Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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ESOL 830 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHERLANGUAGES III (6)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 144 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Satisfactory completion of ESOL 820, or 821 and 822, or862 and 872, or appropriate skill level as indicated by ESLplacement test and other measures as necessary.For intermediate students who have studied the grammaticalstructures in ESOL 820, or 821 and 822, or 862and 872, or equivalent, and have acquired conversationalfluency and basic reading and writing skills. Emphasis ison critical reading, sentence combining, oral exchange,and paragraph writing. (Units do not count toward theAssociate Degree.)ESOL 840 ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHERLANGUAGES IV (6)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 144 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Satisfactory completion of ESOL 830, or 831 and 832, or863 and 873, or appropriate skill level as indicated by ESLplacement test and other measures as necessary.For high-intermediate students who have studied thegrammatical structures, reading skills, and elements ofparagraph writing in ESOL 830, or 831 and 832, or 863and 873, or equivalent. Emphasis is on thematic reading,discussion, and writing from paragraphs to essays, supplementedby exercises in proofreading. (Units do notcount toward the Associate Degree.)ESOL 851 HIGH-BEGINNNG ESL LISTENING ANDSPEAKING (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Appropriate skill level of ESOL 810, or 811, as indicated byESL placement test and other measures as necessary.Development of listening comprehension and oral proficiencyof standard spoken English at the high-beginninglevel. Listening focuses on comprehension of verbalinstructions, vocabulary in context, and ideas in sentences,monologues, and dialogues. Speaking focuses onclear pronunciation of common words and phrases anddevelopment of fluency in conversation. (Units do notcount toward the Associate Degree.)ESOL 852 PRE-INTERMEDIATE ESL LISTENING ANDSPEAKING (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Satisfactory completion of ESOL 810, or both 811 and 812,or ESOL 851, or appropriate skill level as indicated by ESLplacement test and other measures as necessary.Students are strongly advised to complete or enroll concurrentlyin ESOL 862 and ESOL 872.ENGLISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGESDevelopment of listening comprehension and oralproficiency of standard spoken English at the preintermediatelevel. Listening focuses on comprehensionof modified spoken English, vocabulary in context, andideas in monologues and discussions. Speaking focuseson clear pronunciation of common words and phrases,continued development of fluency in conversation, andproficiency in initiating, sustaining, and ending oral communicationin a variety of contexts. ESOL 852, whentaken with ESOL 862 and ESOL 872, is equivalent toESOL 820. (Units do not count toward the AssociateDegree.)ESOL 853 INTERMEDIATE ESL LISTENING ANDSPEAKING (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Satisfactory completion of ESOL 820, or both 821 and822, or ESOL 852, or appropriate skill level as indicated byESL placement test and other measures as necessary.Students are strongly advised to complete or enroll concurrentlyin ESOL 863 and ESOL 873.Development of listening comprehension and oral proficiencyof standard spoken English at the intermediatelevel. Listening focuses on note-taking and aural comprehensionof standard spoken English using informationfrom media, discussion, and academic contexts. Speak -ing focuses on English fluency, proficiency, and strategiesfor discussion and personal interaction. ESOL 853, whentaken with ESOL 863 and ESOL 873, is equivalent toESOL 830. (Units do not count toward the AssociateDegree.)ESOL 854 HIGH-INTERMEDIATE ESL LISTENINGAND SPEAKING (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Satisfactory completion of ESOL 830, or 831 and 832, orESOL 853, or appropriate skill level as indicated by ESLplacement test and other measures as necessary. Stu -dents are strongly advised to complete or enroll concurrentlyin ESOL 864 and ESOL 874.Development of listening comprehension and oralproficiency of standard spoken English at the high-intermediatelevel. Listening focuses on note-taking and auralcomprehension of standard spoken English in academicsituations, media, and discussion. Speaking focuses onfluency of English speech, proficiency in clarifying andrestating, and strategies for facilitating discussion. ESOL854, when taken with ESOL 864 and ESOL 874, is equivalentto ESOL 840. May be repeated twice for credit.(Units do not count toward the Associate Degree.)C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S2 011 – 2 012 C ATA L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u179

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