Encompass Issue 52 – May 2013 - Kawana Scouts

Encompass Issue 52 – May 2013 - Kawana Scouts Encompass Issue 52 – May 2013 - Kawana Scouts

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Branch Commissioner InternationalScoung is a worldwide Movementwith over 30 million Scouts in 160countries. Internaonal Scoung isaimed at creang anunderstanding of other cultures aswell as promong peace andtolerance through our commonunderstanding of the ScoungAims and Principles. Internaonal Scoung involves relaonshipswith other Naonal Scoung Organisaons( NSO’s) around the world.the relaonshipsinvolve internaonal events and projects,the Scouts Internaonal Student ExchangeProgram (SISEP), Jamboree of the Air/Jamboree of the Internet (JOTA/JOTI),andthe Internaonal pen Pal Program. Internaonal Scoung is alsoabout developing Scout’s awareness of their place within theworldwide movement."When you join a Patrol you become part of a worldwidebrotherhood in which every member has promised to keep the ScoutLaw. Because of this it doesn't maer if they speak differentlanguages, are of different colours or hold different religious beliefs.When you meet Scouts at large gatherings, remember that they areyour brothers and show by your acons that you regard them asfriends."- Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of Scoung30th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout JamboreeThe 30th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree(30APRSJ), which also held as the 16th NipponJamboree (16NJ), will be held in 2013 in Kirarahama,Yamaguchi, Japan. The 30th APRSJ/16NJwill be a great opportunity for the Scouts fromthe world to learn about Japan and moreoverfeel the unity of the scout movement bysharing the experience with Scouts from many different countries.Date: 1 August to Wednesday, 7 August 2013Venue: Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, JapanFee: Overseas APR NSOsParcipants & ISTs on Category A & B: JPY 25,000 (approx.USD325.00)Parcipants &ISTs: Category C & D JPY 45,000 (approx. USSD585.00)Other NSOs: JPY50,000 (approx. USD650)Please note that the Jamboree fee should be paid in Japanese yen.Any difference on the amount paid against the registraon fee willbe seled upon the arrival of the conngent at the Jamboree site.Theme: Wa - a spirit of unity.hp://www.scout.or.jp/e/event/30APRSJ_16NJ/index.htmlWOSM and the Asia-pacific Region are pleasedto announce the 9th Asia Pacific Regional Air-Internet Jamboree to be hosted by BharatScouts & Guides, India from 3 - 4 August 2013.22Paul Rollasonbc.internaonal@qldhq.scouts.com.auThe Air-Internet Jamboree is a regional event established in 2004 inwhich Scouts contact each other by means of amateur radio andthrough the InternetFor more informaon visit the official event website. If you wish tobe involved please contact the Naonal Coordinator who is theScouts Australia contact for this event.JOTA-JOTI Australia mailing listSubscribe to JOTA-JOTI Australia mailing list and we'll keep you upto date by email with the latest news and announcements aboutJOTA-JOTI, internet, radio, Naonal and Internaonal Scoung, pluslots of other excing opportunies throughout the year to contactScouts all over Australia and the world.To subscribe send a blank email to jota-jo-australiasubscribe@yahoogroups.com.Australia Radio and Internet Scoung ForumThis is the forum to exchange news, views and to share relatedinformaon with like minded people from Australia and othernaons. Major topics include the World Scout Jamboree On The Airand Jamboree On The Internet (JOTA-JOTI), a monthly World ScoutNet on echolink, ScoutLink all year round, plus your own acvies.Youth and adult members and supporters are welcome tosubscribe.To subscribe send a blank email to Australia-radio-internet-scoung-forum-subscribe@yahoogroups.comMANFEILD PARK - FEILDING - NEW ZEALANDThe 20th New Zealand Scout Jamboree willbe held from 28th December 2013 to 6thJanuary 2014Jamboree is open to all New Zealand Scoutsyears 6-10 (New Zealand School years)in 2013, or for Internaonal Scouts, please refer to your ownScout Associaon for age requirements up to age 15 as at Day 1 ofJamboree.The theme for this Jamboree is to provide ‘the experience of theirScout me’ with the main emphasis being on the eMPoWeRment(MPWR) of the Patrol system and support for our awesome PatrolLeaders.Jamboree Website Site:hp://scouts.net.nz/Jamboree/Senior Youth Facebook Site:hp://www.facebook.com/groups/NZScoutJamboree.Youth/This site is for youth 13plus. It will have some addional youthspecific info that is not on the Public pages. It will also give senioryouth the chance to make contacts ahead of Jamboree. This site ispart of the MPWR approach of this Jamboree which has as a coreaim the empowerment of PL's and APL's.Patrol Leader informaon will also be posted to the Adult LeaderGroup site so younger Patrol Leaders can have access, via theirScout Leaders, to informaon specifically targeted to the JamboreePatrol leaders.Adult Leaders Facebook Site:hp://www.facebook.com/groups/NZScoutJamboree.Adults/This site will have significant addional leader info including:Highres Promoonal Video

