Hillsborough County ISTF - Manatee County Extension Office ...

Hillsborough County ISTF - Manatee County Extension Office ... Hillsborough County ISTF - Manatee County Extension Office ...

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Castor beanRicinus communisGrows 9 to 12 feet tall. Leaves are green and reddish,slightly serrated and palmately lobed (have pointed fingerlikelobes) with prominent central veins.Identifiable by the noticeable 3-lobed green fruits that areabout 1 inch long and have a soft spiny exterior. Fruitsbear smooth, mottled seeds (from which castor oil isobtained); many are green, but may be reddish, purplishor brown-tinged. One large seed develops in each lobe.Persists around gardens, building sites and old, fallowfields. Also found along road shoulders and edges ofcultivated land. Control with triclopyr amine or triclopyrester using basal bark, foliar or cut-stump method. Canpull seedlings by hand (wear gloves!).Seeds are poisonous to people, animals and insects.44

Camphor treeCinnamomum camphoraMost identifiable characteristic is odor of the leaves andstems when crushed or broken. Both give off strong odorof camphor. Leaves are glossy green, simple, alternate andmostly ovate. Leaves may have wavy margins and are lightgreen. Leaf length is 1 1 /2 to 4 inches long and 1 /2 to 2inches wide. Twigs, leaves, and petioles are the same color.Flowers are small, greenish-white to cream in color andproduce small, black round drupes. Each black berrycontains one seed; berries are abundant on mature trees.Camphor trees may grow to 65 feet; produce a densecanopy of shade, shading out native plant species.Camphor tree is foundall over Florida, and isstill sold as a shadetree or for windbreaks. Trees arefound primarily indrier, disturbed areassuch as roadsides andfencerows, but alsofound in upland pinewoods, edges ofwetlands and scrubland.Control withtriclopyr ester usingbasal bark or cutstumpmethod. Pullseedlings by hand.45

Camphor treeCinnamomum camphoraMost identifiable characteristic is odor of the leaves andstems when crushed or broken. Both give off strong odorof camphor. Leaves are glossy green, simple, alternate andmostly ovate. Leaves may have wavy margins and are lightgreen. Leaf length is 1 1 /2 to 4 inches long and 1 /2 to 2inches wide. Twigs, leaves, and petioles are the same color.Flowers are small, greenish-white to cream in color andproduce small, black round drupes. Each black berrycontains one seed; berries are abundant on mature trees.Camphor trees may grow to 65 feet; produce a densecanopy of shade, shading out native plant species.Camphor tree is foundall over Florida, and isstill sold as a shadetree or for windbreaks. Trees arefound primarily indrier, disturbed areassuch as roadsides andfencerows, but alsofound in upland pinewoods, edges ofwetlands and scrubland.Control withtriclopyr ester usingbasal bark or cutstumpmethod. Pullseedlings by hand.45

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