Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre

Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre Diagnostic Imaging - Jerudong Park Medical Centre


Cardiac MRIclear and detailed pictures of internal organs andMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) usestissues. The procedure is valuable in diagnosing aradiofrequency waves and a strong magnetic fieldbroad range of conditions in all parts of the body,rather than x-rays to provide remarkably clear andsuch as heart and vascular disease, stroke, cancerdetailed pictures of internal organs and tissues. Theand joint and musculoskeletal disorders.procedure is valuable in diagnosing a broad rangeof conditions in all parts of the body, such as heartMRI is unique in that it can also create detailedand vascular disease, stroke, cancer and joint andimages of blood vessels without the use of contrastmusculoskeletal disorders.material (although there is a trend toward the use ofspecial non-iodinated MRI contrast material—forMRI is unique in that it can also create detailed imagesexample, gadolinium). MRI requires specialisedof blood vessels without the use of contrast materialequipment and expertise and allows evaluation(although there is a trend toward the use of specialof some body structures that may not be as visiblenon-iodinated MRI contrast material—for example,with other imaging methods.gadolinium). MRI requires specialised equipmentand expertise and allows evaluation of some bodyWhat structures are some that may common not be uses asof visible Cardiac with MRI? otherMRI imaging is methods. becoming very important in the initialdiagnosis and subsequent management ofcoronary What are some heart common disease. uses MRI of Cardiac can help MRI? physiciansto MRI look isclosely becoming at the very structures important and function in the initial of theheart diagnosis and major and vessels subsequent quickly management and thoroughly, ofwithout coronarythe heart risks disease. associated MRI can with help traditional, physicians more toinvasive look closely procedures. at the structures Using and MRI, function physicians of the heart canexamine and majorthe vessels size and quickly thickness and thoroughly, of the chambers withoutof the the risks heart, associated and determine with traditional, the extent more of damage invasivecaused procedures. by Using a heart MRI, attack physicians or progressive can examine heart thedisease. size and thickness of the chambers of the heart, anddetermine the extent of damage caused by a heartattack or progressive heart disease.After a heart attack, for example, an MRIexamination can help the cardiologist understandAfter a heart attack, for example, an MRIhow well the heart is pumping, whether the flowexamination can help the cardiologist understand howof blood is blocked in any chamber or majorwell the heart is pumping, whether the flow of bloodvessel, whether the heart muscles are damagedis blocked in any chamber or major vessel, whether theor whether the lining of the heart is swelling.heart muscles are damaged or whether the lining ofThis critical knowledge is needed to administerthe heart is swelling. This critical knowledge is neededprompt and effective treatment.to administer prompt and effective treatment.An MRI specialist can demonstrate its potentialAn MRI specialist can demonstrate its potentialfor showing not only the structure, but also thefor showing not only the structure, but also thefunction of the heart muscles, valves and vessels.function of the heart muscles, valves and vessels.Using MRI, the technologist can create movie-likeUsing MRI, the technologist can create movie-likeimages of the beating heart that doctors can useimages of the beating heart that doctors can use toto diagnose a variety of cardiovascular problems.diagnose a variety of cardiovascular problems. MRI isMRI is now being used as part of the traditionalnow being used as part of the traditional cardiac stresscardiac stress test to help physicians with earliertest to help physicians with earlier diagnosis anddiagnosis and treatment of heart disease and totreatment of heart disease and to assess the patient’sassess the patient’s recovery after treatment.recovery after treatment.How How should should I prepare I prepare for forthe procedure?Due to strong magneticfield used for for MRI MRI thatwill that will pull pull on any on any iron-iron-containing object object in in thebody, the body, MR MR technologistwill ask whether you youhave a heartpacemaker or orimplanted defibrillator, implanted port, infusioncatheter (often referred to by brand names such asPort-o-cath, Infusaport or Lifeport), intrauterinedevice (IUD), or any metal plates, pins, screwsor surgical staples in your body. In most cases,surgical staples, plates, pins pins and and screws screws pose pose no risk norisk during during MRI. Red MRI. dyes Red used dyes in tattoos used in andtattoos permanent andpermanent eyeliner mayeyeliner contain metallic may contain iron oxide metallic and could ironoxide heat up and during could MRI; heat however, up during this is rare. MRI; however,this is rare.You will be asked if you have shrapnel in your bodyYou or ever will be worked asked with if you metal. have shrapnel If there in is your anybody question or ever of metal worked fragments, with metal. you may If there be is asked anyquestion to have of anmetal x-rayfragments, that will you detect may any be asked metalto objects. have an Thex-ray radiologist that will or detect MR any technologist metal objects. mayThe ask radiologist about drugor allergies MR technologist and whether may ask youabouthavedrug undergone allergies anyand surgery whether in the you past. have If undergoneyou are orany might surgery be pregnant, in the mention past. If it to you the are MR or technologist. might bepregnant, mention it to the MR technologist.8 • Radiology Cardiac MRIRadiology Cardiac MRI • 9

