Download - Sealaska Heritage Institute

Download - Sealaska Heritage Institute

Download - Sealaska Heritage Institute


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Name: ___________________Date: ___________________Grade 11 Literature: Mosquito StoryIllustrations: Illustrate OR define the key vocabulary for each of the following items. Draw yourillustration in the space provided or write you definition on the lines below.1) The story teller, Robert Zuboff had a "seine boat". Illustrate OR write a description of a seineboat below.2) Due to the harshness of the interior and the lack of food, the people migrated to the coast.Illustrate OR write a description of migrated below.3) The story teller talks about the hard life in the Interior. Illustrate Interior OR write a definition ofinterior below.4) The story teller talks about one family whose food was getting very scare and one of them wenthunting. Illustrate OR write a description of scarce below.

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