Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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KINESIOLOGYThe Kinesiology <strong>course</strong>s listed below are for men orwomen or are coeducational as shown in parenthesesfollowing the number of the <strong>course</strong> (M, W, C).In order to raise skill levels, and on the advice of theinstructor, some kinesiology classes may be taken up tofour times for credit. Repeated <strong>course</strong> units might not beaccepted for transfer at some four-year institutions.Adaptive Physical Education (ADAP)ADAP 348 (C) ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION(1 or .5-1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lab hours for 1 unit sections; minimum of24 lab hours for each .5 unit for variable unit sections.Prerequisite: Physician’s recommendation or assignmentby the <strong>College</strong> Health Counselor or Division Dean (on recommendationof instructor). Recommended: Concurrentenrollment in ADAP 349 or ADAP 357.Designed to meet the individual needs of each student.Recreational sports of limited activity, isometric and isotonicprograms, and remedial rehabilitative activities.Corrective programs are available. Individual student programsare developed after consultation with physician.(Variable unit sections are open entry.) May be repeatedfor credit a maximum of three times. Transfer credit: UC;CSU (E2).ADAP 349 (C) FUNCTIONAL ADAPTED FITNESSASSESSMENT (1 or .5-1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lab hours for 1 unit sections; minimum of24 lab hours for each .5 unit for variable unit sections.Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ADAP 348 or ADAP356, and physician’s approval.Individual and small group assessment and participationin functional fitness, emphasizing flexibility, strength,balance, coordination and general mobility. (Variable unitsections are open entry.) May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).ADAP 356 (C) ADAPTED TOTAL FITNESS (1 or .5-1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lab hours for 1 unit sections; minimum of24 lab hours for each .5 unit for variable unit sections.Prerequisite: Physician’s recommendation or assignmentby the <strong>College</strong> Health Counselor or Division Dean (on recommendationof instructor). Corequisite: Concurrentenrollment in ADAP 357 or ADAP 349.Individual and group participation in exercise usingmats, chairs, cardio and weight equipment appropriate fora verified physical disability. (Variable unit sections areopen entry.) May be repeated for credit a maximum ofthree times. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).KINESIOLOGY (ADAPTIVE)ADAP 357 (C) PHYSICAL EDUCATION FORINDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS(1 or .5-1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lab hours for 1 unit sections; minimum of24 lab hours for each .5 unit for variable unit sections.Prerequisite: Physician’s recommendation or assignmentby the <strong>College</strong> Health Counselor or Division Dean (on recommendationof instructor). Corequisite: Concurrentenrollment in ADAP 348 or ADAP 356.Individual and small group physical fitness needsassessment and participation in exercise, movementpatterns, and learning how to accommodate limitationsnecessary to succeed in a variety of adapted physicaleducation <strong>course</strong>s. (Variable unit sections are open entry.)May be repeated for credit a maximum of three times.Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).ADAP 358 (C) ADAPTED STRENGTH DEVELOPMENT(.5-1 or .5 or 1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 24 lab hours for each .5 unit for variablesections; minimum of 24 lab hours for .5 unit sections;minimum of 48 lab hours for 1 unit sections. Prerequisite:Physician’s recommendation or assignment by the<strong>College</strong> Health Counselor or Division Dean (on recommendationof instructor). Corequisite: Concurrent enrollmentin ADAP 349, 357 or 359.An introduction to the discipline of Physical Educationthrough strength development in the context of an individual’sphysical, intellectual and/or affective abilities andlimitations. Topics will include equipment use, etiquette,safety, nutrition, and techniques related to strength trainingfor individuals with disabilities. Variable unit sectionsare open entry. May be repeated for credit a maximum ofthree times. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).ADAP 359 (C) BALANCE AND FUNCTIONALMOVEMENT FOR THE PHYSICALLYLIMITED (.5-1 or 1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lab hours for 1 unit sections; minimum of 24 labhours for each .5 unit for variable sections. Corequisite:Concurrent enrollment in ADAP 348, 356 or 358.Assessment and training to enhance coordination, balanceand neuromuscular function. Emphasis on functionalmovement, movement efficiency resulting in improvedposture, and functional movement experiences. Variableunit sections are open entry. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E2).C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S2 011 – 2 012 C ATA L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u193

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