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Download - Sealaska Heritage Institute

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L i t e r a t u r e • M o s q u i t o1. It was2. in this boat of mine,3. it was called “Guide,”4. I would travel around in it,5. _________ .6. Well,7. my name8. in Tlingit9. is Shaadaax’.10. It was11. because of my name12. Geetwéin called me over.13. The one of long ago,14. he died long ago.15. I was a young man.16. From the time I was a young man17. I had a _________ boat.18. I had19. a nineteen hundred and six model,20. from when they first came out.21. I had22. two of these big boats.23. The last one24. I gave to my son.25. But he _________ it.26. He _________ the boat,27. the same one I used to go around in.28. Then, knowing what my name was,29. Geetwéin said to me:30. “I would like very much to explain to you31. this name of yours.”32. We were living there33. in the _________ .34. Our life there35. was so _________ .36. The salmon.37. From the ocean38. they would come up for us to eat.39. The salmon.40. and these how good they tasted to us,41. the salmon.42. It was very43. _________44. to live in the Interior.45. It was so _________46. the people1. It was2. in this boat of mine,3. it was called “Guide,”4. I would travel around in it,5. _________ .6. Well,7. my name8. in Tlingit9. is Shaadaax’.10. It was11. because of my name12. Geetwéin called me over.13. The one of long ago,14. he died long ago.15. I was a young man.16. From the time I was a young man17. I had a _________ boat.18. I had19. a nineteen hundred and six model,20. from when they first came out.21. I had22. two of these big boats.23. The last one24. I gave to my son.25. But he _________ it.26. He _________ the boat,27. the same one I used to go around in.28. Then, knowing what my name was,29. Geetwéin said to me:30. “I would like very much to explain to you31. this name of yours.”32. We were living there33. in the _________ .34. Our life there35. was so _________ .36. The salmon.37. From the ocean38. they would come up for us to eat.39. The salmon.40. and these how good they tasted to us,41. the salmon.42. It was very43. _________44. to live in the Interior.45. It was so _________46. the people190

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