Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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Kinesiology (KINE)KINE 100 (C) INTRODUCTION TO KINESIOLOGY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester.Exploration of the broad spectrum of kinesiology as anacademic discipline, fundamental concepts and meaningof movement/physical activity, diversity of humans asmoving beings, professional/career options, current/social issues, personal characteristics/professionalrespon sibilities. NOTE: This <strong>course</strong> is not activity-basedand is not applicable to the specific area requirement inPhysical Education for the Associate Degree. Transfercredit: CSU.Physical Education (P.E.)P.E. 105 (C) THE STUDENT-ATHLETE EXPERIENCE (2)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 32 lecture hours/semester.A survey <strong>course</strong> examining the historical, sociological,health and compliance issues related to student athletesat the community college and university level. Topicsinclude gender issues, racism, and performance-enhancingdrug use in sports. Students will be able to cite communitycollege eligibility requirements and matriculationrequirements upon completion of this <strong>course</strong>. NOTE: This<strong>course</strong> is not activity-based and is not applicable to thespecific area requirement in Physical Education for theAssociate Degree. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E1).P.E. 152 (C) THEORY OF SPORT AND FITNESSMANAGEMENT (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836 or equivalent.An introductory <strong>course</strong> emphasizing basic managementprinciples as they relate to the business of sport. Inparticular, this <strong>course</strong> will examine such topics as sportgovernance, facilities management, sports law, the economicsof sport, and sports marketing. In addition, this<strong>course</strong> will provide an overview of the many careers availablein the sports management industry. Transfer credit:CSU.P.E. 203 (C) SPORTS MEDICINE CLINICALINTERNSHIP (.5-4)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 32 clinical hours for each .5 unit.An in-depth practical learning experience within thesports medicine program. Students assist in injury prevention,emergency care, rehabilitation, and taping andbracing for varsity athletes under the supervision of thecertified athletic trainer. Clinical hours are designed toassist in developing the skills required for NATA competencies.NOTE: This <strong>course</strong> is not activity-based and is notapplicable to the specific area requirement in PhysicalKINESIOLOGY (KINESIOLOGY – PHYSICAL EDUCATION)Education for the Associate Degree. (Open entry.) May berepeated for credit a maximum of three times. Transfercredit: CSU.P.E. 211(C) PREVENTION AND CARE OF ATHLETICINJURIES (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 32 lecture hours and 48 lab hours/semester.Introduction and application of basic principles to theprevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation ofathletic injuries. Application of basic principles of anatomy,physiology, pathology and biomechanics to athleticinjuries. NOTE: This <strong>course</strong> is not activity-based and is notapplicable to the specific area requirement in PhysicalEducation for the Associate Degree. Transfer credit: UC;CSU.P.E. 213 (C) SPORTS MEDICINE (2)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 32 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:Satisfactory completion (grade of C or better) of P.E. 211and P.E. 212, or equivalent. Corequisite: P.E. 214.Intermediate to advanced level concepts ofprevention, assessment and treatment of athletic injuries.Appli cation of basic principles of anatomy, physiology,pathology and biomechanics to the prevention and careof athletic injuries. Additional hands-on experience isavailable through the Sports Medicine Clinical Internship<strong>course</strong>. NOTE: This <strong>course</strong> is not activity-based and is notapplicable to the specific area requirement in PhysicalEducation for the Associate Degree. May be repeatedonce for credit. Transfer credit: CSU.P.E. 214 (C) SPORTS MEDICINE LAB (1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lab hours/semester. Prerequisite: Satis -factory completion (grade of C or better) of P.E. 211 andP.E. 212, or equivalent; and satisfactory completion (gradeof C or better) of, or concurrent enrollment in, P.E. 213.Intermediate to advanced level concepts of prevention,assessment and treatment of athletic injuries. Applicationof basic principles of anatomy, physiology, pathology andbiomechanics to the prevention and care of athleticinjuries. Additional hands-on experience is availablethrough the Sports Medicine Clinical Internship <strong>course</strong>.NOTE: This <strong>course</strong> is not activity-based and is not applicableto the specific area requirement in Physical Edu -cation for the Associate Degree. May be repeated twicefor credit. Transfer credit: CSU.C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S2 011 – 2 012 C ATA L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u201

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