Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N SECONOMICS „ EMERGENCY MEDICAL CAREECONOMICS (ECON)ECON 100 PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 and MATH 120, or equivalent.Introduction to the U.S. economy in a global context.Measuring output, unemployment and inflation. Theory ofthe determination of output and prices. Analysis ofmoney, banking, and interest rates. Government fiscaland monetary stabilization policies. Current economictopics. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (D3).ECON 102 PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Prerequisite:ECON 100. Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 100 andMATH 120, or equivalent.Introduction to the functioning of markets. Theory ofthe determination of output and prices for markets undercompetitive and noncompetitive conditions. Analysis offirms’ costs and revenues. Government tax and regulatorypolicies. Current economic topics. Transfer credit: UC;CSU (D3).ECON 111 THE ECONOMY TODAY (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100 or ENGL 105, or equivalent.Non-theoretical consideration of current economicissues. Introduction to basic economic concepts andalternative perspectives. Current issues include unemployment,inflation, banking, immigration, social security,international trade, and war. NOTE: Students who havereceived credit for ECON 100 or 102 may not receivecredit for ECON 111. Transfer credit: CSU (D3).ECON 310 POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ASIA (3)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 100, or equivalent.A comparative study of the political economy of Asiancountries. European and U.S. colonialism, post-colonialpolitical and economic developments, and marketreforms in socialist countries. Relations among Asiannations and their relationship to the U.S. economy andforeign policy. Transfer credit: UC; CSU (D3).EDUCATION (EDUC)EDUC 100 INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours/semester. Recommended:Eligibility for ENGL 836.Survey of the American education system includingreview of the development of schools, assessment ofissues facing schools, the profession, and society, and anopportunity for students to decide the career potential ofeducation. Transfer credit: CSU (D3).ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY(ELEC)ELEC 110 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS (4)Minimum of 48 lecture hours and 48 lab hours plus 16hours by arrangement/semester.Activity-based introduction to the fundamentals of DCand AC electrical/electronic circuits. Course covers thebasic mathematical laws, terminologies, testing andmeasuring of simple circuits. Laboratory exercises willemphasize the use of tools, electrical test instruments andmeasuring devices. Transfer credit: CSU.ELEC 410 INTRODUCTION TO SOLAR INSTALLATIONAND INTEGRATION (3.5)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 48 lecture hours and 24 lab hours plus 16 labhours by arrangement/semester. Recommended: Com -ple tion of ELEC 110 with a grade of C or better, or concurrentenrollment in ELEC 110, or equivalent.An introductory <strong>course</strong> targeted to junior-level photovoltaicinstallers to provide a foundation of skills necessaryin solar installation. Topics include electrical theoryand practice, photovoltaic theory and integration, andsolar installation skills. The <strong>course</strong> is a balance of theory,hands-on practice and real world examples. Also listed asENVS 410. May be repeated once for credit. Transfercredit: CSU.EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE(EMC.)EMC. 410 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN B (7)Minimum of 80 lecture hours and 96 lab hours, plus 48hours by arrangement (which will include a minimum of8 hours in a local Emergency Department and 12 hoursriding with a local ambulance company)/semester. Pre -requisite: Completion of EMC. 425 or a valid Health careProvider CPR card.The first phase of training in the Emergency MedicalTechnician Career Structure. Covers all techniques ofemergency medical care presently considered within theresponsibilities of the Emergency Medical Technician, aswell as all operational aspects of the job the EMT will beexpected to perform. Meets state and national certificationrequirements for EMT-B.174 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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