Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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EMC. 415 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN I –REFRESHER (1.5-2)Minimum of 24 or 32 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:California EMT I certificate that is current or has not beenexpired for more than four years.A three or four day <strong>course</strong> that provides EMT’s with theopportunity to renew their EMT I certificate. The three-day<strong>course</strong> provides 24 hours of Continuing Education Units.The four-day <strong>course</strong> provides the necessary written andskills testing. May be repeated for credit as necessary tomeet certification requirements.EMC. 425 CPR: HEALTH CARE PROVIDER (.5)(Pass/No Pass.)Minimum of 8 lecture hours/semester.This <strong>course</strong> will qualify students for CPR certificationfor health care providers. Includes instruction pertinent toadult, child and infant CPR. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times. Transfer credit: CSU.EMC. 665 SELECTED TOPICS IN EMERGENCYMEDICAL CARE (.5 or 1 or 1.5 or 2)Minimum of 8 lecture hours per .5 unit.This <strong>course</strong> is designed to review and update specifictopics fundamental to the practice of an EmergencyMedical Technician or paramedic. Some of these topicsmay be taken for continuing education units. May berepeated for credit as topics vary.ENGLISH (ENGL)Reading <strong>course</strong>s are listed under READING. Literature<strong>course</strong>s are listed under LITERATURE. Courses fornon-native speakers of English are listed under ENG-LISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES.Students are encouraged to take the English/Readingplacement tests prior to initial placement in <strong>course</strong>s.English/Reading placement tests are given to students toassist the counselor and the division in guiding them tothe appropriate English <strong>course</strong>. Proper placement inEnglish/Reading assures that students will begin their collegestudies in <strong>course</strong>s where they will have the bestchance of success. Initial placement in classes is recommendedon the basis of test scores. The tests are givenon announced dates throughout the year. Students whotransfer to <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> and have taken a collegeEnglish <strong>course</strong> equivalent to ENGL 100 Composition orENGL 836 Writing Development at another institutionneed not take the test.English faculty may, when appropriate, modify placementrecommendations on the basis of the student’swriting performance.Students should enroll in the <strong>course</strong>(s) recommendedby their placement scores.EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE „ ENGLISHCourse numbering has changed for several EnglishComposition and Reading <strong>course</strong>s. If you took <strong>course</strong>sthat satisfy a prerequisite to an English or Reading <strong>course</strong>under the old numbering system, it will satisfy that prerequisiteeven though the numbering has changed. The newand old numbers are listed below:OLD NUMBERNEW NUMBERENGL 801 ENGL 826ENGL 800 ENGL 836READ 801 READ 826READ 802 READ 836The English/Reading sequences from the lowest to thehighest level are listed below:English CoursesReading CoursesENGL 826 READ 826ENGL 836 orENGL 846 or ESOL 400 READ 836ENGL 100 or ENGL 105 READ 420ENGL 110 or ENGL 165English/Reading Course SequenceREAD 826READ 836READ 420Optional++StartPlacement Testindicates appropriate level in this sequence of <strong>course</strong>sNON-TRANSFERABLE COURSESENGL 826ENGL 836ENGL 828ENGL 846TRANSFERABLE COURSESororENGL 100orENGL 105ENGL 110orENGL 165C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S2 011 – 2 012 C ATA L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u175

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