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S e a l a s k a H e r i t a g e I n s t i t u t eBasic ReadingBASIC READINGSight Recognition1. Face - pg 160 - Mount words around the room. Darken room. Give first student a flashlight. Say a word.Student should turn on the flashlight and try to find the word. Can do in two teams and race against otherteam to find word.2. Student Support MaterialsSight Word Sequence Bingo - pg 162 - Give each student a sheet with all of the sight words. Studentsshould cut words apart and place three words on their desk in any sequence. Teacher should say a sequenceof three words. If a student has those three words in the order given, they win. Continue.READING COMPREHENSION1. Bingo - Give students Bingo sheet; have them write each word in a square. Say definition of DLP word.Students should cover up the word that you are defining. Repeat play as needed.2. What’s the Answer - pg 206 - Students should choose the correct answer.BASIC WRITING1. Use the activity pages from the Student Support Materials.2. Write one definition for each word.CREATIVE WRITING1. Use the activity pages from the Student Support Materials.2. Make sentences with words missing. Students complete orally or written.209

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