Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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COMP 484 ADVANCED ROUTING CONCEPTS ANDAPPLICATIONS (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of TCOM 482, or equivalent trainingor experience. Recommended: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of TCOM 483, or equivalent trainingor experience.Cisco Academy Course – CCNA 3 & 4An advanced <strong>course</strong> in routing concepts and configurationson large internetworks. Students will configure andmanage routers by implementing advanced features andcommon routing protocols such as EIGRP and OSPF.Includes instructor-directed hands-on activities. This<strong>course</strong> is patterned after Cisco Router training guidelines.Also listed as TCOM 484. Transfer credit: CSU.COMP 485 TROUBLESHOOTING THEINTERNETWORK (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of TCOM/COMP 483 and TCOM/COMP 484, or equivalent training or experience.Outlines the troubleshooting methodology and techniquesfor routers and switches in a network infrastructure.Students will learn to use existing software and thediagnostic features of a protocol analyzer to troubleshootand analyze internetworks. The <strong>course</strong> is patterned afterCisco training guidelines. Also listed as TCOM 485.Transfer credit: CSU.COMP 486 NETWORK SECURITY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 16 hours by arrangement/semester.Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion(grade of C or better) of TCOM 482, or equivalent trainingor experience.This <strong>course</strong> introduces students to network securityusing firewall and VPN (virtual private network) technology.Students will be exposed to the theory and applicationof both firewall and VPN network architecture.Students will have the opportunity for hands-on practiceto administer security policy and VPN configuration usingCheckpoint software. Also listed as TCOM 486. Transfercredit CSU.COMP 487 ADVANCED NETWORK SECURITY (3)Minimum of 48 lecture hours plus 48 lab hours by arrangement/semester.Recommended: Completion of COMP/TCOM 486, or equivalent training or experience.An advanced network security <strong>course</strong>. Topics include:design and administration of content security, virtual privatenetworks, high availability, load balancing, and otheradvance security topics using industry standard software.Also listed as TCOM 487. Also listed as TCOM 487. Maybe repeated once for credit. Transfer credit: CSU.COMPUTER SCIENCE „ COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONCOMP 665 SELECTED TOPICS IN COMPUTERSCIENCE (.5-2)(Pass/No Pass or letter grade.)Minimum of 8 lecture hours for each .5 unit. Recom -mended: MATH 120 with a grade of C or better, or equivalent;and eligibility for ENGL 836 or equivalent.Exploration of selected contemporary topics or themesin Computer Science. Sample topics include new programminglanguages, operating systems, net-centriccomputing, problem-solving and program design metho -dologies, software engineering processes, graphical userinterface design, information management, and contemporaryissues in Computer Science. May be repeated forcredit as topics vary. Transfer credit: UC; CSU.COOPERATIVE EDUCATION(COOP)COOP 670 VOCATIONAL COOPERATIVEEDUCATION (1-4)(Pass/No Pass.) (VA Institutional Rates.)75 to 300 paid job hours/semester. Prerequisite: Permis -sion of the Cooperative Education Office, concurrentenrollment in a planned vocational program, and employmentin a college approved job directly related to thestudent’s academic major.Students may receive credit for work experiencerelated to their major field or to their established careergoal. Seminars and individual conferences are scheduledat convenient times during the semester for the instructorand the student to establish learning objectives related tothe student’s employment. Students are given appro priateassignments related to the stated objectives and gradedin accordance with the college’s established grading system.As an alternative, related instruction classes meetingone hour per week, usually in the evening, are availablefor those students who prefer or need a more structuredlearning process. One unit of credit for each 75 hoursworked per semester, with a maximum of four unitsper semester, may be earned by students with jobsrelated to their academic or occupational majors or goals.A maximum of 16 units of college credit may be earned inparallel Cooperative Education. Transfer credit: CSU.C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N S2 011 – 2 012 C ATA L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u167

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