Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre

Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre


ApplicationClinical ApplicationHead and and Neck NeckMRI gives very detailed pictures of the brain andMRI gives very detailed pictures of the brain andspine. Air and hard bone do not give an MRI signal, sospine. Air and hard bone do not give an MRIsignal,these areasso theseappearareasblack.appearBoneblack.marrow,Bonespinalmarrow,fluid,spinal blood and fluid, soft blood tissue, and likesoft the brain, tissue, vary like inthe intensity brain,vary from black in intensity to white from depending black to onwhite the amount depending of faton andthe water amount present of in fat each and tissue, water and present the machineeachtissue, setting and usedthe formachine scan. Thesetting Radiologist used for compares scan. The theRadiologist size and distribution compares of these size bright and and distribution dark areas of tothese determine bright whether and dark the tissue areas is to healthy. determine whetherthe tissue is healthy.BodyBody Nearly every part of the body may be studied withNearly MRI. Organs every within part the of the chest body and abdomen, may be studied such aswith the heart, MRI. liver, Organs bladder, within abdomen the chest and kidneys abdomen, cansuch easily as be seen. the heart, liver, bladder, abdomen andkidneys can easily be seen.Bone and JointsBone MRI isand veryJointssensitive to changes in cartilage and boneMRI structures is very resulting sensitive from to changes injury, disease in cartilage or aging. andbone Clear pictures structures suchresulting as these often from provide injury, information disease aging. not available Clear pictures throughsuch otheras medical these often investigation provideinformation and may actually not available eliminate the through need for other exploratory medicalinvestigation surgery. and may actually eliminate the needfor exploratory surgery.The new Horizon in MRI imaging“wide Bore 3T MRI”Our recent valuable addition for advancedtechnology imaging is the MAGNETOM Verio,a 3 Tesla (3T) MRI system with a 70 cm openbore and total imaging matrix (Tim) technology,the system designed to deliver high-field MRimaging to patients who are claustrophobic, inpain or discomfort3T MRI, can be used for many applications,including neurology and functional neuroevaluation, oncology imaging, orthopedicand cartilage assessment, breast, vascular andcardiac imaging. The 3T system reportedlyoptimizes parallel imaging, accelerates scan timeand improves visualization as well as patientthroughput.The larger space (wide bore) will also helpwhen imaging claustrophobic patients becausefewer patients will need sedation or refuse MRimaging services. Patient access is enhanced forboth intensive care patients and MRI-guidedinterventional procedures3T MRI with the power of Tim has up to 102seamlessly integrated matrix coil elements andup to 32 independent radiofrequency channels,enabling advanced clinical applications. Timallows combinations of up to four different coilsthat reduce the examination time.Cardiac MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) usesradiofrequency waves and a strong magneticfield rather than x-rays to provide remarkably6 • Radiology MRIDiagnostic Imaging Services MRI • 7

ApplicationClinical ApplicationHead and and Neck NeckMRI gives very detailed pictures of the brain andMRI gives very detailed pictures of the brain andspine. Air and hard bone do not give an MRI signal, sospine. Air and hard bone do not give an MRIsignal,these areasso theseappearareasblack.appearBoneblack.marrow,Bonespinalmarrow,fluid,spinal blood and fluid, soft blood tissue, and likesoft the brain, tissue, vary like inthe intensity brain,vary from black in intensity to white from depending black to onwhite the amount depending of faton andthe water amount present of in fat each and tissue, water and present the machineeachtissue, setting and usedthe formachine scan. Thesetting Radiologist used for compares scan. The theRadiologist size and distribution compares of these size bright and and distribution dark areas of tothese determine bright whether and dark the tissue areas is to healthy. determine whetherthe tissue is healthy.BodyBody Nearly every part of the body may be studied withNearly MRI. Organs every within part the of the chest body and abdomen, may be studied such aswith the heart, MRI. liver, Organs bladder, within abdomen the chest and kidneys abdomen, cansuch easily as be seen. the heart, liver, bladder, abdomen andkidneys can easily be seen.Bone and JointsBone MRI isand veryJointssensitive to changes in cartilage and boneMRI structures is very resulting sensitive from to changes injury, disease in cartilage or aging. andbone Clear pictures structures suchresulting as these often from provide injury, information disease aging. not available Clear pictures throughsuch otheras medical these often investigation provideinformation and may actually not available eliminate the through need for other exploratory medicalinvestigation surgery. and may actually eliminate the needfor exploratory surgery.The new Horizon in MRI imaging“wide Bore 3T MRI”Our recent valuable addition for advancedtechnology imaging is the MAGNETOM Verio,a 3 Tesla (3T) MRI system with a 70 cm openbore and total imaging matrix (Tim) technology,the system designed to deliver high-field MRimaging to patients who are claustrophobic, inpain or discomfort3T MRI, can be used for many applications,including neurology and functional neuroevaluation, oncology imaging, orthopedicand cartilage assessment, breast, vascular andcardiac imaging. The 3T system reportedlyoptimizes parallel imaging, accelerates scan timeand improves visualization as well as patientthroughput.The larger space (wide bore) will also helpwhen imaging claustrophobic patients becausefewer patients will need sedation or refuse MRimaging services. Patient access is enhanced forboth intensive care patients and MRI-guidedinterventional procedures3T MRI with the power of Tim has up to 102seamlessly integrated matrix coil elements andup to 32 independent radiofrequency channels,enabling advanced clinical applications. Timallows combinations of up to four different coilsthat reduce the examination time.Cardiac MRIMagnetic Resonance <strong>Imaging</strong> (MRI) usesradiofrequency waves and a strong magneticfield rather than x-rays to provide remarkably6 • Radiology MRI<strong>Diagnostic</strong> <strong>Imaging</strong> Services MRI • 7

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