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L i t e r a t u r e • M o s q u i t o1941. It was2. in this boat of mine,3. it was called “Guide,”4. I would travel around in it,5. seining.6. Well,7. my name8. in Tlingit9. is Shaadaax’.10. It was11. because of my name12. Geetwéin called me over.13. The one of long ago,14. he died long ago.15. I was a young man.16. From the time I was a young man17. I had a seine boat.18. I had19. a nineteen hundred and six model,20. from when they first came out.21. I had22. two of these big boats.23. The last one24. I gave to my son.25. But he razed it.26. He razed the boat,27. the same one I used to go around in.28. Then, knowing what my name was,29. Geetwéin said to me:30. “I would like very much to explain to you31. this name of yours.”32. We were living there33. in the Interior.34. Our life there35. was so exigent.36. The salmon.37. From the ocean38. they would come up for us to eat.39. The salmon.40. and these how good they tasted to us,41. the salmon.42. It was very43. exigent44. to live in the Interior.45. It was so exigent46. the people

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