Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N SFASHION MERCHANDISING „ FILMFASH 665 SELECTED TOPICS IN FASHION(.5 or 1 or 1.5)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 8 lecture hours for each .5 unit.Designed to enhance interest and develop skills in thebusiness of fashion. The <strong>course</strong> will focus on one of thefollowing specific topics: principles in color, basics ofvisual display, business of modeling, fashion as a culturalexperience, fashion survey. May be repeated for credit astopics vary. Transfer credit: CSU.FILIPINO (FILI)Language Lab and Listening Requirement: Studentsenrolled in foreign language <strong>course</strong>s are required to makeuse of the language lab as prescribed by each department.Imitation, response, and independent practice areintegral features of the study of a foreign language at the<strong>College</strong>.FILI 110 ELEMENTARY FILIPINO (5)Minimum of 80 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 836and READ 836, or ENGL 846, or ESOL 400, or equivalent.Beginner’s <strong>course</strong> in Filipino grammar, compositionand reading. Practice in speaking and understandingFilipino. Introduction to the history, grammar, sentencestructure, idioms, and cultural aspects naturally intertwinedwith the language; introductions to honorifics, formalsecond person singular form, the respect particles,and everyday greetings and formularies indicating politenessand respect for the persons addressed. This <strong>course</strong>is conducted primarily in Filipino. Transfer credit: UC;CSU (C2).FILI 111, 112 ELEMENTARY FILIPINO I and II (3, 3)(formerly TAGA 111, 112)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.FILI 111 – Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL836 or ESOL 400, or equivalent. FILI 112 – Prerequisite: FILI111 or equivalent.A basic <strong>course</strong> sequence for native and non-nativestudents. The student will acquire a basic ability to speak,read and write in Filipino at the elementary level and willlearn about the customs, culture and history of the Filipinoworld. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (C2).FILI 120 ADVANCED ELEMENTARY FILIPINO (5)Minimum of 80 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: FILI 110 or 112, or equivalent.A continuation of FILI 110 or FILI 112, for students whocan use Filipino to communicate about the “here andnow” and relate a simple story in the past. Students practiceand develop further communicative competence inwritten and spoke Filipino for use in a variety of socialcontexts and settings. Readings are used as the basis forclassroom discussions. Cultural aspects of the Filipinospeakingcommunities are emphasized. The <strong>course</strong> isconducted primarily in Filipino. Transfer credit: UC; CSU(C2).FILI 121 ADVANCED ELEMENTARY FILIPINO I (3)(formerly TAGA 121)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisites: FILI 110 or 112, or equivalent.The first <strong>course</strong> in an advanced elementary twosemestersequence covering the second year of Filipino.The <strong>course</strong> covers approximately the content taught inthe first half of FILI 120. Continues the oral and writtenskills studied and practiced in FILI 110 and FILI 112, andcontinues to develop the foundation in structure andvocabulary needed for basic communication. Emphasis ison the active use of language and also on the culture,customs and history of the Filipino world. Transfer credit:UC; CSU.FILI 122 ADVANCED ELEMENTARY FILIPINO II (3)(formerly TAGA 122)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisites: Successful completion ofFILI 121 or equivalent.The second <strong>course</strong> in a two-semester sequence coveringthe second year of Filipino. Continues the oral andwritten skills studied and practiced in FILI 112 and continuesto develop the foundation in structure and vocabularyneeded for advanced elementary communication.Emphasis is on the active use of language and also on theculture, customs and history of the Filipino world. Transfercredit: UC; CSU.FILM (FILM)FILM 370 FILM PRODUCTION (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 32 lecture hours and 32 lab hours plus 32lab hours by arrangement/semester.A basic <strong>course</strong> in the techniques of film production,including operation of motion picture cameras, meters,lenses and related equipment, scripting for film, editing forpictorial continuity. Emphasis on production crew functions.May be repeated for credit a maximum of threetimes. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (C1).184 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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