Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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International Baccalaureate Examination (IBE): See theInternational Baccalaureate Examination Credit Policychart on page 25 to determine use of test scores.INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSThe goal of the International Student <strong>Program</strong> is toprovide educational opportunities for international stu -dents and to promote international understanding oncampus and in the community.The following regulations govern the admission of F-1Visa students to <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>:1. Meet application deadlines:• Fall applications are due at the end of April.• Spring applications are due the first week ofNovember.• Deadline dates are subject to change.2. Have the ability to pay international student tuition,enrollment and health fees. The <strong>Skyline</strong> ClassSchedule provides the current list of required fees.3. Complete a full <strong>course</strong> of study (a minimum of 12 unitseach Fall and Spring semester with a mimimum ofa “C” (2.0) grade point average to remain in goodstanding). In accordance with SEVIS regulations, failureto do so will cause a student to be reported asout of status.4. May enroll for a maximum of six semesters.5. Meet criteria for admission:a. Submit a completed International Student Appli -cation available on <strong>Skyline</strong>’s website: www.smccd.edu/accounts/skyinternational.b. Demonstrate English proficiency with a minimumTOEFL score of 480 paper based, 157 computerbased, or 56 internet based. <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> doesnot issue an I-20 for English as a Second Languagestudy.c. Must have earned the equivalent of an Americanhigh school diploma. The student must submit officialacademic records. Foreign language documentsmust be accompanied by a certified Englishtranslation.d. Must offer evidence of financial responsibility.Certification of Parent, Self, or Sponsor support isrequired. Official bank statements must be translatedinto English and represent American currency.e. Submit original or certified copies of transcripts ofany college <strong>course</strong>work completed. Foreign languagetranscripts must be accompanied by a certifiedEnglish translation. Approved foreign transcriptevaluation services are:International Education Research, Inc.P.O. Box 3665Culver City, CA 90231-3665Phone: (310) 258-9451Fax: (310) 342-7086World Education ServiceBowling Green StationP.O. Box 5087New York, NY 10274-5087Phone: (212) 966-6311Fax: (212) 739-6100Academic Credentials Evaluation InstituteP.O. Box 6908Beverly Hills, CA 90212Phone: (310) 275-3530Fax: (310) 275-3528f. Applicants who have attended other Americanschools or colleges may be considered for admissionprovided the applicant meets <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>admission requirements and is in status with U.S.Immigration and Citizenship Services.6. Meet academic standards requirements.7. Observe <strong>College</strong> rules and regulations.8. Provide proof of valid medical and hospitalizationinsurance coverage or enroll in a medical health insuranceplan provided by a private carrier through the SanMateo County Community <strong>College</strong> District at a cost ofapproximately $953.00 per year. Insurance rates aresubject to change.9. Comply with U.S. Federal Code, Department ofHomeland Security (DHS), and Citizenship andImmigration Services (CIS) regulations that pertain toF-1 Visa students.F-1 Visa Concurrent EnrollmentStudents enrolled full time at another institution fromwhich they have a valid I-20 are permitted to enroll at<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> on a part-time basis. Enrollment may notexceed two classes or total more than six units. F-1 Visastudents must pay all appropriate fees. A permission letterfrom the home school is required for every semester ofattendance.A D M I S S I O N2 011 – 2 012 C A T A L O G w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u15

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