Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre

Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre


Breast cancer is is one one of of the the most most life life threatening cancers cancers inwomen.in women.If breast cancer is detected early there is a good chance thatIf it can breast be treated cancer successfully. is detected early there is a good chancethat it can be treated successfully.It is up to you – a mammogram could save your life!It is up to you – a mammogram could save your life!What is a Mammogram?A mammogram (breast x-ray) is a picture of thebreast tissue. This picture can show the presenceof cancer well before a lump can be felt. Theseearly cancers can usually be treated successfullybefore they have a chance to spread.What is a Mammogram?A mammogram (breast x-ray) is a picture of the breastWho tissue. should This picture have a can Mammogram?show the presence of cancerWomenwell beforeareamorelumplikelycantobedevelopfelt. Thesebreastearlycancercancersascan usually be treated successfully before they have athey grow older. With the approach of menopausechance to spread.the risk becomes greater, so a regular x-ray isimportant Who should have from a Mammogram? then on. It is recommendedworldwide Women arethat more women likely who are to above develop the age breast of45 cancer seek as mammogram they grow older. screening Withevery approach one to two ofyears. menopause the risk becomes greater, so a regularx-ray is important from then on. It is recommendedworldwide that women who are above the age of 45Most doctors recommend that women with aseek mammogram screening every one to two years.strong family history of breast cancer shouldcommence Most doctorsscreening recommend ten that years women before with the a age strong atwhich family their history relative of breast was cancer diagnosed. should commencescreening ten years before the age at which theirrelative was diagnosed.How is a Mammogram taken?To How get is a a Mammogram clear picture, taken? the breast tissue needs tobe To get compressed a clear picture, for a few the breast seconds. tissueThis needs may to bebriefly compressed uncomfortable. a few seconds. Usually This two mayx-rays be briefly aretaken uncomfortable. of each breast. UsuallyA two mammogram x-rays are taken involves of eachavery breast. low A mammogram dose of radiation. involves The a whole very low procedure dose oftakes radiation. about The 20 minutes. whole procedure takes about 20minutes.30 • Radiology Mammogram (Breast X-ray)How often should I have a Mammogram?Usually once every two years. If there are reasons for amore frequent examination, your doctor will tell you.NOTE: If you have had a previous mammogram,please bring the films with you, if possible.What should I do before I come for a Mammogram?• Women whose breasts become tender beforetheir periods find it more comfortable to havean x-ray during or just after a period.• For convenience, a two piece outfit such asslacks and blouse is recommended whenhaving a mammogram. You will be given agown to wear.• Please do not wear talcum powder ordeodorant. These can show on the x-ray picture.• If you have breast implants, please tell thereceptionist when making your appointment asthe examination will take a little longer.What happens if they find something?The doctor will contact you to discuss the best courseof action.• Most breast abnormalities are not cancerous.• The earlier a cancer is detected, the greater thelikelihood of a successful treatment.Can I be sure that I am alright if the Mammogramresults are normal?Mammography picks up about 90% of breast cancers.There are some cancers which will not be detectedby an x-ray. If you notice a breast lump, pain or anipple discharge, you should see your doctor straightaway, even if the mammogram is normal. It isstill important for a woman who has had a normalresult to continue to have regular mammograms,because changes in the breast develop over time.Radiology Mammogram (Breast X-ray) • 31

Breast cancer is is one one of of the the most most life life threatening cancers cancers inwomen.in women.If breast cancer is detected early there is a good chance thatIf it can breast be treated cancer successfully. is detected early there is a good chancethat it can be treated successfully.It is up to you – a mammogram could save your life!It is up to you – a mammogram could save your life!What is a Mammogram?A mammogram (breast x-ray) is a picture of thebreast tissue. This picture can show the presenceof cancer well before a lump can be felt. Theseearly cancers can usually be treated successfullybefore they have a chance to spread.What is a Mammogram?A mammogram (breast x-ray) is a picture of the breastWho tissue. should This picture have a can Mammogram?show the presence of cancerWomenwell beforeareamorelumplikelycantobedevelopfelt. Thesebreastearlycancercancersascan usually be treated successfully before they have athey grow older. With the approach of menopausechance to spread.the risk becomes greater, so a regular x-ray isimportant Who should have from a Mammogram? then on. It is recommendedworldwide Women arethat more women likely who are to above develop the age breast of45 cancer seek as mammogram they grow older. screening Withevery approach one to two ofyears. menopause the risk becomes greater, so a regularx-ray is important from then on. It is recommendedworldwide that women who are above the age of 45Most doctors recommend that women with aseek mammogram screening every one to two years.strong family history of breast cancer shouldcommence Most doctorsscreening recommend ten that years women before with the a age strong atwhich family their history relative of breast was cancer diagnosed. should commencescreening ten years before the age at which theirrelative was diagnosed.How is a Mammogram taken?To How get is a a Mammogram clear picture, taken? the breast tissue needs tobe To get compressed a clear picture, for a few the breast seconds. tissueThis needs may to bebriefly compressed uncomfortable. a few seconds. Usually This two mayx-rays be briefly aretaken uncomfortable. of each breast. UsuallyA two mammogram x-rays are taken involves of eachavery breast. low A mammogram dose of radiation. involves The a whole very low procedure dose oftakes radiation. about The 20 minutes. whole procedure takes about 20minutes.30 • Radiology Mammogram (Breast X-ray)How often should I have a Mammogram?Usually once every two years. If there are reasons for amore frequent examination, your doctor will tell you.NOTE: If you have had a previous mammogram,please bring the films with you, if possible.What should I do before I come for a Mammogram?• Women whose breasts become tender beforetheir periods find it more comfortable to havean x-ray during or just after a period.• For convenience, a two piece outfit such asslacks and blouse is recommended whenhaving a mammogram. You will be given agown to wear.• Please do not wear talcum powder ordeodorant. These can show on the x-ray picture.• If you have breast implants, please tell thereceptionist when making your appointment asthe examination will take a little longer.What happens if they find something?The doctor will contact you to discuss the best courseof action.• Most breast abnormalities are not cancerous.• The earlier a cancer is detected, the greater thelikelihood of a successful treatment.Can I be sure that I am alright if the Mammogramresults are normal?Mammography picks up about 90% of breast cancers.There are some cancers which will not be detectedby an x-ray. If you notice a breast lump, pain or anipple discharge, you should see your doctor straightaway, even if the mammogram is normal. It isstill important for a woman who has had a normalresult to continue to have regular mammograms,because changes in the breast develop over time.Radiology Mammogram (Breast X-ray) • 31

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