Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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HIST 310 CALIFORNIA HISTORY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Partially satisfiesAmerican History and Institutions requirement. Recom -mended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 105, or equivalent.A study of contemporary California with inquiry intohow and why its political, economic, social and culturalqualities have developed. Includes examination of thenative Californian, Spanish and American Periods; theinstitutions, functions and interrelations of federal, stateand local politics; California’s membership in the Pacificcommunity; and the environment. Transfer credit: UC;CSU (D2a).HIST 335 HISTORY AND POLITICS OF THEMIDDLE EAST (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.Examination of the historical, political, economic andsocial issues of the Middle East, including the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and U.S. foreign policy in the area.Also listed as PLSC 335. Transfer credit: UC; CSU(C2, D3).HIST 420 SURVEY OF LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836.A comparative, chronological survey of South andCentral American history including geography, indigenouspeoples, early contact with Europeans, conquest, andstruggle for independence. Development of modern LatinAmerican nations, cultural uniqueness, economics, politics,society, and current problems will be explored.Transfer credit: UC; CSU (C2).HIST 430 EARLY ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 105 or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of East Asia, SouthAsia, Southeast Asia, and the Philippines from the originsto the 18th Century. Emphasis will be on a critical evaluationof the main social, political, economic, cultural, intellectualand historical trends that have shaped the Asiancountries. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (C2, D3).HIST 432 MODERN ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of East Asia, SouthAsia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and the Philippinesfrom the 17th century to the present. Emphasis will be ona critical evaluation of the main social, political, economic,cultural, intellectual and historical trends that haveshaped the Asian countries. A study of the various modernAsian civilizations is encouraged as a means ofacquiring a broad comparative perspective. Transfercredit: UC; CSU (C2, D3).HISTORYHIST 435 HISTORY OF THE PHILIPPINES (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 105, or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of the Philippines fromits origins to the present. Emphasis will be on a criticalevaluation of the main social, political, economic, cultural,intellectual and historical trends that have shaped thePhilippines. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (C2, D3).HIST 436 FILIPINOS IN AMERICA (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 105, or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of Filipinos in Americafrom early settlements in Louisiana, Hawaii and the westcoast to the present. Emphasis will be on a critical evaluationof the main social, political, economic, cultural, intellectualand historical trends that shaped the variousFilipino communities in the United States. Transfer credit:UC; CSU (D3).HIST 444 SURVEY OF SUB-SAHARAN HISTORY (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.Survey of Sub-Saharan African history. Topics includethe origins and impact of the slave trade; European colonialism;political, social and economic development; andcontemporary issues. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (C2, D3).HIST 453 HISTORY OF CHINA (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.A historical and cultural survey of China from itslegendary creation to the present. Emphasis will be on acritical evaluation of the main social, political, economic,cultural, intellectual and historical trends that haveshaped China. A study of China and the various Asianciviliza tions surrounding China is encouraged as a meansof acquiring a broad comparative perspective. Transfercredit: UC; CSU (C2, D3).HIST 461 GREAT CITIES OF THE WORLD: PARIS,MADRID AND ISTANBUL (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or 105, or equivalent.An in-depth analysis of the great cities of the worldwith an emphasis on the more important political, economic,social, artistic and cultural aspects. Cities to bestudied are Paris, Madrid and Istanbul. Transfer credit:UC; CSU (C2).C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S2 011 – 2 012 C ATA L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u189

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