Powerpoint presentaons for Parent/Youth "JamboreeInformaon" gatherings Video/Presentaons on what to expect asa leader in a Jamboree troop.Leader & YST general infoFor staff roles at Jamboree supporng the Jamboree TroopsAbility to post quesons and get answers on what ever you want toknow about JamboreeNote: Only warranted leaders will be given access to this site.Please include your warrant number and correct name in thecomments when requesng access. This will be validated beforethe request is approved.YST Facebook Site:hp://www.facebook.com/groups/NZScoutJamboree.YST/The Youth Service Team (YST) is a group of about 150 young peoplefrom Yr 12 (in 2013) to 26 years old. These people come fromventurer units all over the country and some may be fromoverseas.For further informaon and if you have any quesons you can sendan email to conngentleader.20nzj2014@scouts.com.auApplicaons opening soon.Internaonal secretary: vsegdakotov@gmail.com (Julia Novitskaya)Jamboree chief: Solominina Svetlana (the chairwomen of the Boardof Perm Scout Center)You can send your applicaon via e-mail ll 01.03.2013.Test yourself! Measure your abilies on the Jamboree "Uraldimension".Canadian Scout JamboreeAre you looking for fun,adventure and challenge? Lookno further than the CanadianScout Jamboree 2013 (CJ'13)being held in Sylvan Lake,Alberta from July 6 to 13, 2013.CJ'13 will bring youth, leadersand volunteers from across the country and fromaround the world together for the ulmate Scoung experience.Scouts will share friendship and adventure while experiencingpersonal development that only a jamboree experience can bring.Visit this site oen and subscribe to our RSS feed and blog foraddional informaon and updates as we countdown to the bigevent.Welcome to Scouts Canada's Canadian Scout Jamboree!Online registraon is now open!hp://www.scouts.ca/cj13/index.html23 rd World Scout Jamboree 2015 JapanThe Jamboree will be located on Kirarahama orKirara Beach in Yamaguchi Prefecture. TheJapanese word "kirara" means mica: Kirara Beachoffers a beauful landscape in front of which theSeto Inland Sea gliers in the sunlight just like mica.APPLICATIONSOnline Registraons are now open on the APPLY NOW page of thewebsite. Follow the link and be sure to select 23rd World ScoutJamboree from the menu. hp://www.wsj2015.scouts.com.auAll youth members that will be aged between 14 and 18 areeligible to aend (i.e. born between 9 August 1997 and 27 July2001 inclusive)Adult members are eligible for selecon as a Line Leader or as amember of the Internaonal Service Team (IST).If you are eligible to aend and would like to be kept informed ofthe latest informaon as it becomes available, please send an emailto wjconngentleader@scouts.com.auwith your Name, ScoutGroup and Contact Details.Naonal Organizaon of Russian Scouts andPerm scout center are happy to invite you toThe 7-th Russian Naonal Scout Jamboree "Uraldimension"Jamboree "Ural dimension" will be held 14-23.07.2013 in Perm. Jamboree – is a celebraon, an adventure, achallenge, a game. Jamboree field is situated on the picturesquebank of the Kama river. For 10 days it'll become a home for morethan 2000 scouts from Russia and from abroad.Look for more informaon about Jamboree "Ural dimension":hp://jamboree.ru, hp://permscout.ru, hp://nors-r.ruJamboree e-mail: jamboree_perm@mail.ruAt Moot Canada 2013, parcipants will be the makers of their ownprogramming. Months ahead of their arrival in Canada, eachparcipant will create his own Moot experience by making a seriesof choices individually or with their internaonal patrol. By offeringeach parcipant the opportunity to build their own programming,Moot Canada 2013 wishes to establish new grounds for futureinternaonal scoung events.Canada, Country of Blue GoldThe 2-3-1-3-2 formulaThe Parcipant’s Experience: Choose your PathFind your PathThe Urban Challenge: an inspiring service opportunityThe Awacamenj Mino base campPatrol Life: an Internaonal ExperienceContact Conngent leader Pete Favelle sp38trains@hotmail.comfor more informaon.What: Naonal Scout Jamboree forNorwegian Guide and ScoutAssociaons and guestsWhere: StavangerWhen: 6th to 13th of July 2013Price: 265 € - The price includes all food, acvies and excursionsduring the camp (like the trip to the Pulpit Rock). Expenses relatedto travel, visa, travel insurances and accommodaon in Norwayapart from at the Jamboree are not included in the camp fee.For whom: Norwegian and Internaonal Scouts, girls and boys,turning 11 by the end of 2013How to register: Internaonal guests can now register hereint.comm@scouts.com.au(Continued on page 24)23

