Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N SCOOPERATIVE EDUCATION „ COSMETOLOGYCOOP 671 GENERAL COOPERATIVE EDUCATION (1-3)(Pass/No Pass.)75 to 225 paid job hours/semester or 60 to 180 volunteerhours/semester.Designed for the student who does not have a job thatrelates to a specific occupational goal or college major.Under the direction of the college coordinator, studentsfocus on career awareness and development of desirableemployment habits and attitudes. Each student mustestablish measurable learning objectives appropriate forhis/her job. Students may be eligible for up to three unitsof credit per semester. One unit of credit may be earnedfor each 75 hours of paid work (approximately five hoursper week) or 60 hours of volunteer work per semester.May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 6 units.Transfer credit: CSU.COSMETOLOGY (COSM)COSM 665 SELECTED TOPICS IN COSMETOLOGY(.5 or 1 or 1.5)(Pass/No Pass.)Minimum of 8 lecture hours for each .5 unit.Short <strong>course</strong>s designed for Cosmetology, Estheticianand Spa professionals who are interested in increasing ordeveloping new skills, for the lay person who is interestedin acquiring knowledge or skills related to self-enhancement,and for those interested in exploring career opportunitiesin the Cosmetology, Esthetician or Spa fields.Each topic may be repeated for credit a maximum of threetimes.COSM 700 COSMETOLOGY CONCEPTS ANDPRACTICE I (.5-16)Minimum of 80 lecture hours and 560 lab hours for daystudents to earn 16 units/semester; minimum of 80lecture hours and 304 lab hours for evening students toearn 11 units/semester.Topics include basic and advanced manipulative skillsin hair design, hair analysis, hair coloring, hair cutting,hair scalp and conditioning treatments, chemical straightening,permanent waving, manicuring, and pedicuring.Material Safety Data Sheets and State Board Rules andRegulations. May be repeated for credit a maximum ofthree times.COSM 740 COSMETOLOGY CONCEPTS ANDPRACTICE II (.5-16)Minimum of 80 lecture hours and 560 lab hours for daystudents to earn 16 units/semester; minimum of 48 lecturehours and 336 lab hours for evening students to earn 10units/semester. Prerequisite: Completion of COSM 700with a grade of C or better.Topics include skin histology and diseases, facials, hairremoval, chemistry, electricity, artificial nail applications,hazardous materials, MSDS, advanced hair cutting andstyling, relaxing, bleaching, highlighting, advanced haircoloring, thermal press and curl, anatomy, State Boardreview, speed and accuracy. May be repeated for credit amaximum of three times.COSM 750 COSMETOLOGY BRUSH-UP (.5-10)Minimum of 80 lecture hours and 240 lab hours/semesterto earn 10 units. Prerequisite: State of California Bar beringor Cosmetology license, or valid out-of-state Cosme -tology license, or upon recommendation of Cos metologyfaculty.To satisfy supplemental or out-of-state training requirements,including basic and advanced instruction on insalonprocesses with emphasis on performance and efficiency.Applicable to students who need assistance inpassing the California State Board exam and studentswho are returning to the workplace and need to brush upon skills, technique and development to qualify for jobplacement or advancement. May be repeated for creditup to a maximum of 20 units or three times.COSM 754 MANICURING (1-10)Minimum of 80 lecture hours and 240 lab hours/semesterto earn 10 units.The art of caring for the hands and nails. Includesinstruction in sculpture nails, application of nail tips andnail art. Four hundred hours training in preparation forlicensure by the California State Board of Cosmetology inthe field of manicuring. May be repeated for credit a maximumof three times.COSM 760 COSMETOLOGY INSTRUCTORPREPARATION (1-7)A minimum of 16 lecture hours and 16 lab hours byarrangement for each unit; a minimum of 112 lecture hoursand 112 lab hours to earn 7 units. Prerequisite: ValidCalifornia Cosmetologist’s license and a minimum of oneyear’s full-time practical experience.Designed for experienced, licensed cosmetologistsinterested in teaching cosmetology <strong>course</strong>s in thecommunity college system. The focus is on teachingmethodologies and techniques that emphasize theoreticaland practical subject matter for Cosmetology students.May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of 28 units orthree times.COSM 775 ESTHETICIAN I (9)Minimum of 64 lecture hours and 240 lab hours/semester.Students will develop basic knowledge and skill developmentin skin care techniques, make-up application, andhair removal. Upon successful completion of both COSM775 and COSM 776 (a minimum of 600 hours), the studentwill be eligible to apply for the Esthetician examination atthe California State Board of Cosmetology. May berepeated once for credit.168 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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