Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N SKINESIOLOGY (PHYSICAL EDUCATION – TEAM SPORTS)P.E. 270 (C) INTRODUCTION TO HUMANPERFORMANCE (2)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 32 lecture hours/semester.Exploration of the broad spectrum of kinesiology andhuman performance as an academic discipline. Exploresfundamental concepts and meaning of movement/physical activity, diversity of humans as moving things,professional/career options, current issues, personalcharacteristics/professional responsibilities, and humanperformance careers, and initiates professional portfoliodevelopment. NOTE: This <strong>course</strong> is not activity-based andis not applicable to the specific area requirement inPhysical Education for the Associate Degree. Transfercredit: CSU (E1).P.E. 301 (C) INTRODUCTION TO PERSONALTRAINING (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836 and READ 836, or ENGL 846, orequivalent.Prepares students to take the National Council ofStrength and Fitness Certified Personal Trainer Exam.Study of basic human anatomy, exercise physiology,health screening and assessment, nutrition, aerobic andanaerobic conditioning. NOTE: This <strong>course</strong> is not activitybasedand is not applicable to the specific area requirementin Physical Education for the Associate Degree.Transfer credit: CSU.Team Sports (TEAM)TEAM 100 (M) MEN’S BASEBALL (2)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 96 lab hours plus 32 hours by arrange -ment/semester.This class will allow the student to develop high skill inthe game of baseball. Through extended drills, gamesituations and plays, strategy will be learned. Physicalconditioning for baseball will be emphasized. May berepeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfercredit: UC; CSU (E2).TEAM 111, 115 (C) BASKETBALL, BEGINNING ANDADVANCED (.5 or 1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 24 or 48 lab hours/semester. Prerequisite:Advanced – Beginning Basketball or equivalent.Beginning – Instruction in the rules, strategies andfundamental skills of basketball. Includes round-robinplay during the last half of the semester. Transfer credit:UC; CSU (E2).Advanced – Advanced instruction in the fundamentalsof basketball. Specifically the details of the game will beinvestigated. Team play will be accented with specialemphasis given to developing offenses and attackingdefenses. May be repeated twice for credit. Transfercredit: UC; CSU (E2).TEAM 112 (C) BASKETBALL: ADVANCEDCOMPETITION STRATEGIES (.5 or 1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 24 or 48 lab hours plus 16 hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: TEAM 111 or competitiveexperience, or equivalent.Designed for potential student-athletes to pursueadvanced knowledge and application of the philosophy,strategies, techniques and instruction in the competitivegame of basketball. May be repeated for credit a maximumof three times. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).TEAM 116 (C) BASKETBALL: INDIVIDUAL SKILLDEVELOPMENT (.5 or 1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 24 or 48 lab hours plus 16 hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: TEAM 115 or equivalent.Designed to improve the individual skills of studentswishing to play competitive basketball. Students willspend considerable time working on the fundamentals ofthe game: ball handling, passing and shooting. Studentswill take part in numerous basketball and conditioningdrills. May be repeated for credit a maximum of threetimes. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).TEAM 117 (C) BASKETBALL: TOURNAMENTBASKETBALL (.5 or 1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 24 or 48 lab hours/semester. RecommendedTEAM 111, 112 or 115, or competitive experience, orequivalent.Geared toward advanced level basketball players, this<strong>course</strong> is designed to give students competitive playingexperience in a team, tournament setting. Students willlearn both offensive and defensive concepts in a teamsetting. Tournament games will be officiated using NCAArules and guidelines. May be repeated for credit a maximumof three times. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).TEAM 125 (C) NON-TRADITIONAL OUTDOOR GAMES(.5 or 1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 24 or 48 lab hours/semester.Introduces students to rules, strategies and skills ofhigh-energy outdoor games. Games will include UltimateFrisbee, Speedball, Capture the Flag, and other nontraditionalteam activities. Recommended for educationand recreation/physical education majors, and forstudents interested in a high-energy activity <strong>course</strong>. Maybe repeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfercredit: UC; CSU (E2).202 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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