Powerpoint presentaons for Parent/Youth "JamboreeInformaon" gatherings Video/Presentaons on what to expect asa leader in a Jamboree troop.Leader & YST general infoFor staff roles at Jamboree supporng the Jamboree TroopsAbility to post quesons and get answers on what ever you want toknow about JamboreeNote: Only warranted leaders will be given access to this site.Please include your warrant number and correct name in thecomments when requesng access. This will be validated beforethe request is approved.YST Facebook Site:hp://www.facebook.com/groups/NZScoutJamboree.YST/The Youth Service Team (YST) is a group of about 150 young peoplefrom Yr 12 (in <strong>2013</strong>) to 26 years old. These people come fromventurer units all over the country and some may be fromoverseas.For further informaon and if you have any quesons you can sendan email to conngentleader.20nzj2014@scouts.com.auApplicaons opening soon.Internaonal secretary: vsegdakotov@gmail.com (Julia Novitskaya)Jamboree chief: Solominina Svetlana (the chairwomen of the Boardof Perm Scout Center)You can send your applicaon via e-mail ll 01.03.<strong>2013</strong>.Test yourself! Measure your abilies on the Jamboree "Uraldimension".Canadian Scout JamboreeAre you looking for fun,adventure and challenge? Lookno further than the CanadianScout Jamboree <strong>2013</strong> (CJ'13)being held in Sylvan Lake,Alberta from July 6 to 13, <strong>2013</strong>.CJ'13 will bring youth, leadersand volunteers from across the country and fromaround the world together for the ulmate Scoung experience.<strong>Scouts</strong> will share friendship and adventure while experiencingpersonal development that only a jamboree experience can bring.Visit this site oen and subscribe to our RSS feed and blog foraddional informaon and updates as we countdown to the bigevent.Welcome to <strong>Scouts</strong> Canada's Canadian Scout Jamboree!Online registraon is now open!hp://www.scouts.ca/cj13/index.html23 rd World Scout Jamboree 2015 JapanThe Jamboree will be located on Kirarahama orKirara Beach in Yamaguchi Prefecture. TheJapanese word "kirara" means mica: Kirara Beachoffers a beauful landscape in front of which theSeto Inland Sea gliers in the sunlight just like mica.APPLICATIONSOnline Registraons are now open on the APPLY NOW page of thewebsite. Follow the link and be sure to select 23rd World ScoutJamboree from the menu. hp://www.wsj2015.scouts.com.auAll youth members that will be aged between 14 and 18 areeligible to aend (i.e. born between 9 August 1997 and 27 July2001 inclusive)Adult members are eligible for selecon as a Line Leader or as amember of the Internaonal Service Team (IST).If you are eligible to aend and would like to be kept informed ofthe latest informaon as it becomes available, please send an emailto wjconngentleader@scouts.com.auwith your Name, ScoutGroup and Contact Details.Naonal Organizaon of Russian <strong>Scouts</strong> andPerm scout center are happy to invite you toThe 7-th Russian Naonal Scout Jamboree "Uraldimension"Jamboree "Ural dimension" will be held 14-23.07.<strong>2013</strong> in Perm. Jamboree – is a celebraon, an adventure, achallenge, a game. Jamboree field is situated on the picturesquebank of the Kama river. For 10 days it'll become a home for morethan 2000 scouts from Russia and from abroad.Look for more informaon about Jamboree "Ural dimension":hp://jamboree.ru, hp://permscout.ru, hp://nors-r.ruJamboree e-mail: jamboree_perm@mail.ruAt Moot Canada <strong>2013</strong>, parcipants will be the makers of their ownprogramming. Months ahead of their arrival in Canada, eachparcipant will create his own Moot experience by making a seriesof choices individually or with their internaonal patrol. By offeringeach parcipant the opportunity to build their own programming,Moot Canada <strong>2013</strong> wishes to establish new grounds for futureinternaonal scoung events.Canada, Country of Blue GoldThe 2-3-1-3-2 formulaThe Parcipant’s Experience: Choose your PathFind your PathThe Urban Challenge: an inspiring service opportunityThe Awacamenj Mino base campPatrol Life: an Internaonal ExperienceContact Conngent leader Pete Favelle sp38trains@hotmail.comfor more informaon.What: Naonal Scout Jamboree forNorwegian Guide and ScoutAssociaons and guestsWhere: StavangerWhen: 6th to 13th of July <strong>2013</strong>Price: 265 € - The price includes all food, acvies and excursionsduring the camp (like the trip to the Pulpit Rock). Expenses relatedto travel, visa, travel insurances and accommodaon in Norwayapart from at the Jamboree are not included in the camp fee.For whom: Norwegian and Internaonal <strong>Scouts</strong>, girls and boys,turning 11 by the end of <strong>2013</strong>How to register: Internaonal guests can now register hereint.comm@scouts.com.au(Continued on page 24)23

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