Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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7. Student lived with parent(s) who is (are) agriculturallaborer(s) as specified in number 6 above and isclaimed as a tax dependent.8. Minor student has been under continuous care andcontrol of adult(s), not a parent, for more than twoyears prior to the semester of admission. Such adult(s)must have been California resident(s) during the mostrecent year.Exceptions: A student is entitled to resident classificationfor the minimum time necessary to become a resident ifthe following circumstances apply:1. A minor student in continuous attendance, whose parentshad established California residence (for oneyear), and who left the state may be classified as a residentuntil he/she has attained the age of 18 years andmay achieve residency on his/ her own.2. A student is on active duty in the military service, stationedin California, and has not been assigned toCalifornia for educational purposes.3. Meets criteria as a foster youth.4. A student who is a dependent child (i.e., natural,adopted, or step) or spouse of an active military serviceperson stationed in California is given resident classificationfor the minimum time necessary to become aresident.5. A student is a full-time employee, or child or spouse ofa full-time employee, of an educational institution or anyCalifornia State Agency may be entitled to resident classificationuntil he/she has resided in California the minimumtime necessary to establish residency.NON-RESIDENT DETERMINATIONA student classified as a non-resident will be requiredto pay tuition at the time of enrollment. Non-immigrantsprecluded by the Immigration and Nationality Act fromestablishing residency in the United States include, butmay not be limited to, those with B-1, B-2, C, D-1, D-2,F-1, F-2, H-2, H-3, J-1, J-2, M-1, M-2, O-2, P-1, P-2,P-3, P-4, Q, TN and TD visas and their dependents. Anystudent not holding a valid visa is precluded from establishingCalifornia residence. Non-immigrants are not pre -cluded from establishing residence solely on the basis oftheir status as aliens. They may be classified as residentsif they meet the requirements of State law. Informationregarding Nonresident tuition fees and refunds may befound in the “Fees/Refund Policy” section of this <strong>Catalog</strong>.Incorrect Classification: Nonresident students enrolledwithout payment of fees because of falsification of informationshall be excluded from classes upon notificationpending payment of fees. Written notification may begiven at any time. Students excluded because of falsificationshall not be readmitted during the semester or summersession from which they were excluded, nor shall theybe admitted to any following semester or summer sessionuntil all previously incurred tuition obligations are paid.If a student is erroneously determined to be a nonresidentand a tuition fee has been paid, the fee is fullyrefundable, provided acceptable proof of state residenceis presented within the period for which the fee was paid.Reclassification: Reclassification to resident status mustbe requested by the student. Financial independence duringthe current year and preceding two years will be consideredat the time the student requests reclassification.Information regarding requirements for reclassification isavailable in the Office of Admissions and Records.Participation as a member of a varsity athletic teamdoes not qualify a non-resident student for resident status.Limitation of Residency Rules: If this summary of rulesregarding residency determination does not provide acomplete explanation, contact the Office of Admissionsand Records. Students should also note that changes mayhave been made in the statutes and in the regulationsbetween the time this statement is published and thebeginning of the semester for which they are applying.NONRESIDENT TUITIONEXEMPTIONTuition exemption forms are available in theAdmissions and Records Office for students who wish tobe considered for this exemption under State Law AB540.1. Any student, other than a student who is a nonimmigrantalien under 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15), shall be exemptfrom paying nonresident tuition at any communitycollege district if ALL of the following conditions exist:a. Attended high school in California for three or moreyears;b. Graduated from a California high school or attainedthe equivalent of such graduation; andc. Registers for or is enrolled in a <strong>course</strong> offered byany college in the district for any term commencingon or after January 1, 2002.2. Any student seeking an exemption shall complete aquestionnaire form prescribed by the State Chancel -lor’s Office verifying eligibility for this nonresidenttuition exemption. The student may be required to pro -vide documentation for the information provided onthe questionnaire to verify eligibility for an exemption.All nonpublic student information shall be confidentialand shall not be disclosed unless required by law.A D M I S S I O N2 011 – 2 012 C A T A L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u17

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