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L i t e r a t u r e • M o s q u i t oOrder of OperationsOrder of OperationsActivities below from Replacing Thing-a-ma-jig- The Developmental Language Processby Jim MacDiarmidMotivationIntroduce/develop the vocabulary illustrations for the key words. Students will not see printed words untilBasic Reading (Sight Recognition) activities, later in the lesson.BASIC LISTENING1. Show students the pictures and speak each vocabulary word. Continually repeat the vocabulary words tothe students as you go through the process.2. Sequence Match - pg. 81 - Number flash cards 1-3. Line up the DLP pictures on the board. Say threesequences of three3 vocabulary words in different order. Students should hold up the number of the correctsequence that is on the board.BASIC SPEAKING1. Illustration Build-Up - pg 104 - Point to two of the illustrations. Students should say the vocabularywords. Keep pointing and adding another word until students lose track of sequence.2. Disappearing Illustrations - pg 96 - Hang five or six illustrations on the board, vertically. Point to thetop picture and students should name it. Continue this way until the students have named all of theillustrations from top to bottom. Remove the last illustration, but continue to say the word as you repeatthe words.LISTENING COMPREHENSION1. The Revealing Illustration - pg 129 – Mount all illustrations to the board. Students close their eyes.Cover one illustration with a sheet of paper. Students open their eyes. Slowly uncover the picture untilstudents can name illustration.CREATIVE SPEAKING1. High Card Draw- pg 145- Each student gets a playing card. Two students should show their cards. Thestudent with the highest card has to say a sentence using the vocab word that teacher points to. Continueand switch cards as often as needed.112

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