Cardiac MRIclear and detailed pictures of internal organs andMagnetic Resonance <strong>Imaging</strong> (MRI) usestissues. The procedure is valuable in diagnosing aradiofrequency waves and a strong magnetic fieldbroad range of conditions in all parts of the body,rather than x-rays to provide remarkably clear andsuch as heart and vascular disease, stroke, cancerdetailed pictures of internal organs and tissues. Theand joint and musculoskeletal disorders.procedure is valuable in diagnosing a broad rangeof conditions in all parts of the body, such as heartMRI is unique in that it can also create detailedand vascular disease, stroke, cancer and joint andimages of blood vessels without the use of contrastmusculoskeletal disorders.material (although there is a trend toward the use ofspecial non-iodinated MRI contrast material—forMRI is unique in that it can also create detailed imagesexample, gadolinium). MRI requires specialisedof blood vessels without the use of contrast materialequipment and expertise and allows evaluation(although there is a trend toward the use of specialof some body structures that may not be as visiblenon-iodinated MRI contrast material—for example,with other imaging methods.gadolinium). MRI requires specialised equipmentand expertise and allows evaluation of some bodyWhat structures are some that may common not be uses asof visible Cardiac with MRI? otherMRI imaging is methods. becoming very important in the initialdiagnosis and subsequent management ofcoronary What are some heart common disease. uses MRI of Cardiac can help MRI? physiciansto MRI look isclosely becoming at the very structures important and function in the initial of theheart diagnosis and major and vessels subsequent quickly management and thoroughly, ofwithout coronarythe heart risks disease. associated MRI can with help traditional, physicians more toinvasive look closely procedures. at the structures Using and MRI, function physicians of the heart canexamine and majorthe vessels size and quickly thickness and thoroughly, of the chambers withoutof the the risks heart, associated and determine with traditional, the extent more of damage invasivecaused procedures. by Using a heart MRI, attack physicians or progressive can examine heart thedisease. size and thickness of the chambers of the heart, anddetermine the extent of damage caused by a heartattack or progressive heart disease.After a heart attack, for example, an MRIexamination can help the cardiologist understandAfter a heart attack, for example, an MRIhow well the heart is pumping, whether the flowexamination can help the cardiologist understand howof blood is blocked in any chamber or majorwell the heart is pumping, whether the flow of bloodvessel, whether the heart muscles are damagedis blocked in any chamber or major vessel, whether theor whether the lining of the heart is swelling.heart muscles are damaged or whether the lining ofThis critical knowledge is needed to administerthe heart is swelling. This critical knowledge is neededprompt and effective treatment.to administer prompt and effective treatment.An MRI specialist can demonstrate its potentialAn MRI specialist can demonstrate its potentialfor showing not only the structure, but also thefor showing not only the structure, but also thefunction of the heart muscles, valves and vessels.function of the heart muscles, valves and vessels.Using MRI, the technologist can create movie-likeUsing MRI, the technologist can create movie-likeimages of the beating heart that doctors can useimages of the beating heart that doctors can use toto diagnose a variety of cardiovascular problems.diagnose a variety of cardiovascular problems. MRI isMRI is now being used as part of the traditionalnow being used as part of the traditional cardiac stresscardiac stress test to help physicians with earliertest to help physicians with earlier diagnosis anddiagnosis and treatment of heart disease and totreatment of heart disease and to assess the patient’sassess the patient’s recovery after treatment.recovery after treatment.How How should should I prepare I prepare for forthe procedure?Due to strong magneticfield used for for MRI MRI thatwill that will pull pull on any on any iron-iron-containing object object in in thebody, the body, MR MR technologistwill ask whether you youhave a heartpacemaker or orimplanted defibrillator, implanted port, infusioncatheter (often referred to by brand names such asPort-o-cath, Infusaport or Lifeport), intrauterinedevice (IUD), or any metal plates, pins, screwsor surgical staples in your body. In most cases,surgical staples, plates, pins pins and and screws screws pose pose no risk norisk during during MRI. Red MRI. dyes Red used dyes in tattoos used in andtattoos permanent andpermanent eyeliner mayeyeliner contain metallic may contain iron oxide metallic and could ironoxide heat up and during could MRI; heat however, up during this is rare. MRI; however,this is rare.You will be asked if you have shrapnel in your bodyYou or ever will be worked asked with if you metal. have shrapnel If there in is your anybody question or ever of metal worked fragments, with metal. you may If there be is asked anyquestion to have of anmetal x-rayfragments, that will you detect may any be asked metalto objects. have an Thex-ray radiologist that will or detect MR any technologist metal objects. mayThe ask radiologist about drugor allergies MR technologist and whether may ask youabouthavedrug undergone allergies anyand surgery whether in the you past. have If undergoneyou are orany might surgery be pregnant, in the mention past. If it to you the are MR or technologist. might bepregnant, mention it to the MR technologist.8 • Radiology Cardiac MRIRadiology Cardiac MRI • 9

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