Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...

Skyline College Catalog 2011-2012 Program & course descriptions ...


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C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N SAnnouncement of CoursesLIMITATIONS ONSCHEDULING COURSESSome <strong>course</strong>s in this catalog will not be scheduled in<strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong>. Additional <strong>course</strong>s may be added. <strong>Skyline</strong><strong>College</strong> reserves the right to discontinue, postpone, orcombine classes and to change instructors when circumstanceswarrant such changes. Further, it reserves theright to cancel classes that do not reach a minimumenrollment.Unless otherwise designated, any <strong>course</strong> may beoffered either in day or evening. Additionally, some<strong>course</strong>s are offered online. Specific information concerningclass hours and locations will be found in the currentClass Schedule.COURSE DESCRIPTIONSINFORMATIONCourses on the following pages form the basic offeringsat <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Generally in the following <strong>course</strong><strong>descriptions</strong>, both semesters of a sequential <strong>course</strong> arelisted together if the first semester <strong>course</strong> is a prerequisiteto the second semester <strong>course</strong>. If there is no entry, the<strong>course</strong> has no prerequisite. All <strong>course</strong>s are offered for aletter grade, unless otherwise noted.The credit value of each <strong>course</strong> in semester units isindicated by the number in parentheses following the title.A semester unit of credit is based upon one hour of thestudent’s time at the college per week in lecture or recitationthroughout one semester, together with the timenecessary in preparation, or a longer time in laboratory orother exercises not requiring outside preparation. With anormal schedule of 15 college units, the average studentwill devote approximately 45 hours per week to classattendance and preparation.<strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to make appropriate<strong>course</strong> and program changes during the <strong>course</strong> of theyear which may not be reflected in this catalog.COURSE NUMBERING ANDTRANSFERABLE CREDITThe <strong>course</strong> numbering system in use at <strong>Skyline</strong><strong>College</strong> as part of the San Mateo County Community<strong>College</strong> District categorizes <strong>course</strong>s according to thefollowing:100-599 Courses generally transferable to a four-yearcollege or university.600-699 Courses varying in content and which areusually transferable.700-799 Courses that are part of a specific occupationalprogram and which are not generally regarded astransferable.800-899 Courses that are non-transferable in nature.Courses accepted by the University of California areindicated at the end of each <strong>course</strong> description as “UC’’.A complete list of transferable <strong>course</strong>s will be foundfollowing the <strong>course</strong> description section, pages 238-240.Courses identified by <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> as transferableto California State Universities are indicated at the end ofeach <strong>course</strong> description as “CSU.’’ Courses that fulfillgeneral education requirements show an area letterdesignation following. All transferable <strong>course</strong>s that satisfygeneral education to CSU are listed on pages 241-246.Because of changing regulations governing the transferabilityof <strong>course</strong>s among the segments of higher educationin California, students should consult a counselorfor current information about specific items.From time to time, a department may offer a <strong>course</strong>which is experimental in nature, covers a special topic,or which consists of independent study tailored to astudent’s needs. Because such <strong>course</strong>s are never exactlythe same, you will not find them described in the catalog.They are, however, regular credit <strong>course</strong>s of the <strong>College</strong>.Usually they will be described in the Schedule of Classesor in other <strong>course</strong> advertising and will have a departmentname followed by one of the following numbers:670 Vocational Cooperative Education <strong>course</strong>s (1-4)Vocational Cooperative Education <strong>course</strong>s are offeredunder COOP 670 as well as the 670 number in a variety ofvocational disciplines. Courses numbered 670 are transferableto CSU.680, 880 Experimental CoursesCourses designed to study a particular area or problembeyond the scope of regularly offered <strong>course</strong>s. These<strong>course</strong>s can be offered for a letter grade or for Credit/NoCredit.690 Individual Study in Department (1-3)Individual study of a particular area or problem beyondthe scope of regularly offered <strong>course</strong>s.Courses numbered 680 or 690 are generally transferable.Courses numbered 880 are not transferable. See acounselor for specifics.COURSE REPETITIONThe Board of Trustees of the San Mateo CountyCommunity <strong>College</strong> District has adopted a policy (DistrictRules and Regulations, Section 6.12) which permits astudent to repeat certain <strong>course</strong>s for credit a maximum ofthree times (total of four class enrollments).These <strong>course</strong>s require increasing levels of student performanceor provide significantly different <strong>course</strong> contenteach subsequent semester. Such <strong>course</strong>s will be designatedas “may be repeated for credit’’ in the <strong>College</strong><strong>Catalog</strong>. For more information on this policy, pleaseconsult your <strong>College</strong> counselor.132 w w w. S k y l i n e C o l l e g e . e d u <strong>2011</strong> – 2 012 C ATA L O G

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