Download - Sealaska Heritage Institute

Download - Sealaska Heritage Institute

Download - Sealaska Heritage Institute


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Matching: Match the key vocabulary words on the left with their definition on the right. Placethe letter of the definition in front of the word it matches.6) b subsequently7) d contexts8) e accreditation9) g unveiled10) f band11) c tunic12) a conventiona. a custom or a way of acting ordoing things that is widelyaccepted and followedb. follow in time, order and place; theauthor met authors who inspiredherc. a shirt or jacket reaching to or justbelow the hips; like those used intraditional Tlingit danced. the parts of something written orspoken that are near a certainword or group of words and thathelp to explain its meaning; Tlingitsongs and dances were mostlyperformed in ceremonies bymembers of the clan which helpedlisteners understand theme. to send with credentials; like ateacher with a certificate or degreef. something that binds or restrainslegally, morally, or spiritually; theTlingit people were encouraged tocome together in love and mutualsupport.g. to remove a veil or covering or towear for the first time as thestoryteller did with her headdressat her Auntie's memorial

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