Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N SGEOGRAPHY „ HEALTH SCIENCEGEOG 302 INTRODUCTION TO GIS ANDARC VIEW (1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 16 lecture hours and 16 lab hours/semester.Prerequisite: GEOG 301. Recommended: Skill in usingWindows operating system and internet, such as found inCAOT 104 and CAOT 400, or equivalent.This <strong>course</strong> introduces and provides hands-on instructionin ArcView geographic information systems software.Focus is on the functionality of GIS as an effective tool formodeling and analyzing complex spatial relationships.Transfer credit: CSU.GEOG 303 GIS APPLICATIONS (1)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 16 lecture hours and 16 lab hours/semester.Prerequisite: GEOG 302. Recommended: Skill in usingWindows operating system and internet, such as found inCAOT 104 and CAOT 400, or equivalent.Applications of ArcView GIS software. Emphasis isplaced on training in use of technology and software inorder to provide students with skills and a conceptualbasis on which to build further expertise in GIS. Studentswill complete projects in an area of their choice. Transfercredit: CSU.GEOLOGY (GEOL)GEOL 100 SURVEY OF GEOLOGY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836.Introduction to the origin of rocks and minerals; theprocesses which have been important throughout geologictime, both on and beneath the surface, in giving theearth its present form; and the principles of scientificinvestigation that are used in interpreting geologic features.A brief sketch of the geological history of the earthand evolution of its animal and plant inhabitants. Not opento students who have taken or are taking GEOL 210.Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1).GEOL 105 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCE (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836.Investigation of environmental earth science topicsincluding aspects of weather and climate, ground andsurface water, geologic processes and land forms,recovery and utilization of natural resources, air and waterpollution, and energy. Emphasis on understanding andavoiding the dangers of natural hazards such as storms,floods, earthquakes, and landslides. Transfer credit: UC;CSU (B1).GEOL 180 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:Eligibility for ENGL 836.An overview of the general principles of geology withexamples from the great diversity of local and regionalfeatures found in California. Comparisons to other parts ofthe world are made, demonstrating that the Golden Statecontains a microcosm of global geologic evolution.Emphasis on the significant interaction of geology and lifein California from the Gold Rush through the GreatEarthquake to today. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1).GEOL 210 GENERAL GEOLOGY (4)Minimum of 48 lecture hours and 48 lab hours/semesterplus field trips by arrangement. Recommended: Eligibilityfor ENGL 836.Introduction to the nature and structure of the materialscomposing the earth and of the various processeswhich shape the earth’s surface. Recommended for nonsciencemajors to fulfill laboratory science transferrequirement. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (B1, 3).GEOL 611 FIELD GEOLOGY I (1)(Pass/No Pass.)Minimum of 48 lab hours/semester; field trips by arrangement.Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollmentin GEOL 100 or GEOL 210, or equivalent.Supervised field investigation of selected geologicphenomena. Local field trips and/or weekend excursionsto areas of geologic interest (i.e., Lassen Volcanic NationalPark, Yosemite National Park, Pinnacles NationalMonument). May be repeated once for credit. Transfercredit: UC; CSU.HEALTH SCIENCE (HSCI)HSCI 100 GENERAL HEALTH EDUCATION (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester.A study of factors which influence personal health.Attention given to the value of good health practices;examination of self and lifestyle for disease risk; and preventivemeasures for heart disease and cancer. Topicsinclude stress, mental health, sexual reproductive health,sex roles and living with others, nutrition, exercise andweight control. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (E1).HSCI 130 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836, or equivalent.An overview of human sexual behavior and attitudes.Topics include sex research, sexual anatomy andresponse patterns, sexual development and learning,gender identity, conception control, sexual variations andlifestyles, homosexuality, sexual problems and enrichment,relationships and intimacy. Transfer credit: UC; CSU(E1).186 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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