Admission to this program is by special application only.RPTH 400 PATIENT AND HEALTH CARECONCERNS (1.5)Minimum of 24 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:Admission to the Respiratory Therapy program.Introduction to the field of Respiratory Care; jobresponsibility and role within the health care team.Discussion of ethical and legal issues that involveRespiratory Care Practitioners. Discussion of aging, deathand dying, and information technologies. Transfer credit:CSU.RPTH 410 INTRODUCTION TO PATIENT CAREAND RESPIRATORY ASSESSMENTTECHNIQUES (3)Minimum of 32 lecture hours and 48 lab hours/semester.Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapyprogram.The study and practice of basic nursing arts. Alsoincluded will be a review of basic science relevant to respiratorytherapy and its application to respiratory systemassessment. The class will include some hospital practice.Transfer credit: CSU.RPTH 415 RESPIRATORY PHARMACOLOGY (1.5)Minimum of 24 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:Admission to the Respiratory Therapy program.Study of general pharmacology principles, basic terminology,drug action, dosage, adverse reactions, and drugtoxicity. Emphasis will include physiologic actions/interactions and cardio-respiratory medication categorization.Transfer credit: CSU.RECREATION EDUCATION „ RESPIRATORY THERAPYRPTH 420 APPLICATION OF CARDIOPULMONARYANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:Admission to the Respiratory Therapy program.Study of the healthy cardiopulmonary system withapplication to the types of alterations that occur withdisease. Emphasis will be applied to areas of particularconcern to Respiratory Care Practitioners. When applicable,case histories will be utilized. Computer programs willbe used for computations requiring practice. Transfercredit: CSU.RPTH 430 INTRODUCTION TO RESPIRATORYTHERAPEUTICS (6)Minimum of 64 lecture hours and 96 lab hours/semester.Prerequisite: Admission to the Respiratory Therapy program.Study and laboratory practice of basic respiratory careprocedures. Oxygen and aerosol therapy, alveolar recruitmenttherapy, airway clearance procedures, advancedairway management, cleaning and care of respiratorytherapy equipment, and introduction to ventilation conceptsare included. Transfer credit: CSU.RPTH 438 CLINICAL CLERKSHIP I – SPRING (1)(Pass/No Pass.)Total of 120 hours of supervised clinical experience in localhospital. Prerequisite: Admission to the RespiratoryTherapy program.Supervised experience in the medical/surgical areas ofa local hospital, observing and performing respiratorycare procedures to non-critical care patients. Transfercredit: CSU.RPTH 445 RESPIRATORY DISEASES I (2)Minimum of 32 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:Admission to the Respiratory Therapy program.Using the obstructive pulmonary diseases (asthma,chronic bronchitis and emphysema) as a model, the studentwill learn disease terminology, disease classification,history taking and physical examination. Also included willbe basic radiologic, clinical and pulmonary diagnostics.Transfer credit: CSU.RPTH 448 CLINICAL CLERKSHIP II – SUMMER (2)(Pass/No Pass.)Total of 120 hours of supervised clinical experience in localhospitals. Prerequisite: Admission to the RespiratoryTherapy program.Supervised experience in the Medical-Surgical patientcare areas of a local hospital. Emphasis is on attainingproficiency in skills performed by a Respiratory CarePrac ti tioner in these areas. Transfer credit: CSU.C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S2 011 – 2 012 C ATA L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u225

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